Jeremiah the Hunch

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Hexa-Flexa THIS!
2/7/2015 5:15pm

Anybody seen @Kevin II? I finally got around on my promise to drop by and talk to his roommate about the dangers of Space Folding Addiction, but he doesn't seem to be anywhere. Or he's avoiding me on purpose. I kept thinking I spotted him out of the corner of my eye, but I'd turn and he wasn't there.

I did, however, get to meet his roommate, and discovered he's actually kind of a great guy. Totally nice, totally funny. He invited me in and we hung out and yes, we folded space a little, but I can do it now when I want, in small amounts, and keep it under control. So, for instance, only after the sun goes down, or with somebody else, if they invite me, or if I just need to keep in practice.

Honestly, and I'm kind of embarrassed to say this, but I think it was so mellow hanging out in that room because Kevin II wasn't there! I know that sounds mean, but apparently Kevin II is kind of uptight about shoes and where everything goes and not touching anything and how exactly you're supposed to sit on the couch. Ok kind of a neurotic freak!

Kevin II's roommate said he'd been seeing less and less of him. Maybe Kevin II got a new room assignment? I wish him well. And me and his roommate made plans to hangout next week, so that's cool.

Be seeing you, @Kevin II!

Hexa-Flexa THIS!
12/30/2014 1:59pm

People like @Huzita Hatori can keep thinking space folding is "cool," but you can see how they romanticize it, and use to get on their social justice high horse.

Like I've said before, intradimensional space folding can become a problem. I know. I've been there.

I was real good at it, won some awards even, but after a while I just couldn't stop. Before long I'd folded up everything and everyone I loved - my whole world folded up in a neat little manifold I could keep in my pocket.

And then I lost it. The manifold, that is. I just kept fiddling and fiddling and folding it up till I'm not sure what I did but it just folded away. And when it goes that far, there's no coming back.

So there I was, in the Intra Zone. Everything fuzzy white - like living in a ping pong ball. No horizon, no depth. All I had left was making nowhere plans, for nobody.

I'm not sure how long I was there. Well, in fact, there's no time there, so that's moot. But eventually an exploratory intraspatial team from a P.E. class at Psyhigh happened through my void, and brought me here.

I learned the hard way. And I've made it my mission to make sure nobody else has to.

I'd be happy to meet your roommate, @Kevin II, and have a little talk.

Hexa-Flexa THIS!
12/12/2014 2:27pm

If you're thinking of an intervention - and I'd suggest it - I'd be happy to help, @Kevin II.

Hexa-Flexa THIS!
12/12/2014 2:23pm

And, @Kevin II, it got to be a real problem. I folded up everything I knew, and then I couldn't find it anymore.

Hexa-Flexa THIS!
12/12/2014 2:21pm

Hey @Kevin II - I used to be addicting to folding myself.