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10/7/2015 6:14pm

Entry #9:
I haven't been here in a long time, it's not that I've been busy, just very tired. Faeries have moved into the community I built by the garden, they get pretty rowdy at night though. They're also extremely messy. My birthday is soon, although I'm not excited for it I love the time it's around, so that's good I suppose. Also, Jasper is well. That's all I really have to say now, see you later!

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7/9/2015 11:26pm

Entry #8:
My life hasn't been very eventful, a member of my family took over some days of my job. It's quite annoying but I'm fine with it for the most part. The exploding soaps failed, sadly, but I did make my own patterned fireworks! That was very entertaining. I also added to my garden. This time it was Peppermint and Chamomile. I'm going to start building a place for any faeries to stay in near the garden. That's all for now I suppose! Buh-bye!

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6/15/2015 2:38pm

Entry #7:
Oh how I've missed the school, all I've been doing is sleeping, eating, and working. No time for experiments, no adventures! I'm beginning to shut down slowly but fret not, I've gotten a few days off to experiment. I'm going to make a couple of exploding soaps. Hopefully no-one gets hurt in the process! Goodbye again!

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5/28/2015 3:18am

Entry #6:
I've been extremely tired lately and it's been affecting not only me but Jasper and my abilities. I added the Sage and Angelica Root to my garden, the plants are doing very well. Other than that I'm just trying to get used to being so tired, or fixing it. Farewell for today!

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5/24/2015 4:14am

Entry #5:
My new burner came in mysteriously fast, I don't really think I ordered it anyway. I wonder if someone's watching me, was it the person who left me the Carousel Music Box? Who knows. I started a garden recently, only have Hemlock and Wolfsbane growing currently. Probably going to order up some Sage and Angelica Root to add soon. I'll also be heading down to help clean the fruit stand out more later today. I guess that's all I have to talk about for now. Goodbye!

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5/21/2015 10:32pm

Entry #4:
I tried to change up my crystal bits recipe today, let's just say you shouldn't add charcoal unless you don't feel like keeping your burner in working condition. I need to go get a replacement soon but I have enough bits for Jasper to last about a week. Not much happening other than that right now. Bye again!

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5/20/2015 11:13pm

Entry #3:
It seems I've been too busy to post as of late. I'll be working for my grandparents starting early June. They own a fruit stand which we cleaned up a few days ago. It was full of relics of the past and bugs, a ton of bugs. My father also continues to avoid his housework. I guess I haven't been that busy then, just tired. Hopefully this job will help move things along with the plans. I plan on conducting a very long and dangerous experiment, not sure what on though. Until next time then!

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5/15/2015 1:52pm

Entry #2:
I found out today that the portal is movable, which is very nice for my constant travels. Other than that the candles on my window-sill lit by themselves again, pretty sure the books changed as well. I hope they change back soon since I was in the middle of one in the previous set. Oh! My window was also opened and someone left me a gift. It's a little Carousel Music Box! I love it very much but there was no letter, only a small bunch of colour changing miniature flowers. Thinking back to yesterday though I don't think I mentioned my dogs name. His name is Jasper and he is a very picky animal. I have to make all his food myself, nothing but the best. Such a strange dog....Alas! Not much other than that happened today so I'll be taking my leave. Until tomorrow!

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5/14/2015 9:28am

Entry #1:
I found this place through a strange portal in the closet under my stairs, is that a normal occurrence? I've never had a good experience in that closet, I hope this doesn't turn out to be a bad thing as usual. There was one time I stepped on a razor backed creature, didn't notice until I saw the blood though. Now that I think about it I get hurt a lot. I really should be more careful. Well I suppose that's all for today, I can hear the dog howling at my father again. Silly man doesn't know how to make crystal bits.

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