Veronica Sawyer

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Rewriting Your Reflection
3/30/2016 8:04am

March 30th, 2016.
Dear Diary,
Just when I thought this whole reflection crisis was over, some kids have started a revolution.
Like, not just a protest in the courtyard where everyone sings "Kumbaya" and strums their ukuleles and all that stuff, no, this is something straight out of Les Miserables.
I don't know who to believe. Am I really safe? Did I endanger myself when I rewrote my reflection a few weeks ago? Will I spend the rest of my life trapped in an Image Prison?
The thing in the courtyard, that giant reflective monolith or whatever it is, is getting bigger every day. I'm scared, Dear Diary. I don't know whose side to take. I just hope everyone comes out alive.
Vive La Revolution,
Veronica Sawyer

Rewriting Your Reflection
3/17/2016 11:02am

March 17, 2016.
Dear Diary,
Well, today the infirmary staff, draped in iridescent robes, whispered in my mind that all the Mirror World bullshit has blown over and it's safe to look in the mirror again, blah blah blah. Thank God.
So I'm back in the game, studying shards of pottery from dead civilizations, reading over my runes until my eyes bleed, downing can after can of Red Bull, waiting to take my finals. They're giving me extended time because of all the quarantine stuff, which is great. I need all the time I can get.
The other Veronica, @Veronica V. Vincent , seemed really happy to see me again. She always speaks in an OVERLY ENTHUSIASTIC TONE, which I honestly find really, really, creepy.
Maybe we'll start our own clique. Like at my old school, those three girls all named Heather, a triumvirate of mythic bitches.
All we need is a third Veronica.
Well, dear Diary, I've got thirty minutes until finals begin, and I need all the luck I can get, seeing that luck hasn't exactly been on my side lately.
Happy days are here again,
Veronica Sawyer

Rewriting Your Reflection
3/10/2016 6:33am

March 10, 2016.
Dear Diary,
Jesus Christ, I messed up.
You know Murphy's law, right? Whatever can go wrong, will go wrong.
Well, dear Diary, it's seeming more and more that I am the human embodiment of Murphy's law. Apparently I /wasn't/ supposed to look in the mirror for the reflection thing.
And now I'm in the goddamn infirmary, and apparently I'm "under quarantine." What's that supposed to mean?! How long am I gonna be kept away from my classes? Shit, I can see my GPA crumbling before my eyes.
My head's still pounding like a bitch - maybe it's because of the Mirror World, maybe it's because my essay on dead languages is due today, maybe it's a combination of both.
Screw me and my horrible luck, Diary. I'm going to take a nap.
Yours in misfortune,
Veronica Sawyer

Rewriting Your Reflection
3/9/2016 7:53am

March 9, 2016.
Dear Diary,
This morning I woke up at 5:00, stared at myself in the mirror for 15 minutes, and rewrote my reflection. The whole ordeal messed with my brain and now I've got a killer headache.
This whole "Mirror World" business is confusing as hell. The last thing I need is to fall through my mirror a la "Alice Through the Looking Glass" the week before finals!
But I turned the reflection thing in last class, and hopefully this whole mirror dimension thing blows over. Hope this isn't a repeat of the time travel fiasco from last year.
I'm so stressed, Diary. The last thing I need is a space-time continuum disaster on my hands.
I'm still praying for a better way.
Veronica Sawyer.

3/7/2016 9:41am

March 7, 2016.
Dear Diary,
I used to think I was a good person. Hell, at the beginning of the year I was certain there was good in everybody. I still try to tell myself that life can be beautiful, still pray for a better way...
But here we are, Diary, halfway through senior year and I'm at the end of my rope. I've been seeing more and more of the future since I left Sherwood, Ohio. I can't shake the feeling that something bad's going to happen. Something horrible, probably.
And worst of all, it's going to be my fault.
The last thing I need on my hands is a body count. For Pete's sake, I'm still waiting on my college acceptance letters to come in! I don't need my S.A.T.A.N test scores to be sent to Alcatraz instead of Stanford!
Things will get better soon as my letter comes from Unknowable University or wherever. As long as it's a Hemlock League college.
I sit next to this really overenthusiastic girl in Bioalchemy - her name's also Veronica. Veronica Valentine Vincent. How very. She's got a really loud voice but she doesn't seem to have bad intentions, I guess.
Life will be beautiful someday, dear Diary, but today is not that day.
I pray that day comes soon.
Veronica Sawyer

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