Spring Cleaning

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- 6/12/2015 2:43pm

Dear Somebody,
My skin has now faded to a dark purple colour instead of green, and I am once again invisible. I was going to write something else but I forgot what. *eats sprinkles and glances at wet but still staticky cat* Right! I remember now. I think.

I finished Spring Cleaning today. And with minimal bruising, visions of the future, electrical shocks, and bleeding, too! (By the way, if you are a fairly tall female, there's a good chance you might fall of a small(ish) cliff while riding a bicycle, very soon. Or maybe you already did.) Anyway, I will be posting descriptions of how this cleaning and eviction of the EBIBs was achieved in five separate journal entries, (It took about five hours total) because I prefer to keep each entry in my journal (fairly) short. And also because Claude wants me to hurry up and finish writing so we can play Backgammon in the same place as yesterday now that the storm has passed. I'm pretty sure he just wants to meet up with that student from the other day so he can win again. But still. Backgammon is fun.

Farewell for now,

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