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6/7/2015 8:06pmthere is a light in the closet.
whenever i approach the light, i growls and hisses at me.
i avoid the light because of the growls.
hello. my name is casper. i have several, strange abilities.
i am a trans dimensional storage unit. anything i touch under high emotion gets sent to the void, somewhere inside of myself. i don't know why, either.
in my last few years, i started developing antlers. i have dreams of ripping torsos apart and devouring them.
my body has made very strange developments. my body has made very strange developments. my body has made very strange developments. my body has made very strange developments. i have hooves now. my body has made very strange developments. my body has made very strange developments. my body has made very strange developments. my body has made very strange developments. my body has made very strange developments. my fingernails grow out like claws. my body has made very strange developments. my body has made very strange developments. my body has made very strange developments. my body has made very strange developments. my body has made very strange developments. my body has made very strange developments. my teeth cut like blades. my body has made very strange developments. my body has made very strange developments. my body has made very strange developments. my body has made very strange developments. my body has made very strange developments. my body has made very strange developments.
i do not know why.
i feel as if i am cursed.
hello, my name is casper and i'm a wendigo. i have strange dimensional storage powers. i look less like a giant animal beast monster and more human, with some strange animal parts.
i'm not sure why.
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6/2/2015 10:34pm i feel alone. i remember seeing stars in my home today. balls of gas so small that i could hover my fingertips around it. i don't recall any shock in the moment. but thinking upon the whole event now, so many thoughts are racing through my mind. for you see, seeing stars in my kitchen isn't the strangest thing i've ever seen, though. i have experience far more bizarre.
i remember as a child, i remember losing items easily. i'd be playing with a simple toy and then, it would become missing and i couldn't remember where i had it last.
these events angered my mother. she assumed i was breaking the expensive toys she'd bought me and hiding them, or giving them to the neighbor children. ( which the idea wasn't plausible, because i was not allowed around the neighbor children. after suzy keens went missing, i was forbid from leaving my bedroom. )
my parents never seemed pleased with any of my behavior. i was a smart child and could read at the age of two. i could read chapter books at four. i didn't even have to attend k-4 and they put me in first grade immediately. i aced all my classes with little effort.
i became a mute when i was in the third grade. my vocal chords weren't damaged in any way. i simply stopped talking. a group of boys and girls like to tease me because i talked of the meaning of our existence and not about "normal kid stuff." whatever that was.
my parents had to mentally evaluated at the ripe age of eight. i went into catatonic states after my things would go missing. my mother swore that this was a sure sign of me being mentally retarded. my father would nod, grunt, and clench his fists. the doctor found nothing particular wrong with me. nothing that he could place. all my symptoms were scattered across the board.
i was playing with my friends johnny, michael, and suzy one fall afternoon when everything truly went bad for me. we were playing freeze tag in the cul-de-sac and it was it. suzy was simply the slowest, so i went to tackle her and things patch out for me, but i've been told by my father that i smacked suzy in her nose, then she disappeared.
the police kept me for three whole days. we talked most of them and my parents never visited me. there was no logical explanation for a normal person. this was the moment i realized i was different. when i came home, my parents sent me up to my room. my father called me a freak. they told me i stole suzy. that i killed her. they told me that they do not love and that i will never amount to anything worth while. i only nodded and apologized. they were not shocked by my speaking. they knew i was a freak from the beginning.
they knew i was strange from the beginning. they knew i was strange from the beginning. they knew i was strange from the beginning. they knew i was strange from the beginning. they knew i was strange from the beginning. they knew i was strange from the beginning. they wanted me dead. they knew i was strange from the beginning. they knew i was strange from the beginning. they knew i was strange from the beginning. they knew i was strange from the beginning. they knew i was strange from the beginning. she he she she he she he ttttried to kill meeeee. they knew i was strange from the beginning. iii hate them. they knew i was strange from the beginning. they knew i was strange from the beginning. they knew i was strange from the beginning. they knew i was strange from the beginning. they knew i was strange from the beginning. they knew i was strange from the beginning. they knew i was strange from the beginning.
and i agreed with them.
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6/2/2015 6:34pm being alone means crushing weight that you aren't good enough. means that for some reason, you angered them and they never want to grit your name through their teeth ever again.
that effects me greatly. feeling alone, abandoned. i become an isolated building that stopped getting used years ago with busted windows and doors that barely hang onto one hinge.
i become graffiti on top of a watertower. no one knows how i got there, but they do know that hooligans put me there. i am only where i am today because of isolation and bad behavior.
i am only who am today because of other people.
only use hushed tones and quiet phrases when speaking. do not bring attention. do not let them know you exist. we are existential for a reason.
we are existential for a reason.
we are existential for a reason.
we are existential for a reason.
we are existential for no reason.
we are existential for a reason.
we are existential for a reason.
we are existential for a reason.
do not bring attention.
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