Noreen Human
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3/1/2025 11:26pmOk I will admit it. I really hate those tests. I get nervous and freeze up and make mistakes. I feel like I'm being singled out. And after I fail like 5 or 6 in a row, I just now they've figured out where I am and it's only a matter of time.
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Psycience Fair - 6/25/2024 11:25pmI am really not comfortable with the security measures on campus regarding the Psycience Fair. Just like any everyday regular human would be.
But I can't really make a big deal about it. Which is also just a regular 100% human thing.
Right? Did I pass?
5/10/2024 8:37pmI went to a Human Test Party last night.
Guess what I PASSED!
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Say Hello! - 3/19/2024 10:50pmI am a human. 100% human. Yessiree. Nothing to see here. Only just regular human. Yup.