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translating the email things so you dont have to!
10/10/2023 9:55am

Хожу-брожу, матрешку держу, Разберу напополам - детям в руки дам.

I walk and wander, I hold a nesting doll, I’ll take it in half and give it to the children.

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translating the email things so you dont have to!
10/10/2023 9:53am

I walk and wander, I hold a nesting doll, I’ll take it in half and give it to the children.

say hello
10/6/2023 5:20am


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10/6/2023 5:19am

cha gor hu lia nor mopian triulio groa burre huffue loppa ???? >.<

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Back to School Roll Call
10/6/2023 5:11am

Yoo!! I'm Vex, and I'm a witch. (Apparently I'm half-off)

Back to School Roll Call
9/28/2023 6:39am

man, im so done with my life, these kids are so odd