Eralonia's Prophecy

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Matching by Mattie
- 6/21/2015 5:32pm

This is another post by Mattie, brought to you by Matching by Mattie! A lackluster business for lackluster people!

Well @Morris's cat Eralonia, let's cut to the chase. I don't like you, you don't like me. However, you should be thanking me. Because I HAVE SAVED THE DAY! Yes, I have. And you can thank me all you want. No need to pile on the compliments though, I already know I'm amazing.

I got @Atlantica some sugar, and she's in my dorm now baking up a storm. This is, like, totally going to ruin my no-sugar-carbs-or-lactose diet, but for Psyhigh's sake I'll sacrifice my slim figure. And don't even bother lecturing me about the sprinkles, because I've already disposed of them. Yup, threw them right into a fire. @Nobody is going to, like, flip out when she reads this. Poor thing. Hopefully Nobody will get back to the room safely, the sprinkle related delusions have been making her, like, a little nuts. I'm afraid to leave Atlantica alone though. I tried explaining the whole prophecy deal to her. Not sure if she heard me though, she just kept baking and muttering under her breath. Judging by the taste of her sugar cookies, she's been crying a lot. Seriously, these cookies are so salty it is grody! Yuck! But, like, don't tell her that. Every time she has a breakdown something bad happens. Like, my TV is stuck on Spanish channels now. How am I supposed to watch my soap operas if I can't understand them??? OMG! Guess all I can do is write LOVE TIPS for my book....


Always tell your boyfriend/girlfriend/other where you are going. If you're going to get some milk from the store, or buy the latest comic book, or even spontaneously join clown school, be sure your loved one is in the know. Suddenly disappearing can, like, mess with people's heads. They'll start imaging all sorts of terrible things happened to you. Were you kidnapped? Are you cheating on them? Did the fashion police catch you wearing socks with sandals? Leaving a simple note like: "BRB, went to buy ten puppies" will save everybody a headache. Seriously guys, it's totally rude.

*Mattie spontaneously disappears*
*Atlantica drops her mixing bowl*
"No no no no no! Not again! Did I cause this? Did I do this? Not again! Wait... Wait... here's a napkin note.... 'Time's running out. Love, Fortuna (btw, best of luck to @Jackie Packerman and Ximena Voltaire)'.... STOP TAUNTING ME FORTUNA!!!!" *Atlantica breaks down crying*

- 6/21/2015 5:41pm

~Three gone.~

~I am going to cry.~

~So, that marks off Gretel, Pacifica, and Mattie. Can this day get any WORSE...? Well, on the bright side, Mattie did do ONE good thing. Burning those stupid sprinkles. Thank you, Matching By Moron. But otherwise, this is insanity.~

~"Time is running out"...? Fortuna, that sneaky little-- I will cut her into ribbons. This isn't "Impending doom" At all! it's disappearances right under our noses. I can't believe the nerve of her.~

~I am going to investigate about this Fortuna character.~

- 6/21/2015 11:56pm

Days Until Tuesday (the day of possible impending doom?)



I... I am in a place. I am still in the school, but... I am not safe. No where is safe. I have somehow managed to put myself in a shallow round puddle of water, surrounded by a circle of salt. I don't remember how, or if it was even me, and I'm starting to doubt it's even salt. I'm... Forgetting... Everything. I... It was never this bad before, my... Memory. Whenever I forgot something.. Important, someone.... Someone.... Claude. He would remind me.
But I don't know where he is. I miss him, and I hope... I hope he's ok.

The... Everywhere. They're everywhere everywhere EVERYWHERE
In my dreams.. In reality... Or is it reality? I... They... It... EBIBs. That's... That's what they're called. I... I had an infestation...I think. I..

To get rid of them... I... It... Water. They don't like water. And... Salt. Salt and other... Protective things that are made for... Protection against... Evil... These items... Block them out. It acts as... A... Uh... I... Barrier. Yes.

I used... A salt barrier. And crystals. To keep... To keep them in my room. I... It's coming back to me now. Yes, I must remember this, focus on... The Spring Cleaning and not...

