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12/28/2015 7:58pmMonday, December 28, 2015 9:24pm
(The wifi signal is good here!)
Hello, my name is Lauren...well I'm Lauren 2.0. The other Lauren that usually blogs is the original Lauren. Anyway, I kinda just lost my train of thought right now, hold up.
Ok! I got it back, so like I was going to say, original Lauren has been bugging me to join this school. But, I declined her offer, and instead, I'm writing a journal post. And all through out the creation of this post she kept on saying "No! You do not put a comma there! What type of books are you reading?" and also, "No don't type that, or you'll ruin my account!" She also made fun of ALL of my spelling errors! Earlier she also asked if moving her ribcage back and forth was normal! Then she started to rant about how there is new technology so people can walk on walls. Also she had so much Pepsi that she had a laughing fit for about 3 to 4 minutes, and then started to do a bunch of random stuff, while I was just laughing my butt off. Well thats all I got for you, I'll blog never again on this. I'm just kidding, I will sometime later. Goodbye, I'll see you on the other side.
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12/25/2015 12:47pmNO ONE GO OUTSIDE. THE BIG RED IMPOSTER HAS COME. He is coming to take our cookies and leave mystery cubes under the big dead plant. He rides a flying car and commands small leprechauns to build toys. He is extremely dangerous and cannot be trusted. BE VIGILANT.
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12/25/2015 11:50amHello, my fellow students! I'm new here and I really find this school quite strange. I saw a fish walking around campus eating fish sticks the other day and no one believed me! Which would've offended me if everyone here wasn't so deeply disturbed. Larry said that he saw a ghost of a Platypus in the library and everyone ran out screaming. Eventually, I went back in to check it out and saw Larry eating something furry and blue. When I questioned him, he said "Ferb is in trouble." and walked out. Someone please explain how any of this is sane. Good evening!
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12/25/2015 11:35amMy day was great! I talked to a cow named MO.
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