Jerry Sterr

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4/24/2015 8:58am

Whelp. Baby Cthulhu and I are best friends now. Fun Fact: he didn't even know his name was Cthulhu! Crazy, right? Anyway, B.C. and I are just getting ready to play some more Guitar Hero. This time, co-op.

Also, considering he didn't know his own name, maybe that gives us an opportunity. Anyone have an idea for a name for the little bugger? Of course I say "anyone" because that is how I refer to my journal. No one else could possibly be reading this, right? RIGHT?

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4/23/2015 7:56am

After a long and exhausting series of duels, Baby Cthulhu and I progressed no where. You would think that with only 4 claws per hand, I would have the advantage. But somehow, this bundle of R'lyeh cuteness has managed to tie me on every single song, regardless of the difficulty. Could he be trying to tell me something. B.C., are you not beating me on purpose? Do you me to be your equal? Maybe even, your friend?

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4/22/2015 9:03am

I've decided my best course of action is to attack Baby Cthulhu as soon as possible. The less time he has to prepare, the better, right? *Inches door to living space open* Just look at that cute ball of death (for those who don't know who I am referring to, use some form of image search, be it Google or your mind, and look for "Baby Cthulhu"). I do my best to suppress the rage that wells up in my very soul as I step towards him. My heart is pounding. When I'm sure I'm close enough, I reach for the axe strapped to my back, and B.C. looks up at me with those adorable demon eyes. The axe swings down, and I stop it inches from his face. With as much confidence as I can muster, I scream, probably loud enough for anyone on the planet to hear in their mind, "I CHALLENGE THEE TO A BATTLE OF THE MOST EPIC PROPORTIONS. A SINGLE DUEL, NO RETREAT, NO SURRENDER. I CHALLENGE YOU TO GUITAR HERO III"

This should be interesting...

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4/21/2015 8:39am

@Scilph, my abilities appear to randomly appear, in times that do not seem to create a pattern. For example, I have a great fear of the menacingly adorable Baby Cthulhu, but some portion of my mind has told me I shall survive the night. In regards to those "crush" things, I still do not completely know. Drawing from the media, I have discovered that it may be a feeling you develop towards someone that makes you both terrified, and elated to see someone. While I may claim that I am reading no feelings from the other person, I also seem to notice from the media that this could be me being self conscious. Reality truly can be cruel. At least I still have my epic duel with B.C. to look forward to. If I manage to survive, I shall endeavor to assist in the quest for the cure to this "Love" disease.

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4/21/2015 8:16am

Day 1: My brother just unknowingly brought home a new "pet". Thinking it was simply a cool looking octopus, I now need to battle baby Cthulhu. I don't know when, where, or how, but I will bide my time until I bring about the gruesome demise to this, slightly adorable, unruly beast. If I survive the night, which, looking into the future, I will, I shall post an update tomorrow.

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4/20/2015 8:38am

The great part about being psychic, is the lack of awkwardness of asking people out. I never understood those TV shows where people get upset by rejection. I can just move straight to the crippling sorrow of knowing that my crush doesn't truly love me!

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4/20/2015 8:32am

For a while, I wondered if I was, in fact, psychic. However, I realized that, by using my own psychic abilities, I could read my own mind to determine whether I was psychic or not. I am.

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