Once they were trapped, I... I had collected rain water for weeks. And I strung wires from that... Antenna. It's old and wirey, at the top of the school... The very top. I plugged in over a hundred... Ex... Extension cords. I then... Asked... A student. To... Create a...thunder storm. You can.. You can assume what I did from there.

But... But when I went to.. Check on the.. My... Old room, one was still... Alive. All the others had perished, but this one... It was the Queen. Ten feet tall and.. *shudder* not important. Not important not important not important nevermind nevermind never...

I... It... I did what had to be done. The Queen, she... Evil. Pure.. Evil. If she had been allowed to live.. She would have rebuilt.. Colonies. And. I. Don't want... Don't want to say what I saw in a last vision of the future that might have been if she... Lived.

There's something... You... Don't quite know about me. Or.. Maybe you.. Do. That... Cat. Claude's... Friend. Knows. When I turn, invisible, I.. Fade half out of this world... And half into another. I can't... Always control it.... And I never could before that moment, but I... I knew what to do... To defeat... Her. I.. Turned invisible... And I... I... Touched her. I pulled her in with me. Into the half world where half things live. And... EMPs. I brought a device with me... And. I... Killed Her in cold blood. That is why it's impossible for the EBIBs to be here. I... Destroyed them. But. Still. They persist. The key... The key is... They... Are.

Biotic. Robots. Cyborgs. Machines. They can be killed with... Things that kill.... Other. Machines. But the Queen. Can't... Be killed in this world.

I see. I see a light! I see... It must be his... That... Him.... That... Kid.... @that kid! I.. Remembering... Remembering remembering remembering remember....
No. Sprinkles. There are. No. Sprinkles. Here. I've. Been... Here. Almost. 24 hours. With. No... I need... I need... I want. I...
No. I can't. I can't go with the projection of... Of @that kid.
Almost... Finished. Trapped here. It's... Good. I can't have. Must have... It's fading. His... Projection is leaving. I'm trapped here now. With no... Need some...

I WANT....






that kid
- 6/22/2015 4:20am

I could see her-- -- --
I could- --
SEE HER-- --
I need to -- -
Get her away but I'm-- - -- --- -
I can't quite-
She doesn't want to- - --
------------ - --- - - - ------ - - --- - - - - - -- - --- ----- - --- - - ---- -- - --------- -- -
I know now, I must- -
be right underneath @Nobody's old room and I'm- -- -
Ripped apart I can't see anything where is my room where are my- -- - --
HOW AM I- -- I CAN'T---- ---
There's dust and bugs and dripping, walls dripping with -- ---- mould eaaa--aa-ting away at me-- -- at the walls- -- --- I NEED TO GET OFF HER PLANE--- --THE QUEEN IT IS SO--SO-- - --DARK I CAN HEAR HER IN MY HEAD SHE-- - -HER BUGS ARE EATING INTO PSYHIGH, CONSUMING EE--VERYTHING I CAN'T SEE ANYTHING THE WALLS ARE D--RIPP--ING

- 6/22/2015 7:11am

~Oh my god.~

~24 hours, and not a single sprinkle.~



~You are... trapped, somewhere. Not in The Forever Realm, I don't suppose... But... hm. I am very confused. And now, @that kid is- ARE the Walls? This doesn't make sense. Anyway, where those two could be... There are three options: 1. The school catacombs, 2. The basement, and 3. Somewhere we don't yet know about. This is all so stra-~


~Oh! Claude! Oh, my goodness!~

=Where's Nobody? I've been lookin' and searchin' and I'm so scared and I dunno what to do! P-please help! Y-you've got yer act together! Y'know what to do!=

~Claude, read this Journal entry. It was Nobody's most recent entry.~


=Oh my God.=

=I know where she is.=

~What?! Claude, where?!~



~Oh his own.~

- 6/22/2015 7:28am

Hahahaha! Hi journal thingy! Is that what this is? I think so! Well, you'll be my newest bestie, journal, and now we have a barber shop quartet! Isn't that right Shiney and Buzzy? *mechanical bug sounds* Hahahahaha! You guys are hilarious!

