Grady Pidgeons

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9/22/2015 5:51pm

We are the universe that we create for ourselves. All of the possible outcomes that can occur in our lives are in direct correlation to how we choose to live and see the world. We often, as a species, channel our negativity to an outside source. We blame our environment for our problems, but all we have to remember is the saying: "It's all in your head." Reality is inside of you. You experience life as if it is outside of yourself, but you are life. If there is something wrong with life, or you think badly about something or somebody, it's all in your head. You are the negative or positive outcome of however you choose to perceive a situation.

You can, in turn, cause your own bliss, invent your own happiness; all it takes is a change of perspective from the observed to the observer. We are so caught up as a species in being known, noticed, appreciated, etc. Anything that will put us in the spotlight invokes a positive reinforcement in us, even if it has an overall negative impact on our well-being and self-worth. We base our opinions of ourselves off of others' opinions of us (and of themselves). If we can step out of that and see how these views truly affects us, we can move to a higher state of thinking, out of judgment and fear of being judged and into the ebb and flow of the waves loving and being loved unconditionally.

Creativity is the key with which you can unlock your own contentment. Creative minds work outside of time, worrying less about the destination and more about the adventure. Rather than stepping on others to get to the top, they lend a helping hand to help each other along. Competition does not exist in this realm, because no one strives to be better than the other, rather all are celebrated for their individual achievements. This is the state in which happiness is achieved, where rather than a goal, it is an outcome. Live fully and enjoy the ride, rather than setting expectations and doing anything to reach them, as that can only lead to disappointment. Above all else, love yourself, and your path will unfold before you.

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