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Spiriting around - 11/30/2015 9:57amI've recently summoned the sacred wooly boar of Andromeda. Tried to teach him to play Mah-jong. Bad idea. Thick as as a brick and smells like hell. Spent the afternoon washing my clothes and sheets at the school laundry with Rita, a wraith from the 5th level. Wish she could talk. Haven't seen the Yellow Man for a while. "We dream of a ship that sails away". That's what he told me last.
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Spiriting around - 11/29/2015 6:34pmI'm contemplating spirit breeding for my school project. Shouldn't be too difficult to find a sturdy metapsychic pen, but I still have to find a dream pellets purveyor. Couldn't find any. I opened my window and screamed.
Spiriting around - 11/29/2015 5:56pmThe Yellow Man has visited me again. He gave me a key. To what I don't know. I went to the sea. The bees were there. The town seemed very pleasant and cheerful. Tom, my psychic teacher, grew a beard and laughed. I looked in a mirror and went back home.
Spiriting around - 11/25/2015 11:30amI have developped the ability to summon the spirit of a bee by stroking a cow's udder. Still don't have any use for it but so you think I can join the school ?