So, I was stuck in this room for hours! Just crying and crying and making soup (because soup is the saddest of foods. Sugar only makes it taste worse.) and feeling terrible. Not to mention, my bad luck influence was tearing the dorms apart! Oops! People's doors were flying of their hinges, peregrines were dive bombing windows, everything on the walls were falling, any summer homework was spontaneously disappearing or being eaten by non-exsistant dogs... it was very un-fun! But then Quin came! Quin is my best bestie! She came in and made me forget whatever it was that was making me so miserable! And now I feel GREAT! *happy twirl* I'm playing with her babies now, because they're cute and love me! Apparently, these little robot... cyborg... bug... things... um, I'll just call them EBIB's. That sounds right for some reason! Well, they apparently feed on happiness! And Quin (or Queen? or Quince? I can't understand her.) is totally stoked that I have an unlimited supply of happiness!!!! She's popping out babies like nobody's business!

I keep feeling like I'm doing something wrong though! Isn't that weird?!? But playing with babies and being happy... this is paradise! I just can't help feeling a little... sad... whennever I see the Forever Diner logo on the EBIB's back. Huh. I'm sure it's nothing! And nowhere! Or nobody! *sudden gasp and eye twitch* ... NOBODY! Where's Nobody? She should've been back-- *Queen Quin glares at Atlantica* oh... my head... what was I talking about? Oh yeah! Barbershop quartet! Except there's twenty of you little buggies now! We can make a whole choir!!! I should make some celebratory cupcakes! Hey... why's that buggie glowing?

*EBIB explodes, and projection of Pacifica appears*
"Oh, thank God! You're alright!"
What? Who are you? You killed Shiney!
"Attie! It's... it's me. Don't you remember me? Paci, the sad sack!"
Um.... a little.
"I can't talk long. We've been working for hours trying to reach you!"
*Mattie interrupts, "not true! She tried to talk to Morris first!"*
"Well, yes, but only because he's not insane like the others... ugh. Okay, Atlantica, listen to me. You need to get away from the Queen. If you keep fueling her, she'll start an invasion! Already they're targeting @Nobody and @Walls. Luckily Walls was able to help us project through this bug."
*Gretel interrupts, "She's coming back! Hurry!"*
"Attie, you need to get out of here. You need to stay sad. And you need to find the largest source of electrical power you can. And you need to find Nobody."
Omg... I'm remembering... Paci! Paci come back! Please! *Pacifica flickers and fades into nothingness* *Queen Quin growls and starts to move toward crying Atlantica* I can't find anything! I don't know what I'm doing! And these bugs keep making me forget to be sad! I... I... I NEED SCILPH! *Atlantica jumps out window* @Scilph, @Nobody, @Psyhigh, get ready! Because we've got a battle to win! Hooray! Er... I mean Boo Hoo!

- 6/22/2015 7:50am

I have not had any contact for ALMOST 24 hours. I'm so close. I'm nearly there. Just 4 or 3 more short, sweet hours, then I can be out. Then I can help, like I should. I feel a lot of distress around me, but I try to ignore it. The lightbulb is flickering ever so slightly. Out of excitement, of course. I have not read any Journal entries (because that counts as being social) so I cannot wait to leave. This will be wonderful. I am sure everything is doing GREAT~!

In here, I have actually been doing a lot of thinking. And also, to entertain myself, I have solved 9 quadratic formulas, 17 advanced algebra equations, 3 "unsolvable problems" (those were a breeze) and found the overall mass of light. It was fun. I've found that I really enjoy exercising my mind like this. I should do it more often. I've also meditated a bit, really putting my mind into focus. It is wonderful.


It just feels... empty.

Where's Blackie?


Sleeping in new nest. Comfy, nice. Calm. Then.. SMELLS FEAR. STRONG, HARD SADNESS, FEAR. Sneeze. Ink all over new nest. Footsteps, loud footsteps. Running past, looking for something. Blackie will follow. Blackie will help. Get up, run. It is Just Girl, not happy like usual. But, THIS sadness smells... right. It was needed. Just Girl sees me, but keeps going. Blackie going faster faster faster now.

