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5/29/2015 12:45pmDear somebody,
I'm not sure if you can even reply to these, oh well. If you can, I would like you to read my last one and give me advice, if you can or have any. I don't know what to do, he's just so amazing and he makes me feel great, but now that were out of school I don;t see him as much but i really do like him. His name is Mason, if you were wondering.
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5/29/2015 12:37pmSo this guy likes me and when I finally told him I like him back he didn't believe me. He says relationships don't last forever, but I keep thinking if we were together it would last. I think I'm going to wait and see if he still likes me in a few years. I need advice- should I keep going for him or give up? Should I just try to find someone else?
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5/29/2015 12:32pmHi,
I'm a new student and was wondering if this school is fit, so I decided to give it a try.
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