Elena Greene 2

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7/14/2015 9:05pm

Dear Violet,
UGH!! I simply HATE my brother. I can't wait to go to Psychic High in the fall. Guess what James did! Guess!! Oh, alright, I'll tell you. You wouldn't be able to figure it out, anyway, it's so NOT JAMES.
James is my older brother. But only by 17 months, so it's not THAT big of a deal. Still, all everyone talks about is how "mature" he is. Well let me tell you: He isn't mature in the slightest. Unless you call the fact that he considers poop to be funny and likes to pretend he's a world class spy mature.
Anyway, HE FREAKING STOLE MY BOOK!!!!! THAT IS SOOOOOOO WRONG IN THE GREENE HOUSE. ON SOOOOO MANY LEVELS. You see, my family is basically a bunch of nerds. We are smart, read a lot, and play a bunch of war/strategy video games (even my parents). Stealing a book is like a crime in the Greene house. It's punishable with grounding. But the problem is, I can't prove it was him. Who's to say I didn't just steal it myself and frame him? In the eyes of my parents, he's still that "mature" 16-yr-old boy of theirs. But I know the truth. I know he stole the book himself. It was a really good book, too. It was called "Charlie Bone and the Hidden King" by Jenny Nimmo. Wendy Linno? I don't remember. The main character, Charlie came from a long line of gifted people, decendants of a powerful sorcerer called the Red King. Charlie's gift is hearing what people were saying at the time that a photo was taken, just by looking at the photo. It's super cool. Charlie goes to a school where all the decendants of the Red King from his area go, and has all the adventures described in the book there.
It reminds me of myself and Psychic High. I just wish my gift was something cool like hearing the people talking in photos instead of just hearing, seeing, smelling, and feeling everything that was ever in the area I'm in. It gets annoying. You have no idea how many people threw up in my house in the 1980s alone. Seriously.
I have to go track James down. I'm going to try to set up a cam facing his room, then go inside, try to get the book, and he'll fight back. Then when Mom sees that he has it, and is struggling to keep it from me, she will believe I didn't frame him. And then I'll get my book back AND James will be grounded. It'll kill two birds with one stone. Well not literally birds and not a literal stone. But at a museum near my house, there was a man who killed two birds by kicking a piece of gravel on accident into the bigger one's throat, and when it died of suffocation, it fell over on top of the considerably smaller one and the smaller one was pinned down and died, also of suffocation. I think that was back in 1973. I'm not really sure. The years are all slurred together now. But, seriously, Violet, I need to go teach James a lesson: NEVER to mess with Elena Delenora Greene! (That sounded so heroic, and I don't mean to ruin the moment, but I just wanted to say that I don't own Charlie Bone (for any Internet people who will sue me for mentioning it). It belongs to Jenny Nimmo. (Penny Willow?))

- Elena Greene

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Elena Greene
7/13/2015 11:27pm

Dear Violet,
I know this is my second post today, but I thought I would just clear everything up. I WILL TRY (note the TRY) to update regularly. But I may not depending on what's happening that day. K. :)

- Elena Greene

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Elena Greene
7/13/2015 11:25pm

Dear Violet,
I just hope I didn't fail because I haven't been on in months. Why, you ask? Because I didn't know my password. So eventually, I just decided to make a new account. Since Elena Greene was already taken, I just went with Elena Greene 2. *shrugs* Simple and easy to remember. I also wrote down my PW so I don't lose it this time. Have a nice day. :)

- Elena Greene