STOP! WAIT! Smells familiar. Smells clear, clearer than air, clearer than light. Morris!!! Found Morris! He is sitting on bench outside. Run to Morris. Smells sadness, anger, hate hate hate. Hate smells awful. Hate smells like dead bodies and skunk spray. Coughing hard. Morris notices me. He talks a lot, saying words like "can't decide" and "forgive" and "disaster" but the one Blackie doesn't like is "fault". Fault is a bad, bad thing. Fault is like "decide", but bad. Bad smells, bad sounds, Blackie wants to leave.

But he can't Blackie needs to stay here, with Morris. Make Morris feel better. Blackie tries to lick Morris' hand, but tongue goes through it. Huh? Blackie tries again. Can't do it. Morris is laughing! But, still not happy. Then I remember Just Girl. She smelled much more sad. Blackie needs to go to her now.

Blackie runs, runs runs runs runs runs, to Just Girl. Blackie will help her do watever she's doing.

Because Blackie's a Good Boy.

- 6/22/2015 8:02am

{I feel awful.}

{@Nobody has completed her task, but is- I don't know. I have no idea where she is. @Scilph has ALMOST completed her task... @*Atlantica* MIGHT JUST complete her task if she stays sad for a little while longer. @Gretel, @Pacifica, and @Matching by Mattie have been abducted by this twisted Fortuna chick. Eralonia seems to know them somehow...}

{The Prophe-pocalypse isn't due to happen on Tuesday... it's due to FINISH on Tuesday.}

{I-I need to forgive Scilph... but I can't! She can't talk to anyone else for another 3 hours... but I need to, before she gets abducted as well...!}

{I hate this Fortuna person. She's seriously pissing me off, and we can't forget that whe don't know WHAT she's doing and WHY! Well, if I get abducted, I guess I'll find out... but it's better not to tempt fate.}

{I saw Atlantica earlier, followed by Blackie. Then he came over to me, and I could spill my guts about how awful things were. He kinda just went back to Atlantica.}

{I wonder where they are now... not to mention what they're doing.}

- 6/22/2015 8:29am

Scilph won't be able to help for THREE HOURS? But but but I need her zip zap electric powers and smartness and ability to not get abducted NOW! Oh, yeah, I'm also being kidnapped by bugs right now. *annoyed mechanical chatter* Er, sorry, the politacally correct term is EBIBs. Aw! These guys are so cute when they're angry! GAH! No must stay sad! Focus on Pacifica! *starts to cry again* *bugs scream and skitter away* What the... oh yeah! Tears have salt! TEARS HAVE SALT! THIS IS-- uh, I mean this is terrible! Waaaaa!

Wait, hello there little guy! It's not often I meet an eight legged box of ominous nature! I'm going to name you... Boxie! Can you help me Boxie? I need to find salt, electricity, Nobody (also known as Nicky) and... possibly somebody mentally stable. Like @Morris! Do you know where any of that is? *Boxie/Blackie makes box sounds and starts leading the way* Yay! Good boy! I'll follow you and let the weight of our situation weigh on my shoulders so that I get super depressed! If anybody needs me, follow the trail of tears!!! *screws up face in a grimace* waaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

- 6/22/2015 8:35am

Psyhigh is falling down.
Falling down.
Falling down!
Psyhigh is falling down.
My fair students!

But there is hope, don't give up.
Don't give up.
Don't give up!
Four students are fighting back.
My fair students!

If they can keep their heads,
Keep their heads,
Keep their heads!
All the EBIBs will soon be dead!
My, fair, students.

But Morris is the next to go.
Next to go.
Next to go!
Oh, I wish it wasn't so!
My, fair, students.

Then only the insane are left.
Insane are left.
Insane are left!
To fight to the end.
My fair students.

Good luck guys. Defeat Queen Quin by Tuesday. Stay out of Fortuna's grubby hands. Watch your cats. And if you get pulled into Forever... I highly suggest the steak fries.

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