Samantha Storm

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2/27/2015 7:15pm

Today was interesting. I saw to what extent my powers are currently capable of going. I can create a light thunderstorm, heavy rain with minimal thunder and lightning. I may or may not have used this power when upset with some girls for using their telekinesis to slam a door in my face and lock it. One of them then went on to even use her ability to manipulate gravity to put my books on the ceiling. I got rather upset, and decided a little revenge was in order. I put all my focus into it and conjured a few clouds above them. They didn't even realize who was doing it. I made it start to rain, then I decided to see how hard I could make it rain. I found the above information was what I could do. I was pleased, to say the least.

Being the new girl isn't so bad, most people are friendly and it's interesting to see what others are capable of. People seem to be interested in my power as well, which is always reassuring. I hope to learn how to channel my power more and see how far I really can go. Hopefully one day I will be able to sense natural disasters and stop them from happening, or at least warn people. Or give a town new life with a much-needed rainfall. I hope Psyhigh will teach me how to channel these abilities within myself.

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