Chloe Strider

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Your Ability
2/14/2015 3:23pm

@Hannah Lalonde

Hey, Hannah. Nice to meet ya. And you think this spell will help..? I mean, it's kinda risky. I don't want to lose my ability. After all, that's why I'm at this school in the first place.

It's alright having the ability, it's just kinda worrisome. I think I can deal with it for the most part. I've had to deal with it for a while. So, thanks for trying to help, but I think I'll pass.

By the way, it's nice to hear that you don't plan on trying to get into my pants (even if you are a girl). Lookin' forward to becomin' friends with ya.


Your Ability
2/14/2015 2:40pm

Yo. My name is Chloe Strider as you can see. Today was like any other day: Boring. I sat in my room doing jack shit because of my fucking ability. Yeah, sure, its cool to have sometimes, but other times, it's a complete and utter pain in the ass. Today's V-Day and I've had these guys on my trail every since this god forsaken day started. I had to lock myself in my room because people can't seem to keep their pants on at the moment. I guess that's my ability or whatever. To be completely honest, it's a pretty shitty ability. I mean, making everyone fall head over heels for you. Screw that shit. I would prefer having the ability of being able to keep a clean room.