Theone who knows
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Elizabeth magnolia repeats her post. - 6/29/2021 8:36amYou have psychic abilities and can you believe in Yahweh and the holy Spirit? And absolute yes.
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Annie Sweet mentions mob of apostates - 6/29/2021 8:31amAnnie Sweet I love everybody and I love you too please do not stumble.
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Elizabeth magnolia repeats her post. - 6/29/2021 8:29amI understand what you're saying about anything owl.
Annie Sweet mentions mob of apostates - 6/29/2021 8:24amI see that your faith is strong and I don't want you to stumble.
Annie Sweet mentions mob of apostates - 6/29/2021 8:19amI got a question for you how long have you been in contact with the mob of a apostates? No offense I know your faith is strong too but I don't want you to stumble.
Annie Sweet mentions mob of apostates - 6/29/2021 8:18amAnnie Sweet please don't make me have to post this again. Again God is not trying to strike fear in people. God wicked like that God is not wicked at all. The original Greek word for hell was Hades it just means pit or grave. Hebrew word is she'ohl it is just the abode of the Dead. In Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 5 it talks about the dead knowing nothing at all. What happens when you're dead? You don't feel nothing you can't hear nothing you can't see nothing you can't remember anything you can't taste you can't do anything you're basically just unconscious. People Mistranslate the word hell. It was never in God's heart to pass people through fire. Hellfire does not exist. Exodus 34:6 God is love, Isaiah 54:10 it says that God's covenant of peace and love will not be removed. I will show you more scriptures about God's love another time. Whoever told you all about hell fire is an apostate. Sorry about the repeated post about God's love. I don't know what happened but that's just Satan trying to cause annoyance. I forgot to put the rest of Exodus chapter 34 where talks about God's love if you keep reading from 5 down to 7 God is very forgiving and loving pardoning error transgression and sin. So was it in God's heart to torment people? Never!!
Annie Sweet mentions mob of apostates - 6/29/2021 8:17amAnnie Sweet please don't make me have to repeat this post about God's love how long have you been in contact with the mob of apostates?
6/29/2021 7:51amI forgot to put the rest of Exodus chapter 34 where talks about God's love if you keep reading from 5 down to 7 God is very forgiving and loving pardoning error transgression and sin. So was it in God's heart to torment people? Never!!
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Elizabeth magnolia repeats her post. - 6/29/2021 7:42amSorry about the repeated post about God's love. I don't know what happened but that's just Satan trying to cause annoyance.
6/29/2021 7:40amAgain God is not trying to strike fear in people. God wicked like that God is not wicked at all. The original Greek word for hell was Hades it just means pit or grave. Hebrew word is she'ohl it is just the abode of the Dead. In Ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 5 it talks about the dead knowing nothing at all. What happens when you're dead? You don't feel nothing you can't hear nothing you can't see nothing you can't remember anything you can't taste you can't do anything you're basically just unconscious. People Mistranslate the word hell. It was never in God's heart to pass people through fire. Hellfire does not exist. Exodus 34:6 God is love, Isaiah 54:10 it says that God's covenant of peace and love will not be removed. I will show you more scriptures about God's love another time. Whoever told you all about hell fire is an apostate.
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