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Winter Term 2024-25 - 1/25/2025 2:53pmI'm pulling out my holiday hat for the Teen Ice Giants dance. They get so mesmerized by the crystals and mirrors I'll probably end up the centerpiece for the whole thing! Unless they have a mirror ball.
Winter Term 2024-25 - 12/24/2024 11:48pmGot my holiday hat on tonight! And the crystals are all in synch, and I am celebrating various solstice adjacent holidays in multiple realities all at once.
Which is awesome but it's kind of a super lot of shiny lights all shooting into my eyes from various crystals in my hat and looking forward to sleeping in and not doing anything for awhile.
Psycience Fair - 6/14/2024 10:36pmThrough the construction of an ingenious mirrored hat, and a great deal of mental discipline, I am able to control several different states of myself in multiple realities.
This makes it rather difficult to walk around, so I'll be standing around in one place in Mezmer Hall for the duration of the fair. I'm the one that looks like a chandelier.