Speck Mason

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Club of Clubs Contest
10/2/2024 5:17pm

Choosing the Club of Clubs is no easy task. Every club at Psyhigh adds to the life of the school in its own special way, and getting on the wrong side of any of them can disrupt the delicate balance of power that holds our fragile reality together. And we certainly don't want a repeat of last year!

With that in mind, and after a thorough round of pre-cognitive forecasting, this year's Club of Clubs winner is: the Planetary Correction and Creation Club! Because we've seen what can happen if those planets are not properly corrected.

So, congats to @Aliah, the President of the Planetary Correction and Creation Club, who will get to decide who to share their prize of a freshly laundered Psyhigh gym shirt with.

Thanks to everybody who entered, and keep on clubbing!

Speck Mason
Psyhigh Club Register Registrar
Psychic High School

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Club of Clubs Contest
8/31/2024 11:09pm

What do you call a Club of Clubs? No, I'm not talking divination--I'm talking teenage nation! 

Here at Psyhigh it's important that all clubs be registered. That way, things don't get out of control, like last year, with the "vying for control" and the "trans-dimensional war." 

Each club leader just needs to tell us a little about their club, and leave a lock of hair or some fingernail clippings. No big deal!

This year, just to make things "fun," we'll be choosing one newly registered club and awarding them their very own Psyhigh Mandatory P.E. t-shirt! I guess all the members of the winning club can share.

The winning club will be chosen on their originality, usefulness, legality, good looks, charisma, and threat level.

So tell us all about your club. Multiple entries encouraged! The winning entry will be announced here in this journal at the end of the month, so stay tuned!

Speck Mason
Psyhigh Club Register Registrar
Psychic High School