Sindra the Bee Tamer

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Psychic Timeshare
10/19/2024 10:48pm

i hadn't ever noticed before, but all our individual moments gots little id codes on them!

i mean, there's lots to tell the time cells apart, like all the scenery :-p but if you know how to look for it, there's little clues woven in. that's how you know you're in the right one.

now, you're probably saying "sindra, isn't that creepy? like some mark of the beast level shit? bar code tats and all that?"

nah. not since i seen it in the TIMESTREAM (whoa!)

so, yeah, there is a whole lotta trickery in terms of how you wanna spend your time, and it's real easy to just buy it off the shelf and not even read the label. that stuff'll kill you. in the forever way.

but i'm talking free range, baby! i slipped out of the package and out of the whole dang supermarket. but even out here, there's time org, man. that's why they're all encoded. otherwise everything'd happen all at once and where's the fun in that?


and there's my bestie, betsy the black bird. probably a crow.

"comin' betsy!"

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