Advice From a Friend

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Aaron Dee
- 9/28/2015 10:15pm

Escape from Bear Country

Dearest @Trinket,

Received cake. I didn't eat it, but am sure it was delicious.

I was able to retrieve items placed inside the cake before it was promptly gobbled up by the three beggars who had been assigned to "tail" me - a wolf, baboon, and a hyena. I am sure they are Egyptian guardian demons assigned to maintain the gate between their world and ours, but not sure how they will react in our world....

Because, gosh, they were able to see right through the cloaking spell, follow me to the well, and go straight through the fairy circle! I am afraid they are prowling in our Woods this very moment. Along with that creepy worm who flies around in his apple, and his annoying cat manservant. At least I was able to evade the zombie World War One flying ace fox and his partner, Baron von Crow.

But! Thanks to you I'm back! Thanks so much!!! I've got a lot of Etsy orders to catch up on, and I'm sure this time away is going to totally screw my ratings. But thanks to you I'm back.

If you need any references for your tutor and mentoring, just send 'em my way!

Ta ta!


- 11/19/2015 9:29pm

Hi there, i'm new

Today was the first day in weeks that I actually had some free time from my regular days. It was during this time that my one of my past incarnates came to me, and reminded me that I need to relax more, find a way to let of steam and unwind better. The problem most of the time, was finding people who are similar to me, in the fact I have incarnations that speak to me. most try and understand, but most mock me. So, with a little guidance, I've decided to reach out to more people who are like me. After a few minuets on the internet, I discovered this. I'm trying it out to see if there is any change in my energy, and personal motivation.

I would love to hear from any of you, not quite sure how the whole thing works still... but nevertheless I, and all past selves are determined to give it a shot!


- 11/20/2015 7:50am

Welcome to Psyhigh, @Ethan! Here you'll find that lots of people have gifts similar to yours. My Aunt Sweet Pea was able to speak with her past lives, in fact. Of course, that turned out rather disastrous when she was possessed by The Dark Fae Queen Æleœä (one of her more unfortunate former identities) and nearly destroyed The Balance. But anyway, Psyhigh is here to teach you the full extent of your powers and how to control them, so that kind of thing doesn't happen. Often.

If you need any help, PsyBuddies will be meeting this Saturday at SpoonBender to welcome new students and assign them mentors (if needed). Please feel free to attend; we will be serving refreshments courtesy of our sponsors, @i am the champ and @Big Jim. @destinee scott, you are invited to attend as well.

First Level
Light Fairy
Seelie Court

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