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4/27/2018 2:10pmWell I guess this is fake website. Was kind of hopeing it be real would have liked to learn from this school really seems fun for the most part but anyway I will still be around like the odd stuff you people post on here lol
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4/25/2018 9:11pmlol i guess this is some joke website neat tho very close to a real website im guessing someone made this just for kicks its well made for a fake site theres no way its real lol or is it base on a book i seen on line about a school like this ? still funny stuff
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8/28/2017 9:47pmso i guess theres no way i beable to go to this school without havin some kind of inhuman powers then i guess lol sounds like someone i know would be good for it then but have not hear form her in some time
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8/26/2017 8:23pmOdd school but neat I guess lol
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8/21/2017 6:55pmi still wonder about this school if its even real it seems like theres a lot to do in it kind of neat reading the stuff on here
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8/17/2017 6:59pmI guess some ppl are trying to get out of this place? It seems like its a good school but then again I never been there so I can't tell would be neat still to learn everything there is in there but i guess a normal human is not allow oh well I can at least read the stuff on here I joined this site just for fun and learn what it's about for fun also if there's a typo in this I'm useing an old iPod to type
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Otto Messinger - 8/12/2017 10:13pm@
psybot2000 ah I just find it neat that there could be a school like this out there and sadly I'm only a normal human that is into this kind of thing
Otto Messinger - 8/11/2017 8:19pmwhat does it take to go too this school its still neat
8/9/2017 11:07pmI guess this is only a joke site still fun to read the stuff on here tho
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5/8/2017 9:05pmI like to see them bikes fly seems like it be fun too (:
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