Ora Riley
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3/5/2025 4:28pmThere's gotten to be so many I've set up a watering station for them. It's along the road by the ditch behind my house. They seem able to consume about anything, so I've got a little card table with water, lemonade, tomato juice, lighter fluid, old motor oil... They come up with their big almond eyes and long skinny fingers and grab the cups and put them to their mouths. It was messy for awhile till I figured out they needed straws.
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1/19/2025 11:43pmSometimes you see them in the city at night, flitting around downtown between dumpsters in alleyways. Those ones aren't so trusting, and seem to know their own way around. Still harmless -- their little bodies are soft and don't even have fingernails or toe nails or teeth, and I've never seen one with a weapon or a belt, or any clothes at all for that matter. But the city ones act like they know what they're doing, whereas the ones that appear in the country and the suburbs seem more helpless. Maybe they just have farther to go between portals.
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11/21/2024 10:23pmToday there were a six of them hanging outside the grocery store, trying to act casual. I let them know I was cool (I've picked up some of their body language) and escorted them in the store and to the doors that go to the backend/warehouse part.
They thanked me and headed off through their little portal with that "poip!" sound.
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10/11/2024 11:32pmI'm pulling a truckload of cabbage. There's bunch of the little guys tucked underneath.
"Hey quit eating that cabbage!"
There's no telling what it would do to their metabolism. I mean, they can breathe our atmosphere, and the gravity seems to suit them. Maybe they'd be OK. But too much sunlight is bad for them -- they wither right up.
"Chomp chomp chomp"
My friend says the federal cops round them all up in pens, or camps, or something. Some place with barbed wire and cages. Which is the opposite of what anybody needs because then they're stuck here.
"Hold your horses! We're almost there."
The trailer's got a lift in it, so you can empty it like a dump truck.
These guys I dump in the ass end of a farmer's field. That's where they told me the portal was.
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7/30/2024 10:49pm"C'mon you guys! Into the bus!"
I had four of them with me, all dressed in trench coats so they wouldn't be recognized. They're short, as I'm sure you've seen in the pictures, so the trench coats were really dragging. But the sleeves were long and the collars turned up and they had fedoras on so you couldn't see their faces.
"Alrighty guys. Now just follow me."
They shuffled along behind me off the bus and into the mall. These ones got mixed up in the revolving door like they always do so that took some sorting out, but soon we made it to the atrium and the little service door behind the fountain.
"Have a good trip you guys!"
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5/26/2024 11:55pmAnyway, like I said. They were just passing through. I'm not sure why this wasn't clear to everybody. I guess a lot of humans are more of the "shoot first and ask questions later" when it comes to the unknown. But the three behind my shed, they were just looking for another portal.
See, they didn't have spaceships or anything. That was all the media and government disinformation. They just came through their little portals, like the one behind my shed. And they had to leave through another portal. It usually wasn't too far away. Mostly they could just walk. Sometimes they had to hop trains.
But they were just passing through. For some reason they just had to come through Earth. Come out of one portal, leave through another. If there hadn't been portals in such populated areas, nobody'd probably spotted them at all, and there wouldn't have been all this trouble.
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4/2/2024 8:59amThere were three behind our shed that night. Hiding, but not exactly scared of us. More like they just weren't sure how to approach us. Awkward.
I guess we're all lucky they weren't scarier looking.
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2/15/2024 11:27pmThe aliens were just passing through. They never had any intention of staying, or taking over, or consuming our planet and eating us.
That's one from behind our shed that very first night.
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New Year = New You - 1/6/2024 11:45pmYeah I m one of the kids who helped the aliens. And it made everything a lot better than it would have been if I hadn't, OK? That's gotta b clear. I don't know why so many r h8ting on me