Internal Memo

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Psychic Timeshare
10/13/2024 11:29pm


███: According to the report, the kids slipped in through an open window. She says she might of left it open for her cats.

█ ██: Or to air the place out. She is the "High" Counselor.

(group chuckles)

███: In any case, we can now assume complete control of the facility. It's a hazard and she's negligent. Kids going into temporal fugues, parents to apologize to, out-of-court settlements to make. It's gonna cost us but it'll be worth it. She'll get disciplined and out of the way and we can put in some real security and lock it down right.

█████ ███: About damn time. We're lucky some kid didn't wipe out the next half century. All the investment we’ve put into these futures…. the construction, the logistics, the long range planning…

█ ██: The future doesn’t just make itself!

███: And who's going to build the next generation of workers, if not us?

█████ ███: Damn straight.

█ ██: And anything to keep the Dry Bone people out of the picture.

(the group is silent)

███: You're not supposed to mention them by name. And you keep doing it.

█ ██: Oh, yeah. Sorry.