The Alteration Society

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Chance Glance
- 5/3/2016 1:40pm

I didn't think the problem with the Alteration Society uniforms could get worse, or more horrifically gruesome. But there are apparently always more grotesque and unimaginable twists that nautre has up its sleeves. Though if the root of this "nature" is more alien or supernatural, or if it prefers sleeveless tops, we may never be meant to know.

Dogwood dormitory is empty. Well, it's full of husks--brown and dry and shredded, crusty and full of wholes like wasp nests. In the later stages, students consumed by the Alteration Society bioforms adhered themselves to the walls of the dorm and encased themselves in cocoons, made from a pale yellow fluid they released through their mouths.

Once their gestation was complete, their new, unspeakable forms were released. Ravenous, they consumed the RAs keeping watch. What happened next was caught on grainy surveillance footage, but I recommend that no one watch the tapes if they value their sanity.

After finishing their grisly meal as newborns of a monstrous race, they spread their new gray leathery wings, still dripping with both the amniotic fluid of their cocoons and the blood of their victims, and flew straight up into the sky, moving so fast that escaping earth's gravity was their obvious goal.

Remnants of their encasements are now all over campus, it seems the call to to go through this metamorphosis was irresistible for many. Even a large number of the students in the stasis chambers went through the change. For them, however, the risk of releasing them was too great, and they had to be incinerated.

Thankfully, there were survivors not so deeply transformed who may yet recover. The nurse practitioner is working with @xiirth and @Miranda Ashdove to develop a vaccine based on their baking.

If you still have an Alteration Society uniform that is unattached, please bring it immediately to Caduceus Clinic for disposal.

Kanji West
- 5/3/2016 2:25pm

My uniform fits very well, I am not experiencing the same problems(advantages?) with the tags as all of you though.
I wish my tag had a sentient mind set, that's alright, I wonder if it's because Mr. Puppet's roots are already set. Haha. Maybe.

Thank you very much, his measurements are about the same as a 10" teddy bear. He doesn't need any pants, so the shirt will do!

- 5/3/2016 5:42pm

man am i so glad i can spin and sew psychic cloth on my own im willing to help with alterations just ask me nicely and ill do it for free but if you do it in a not nice way ill charge heavily

- 5/4/2016 3:54am

well, even though uh @Kanji West you said that you arent affected, for mr puppet im going to make his own uniform, just to make sure that the alteration society doesnt take root in him and ummm take over you.....

@Chance Glance its so so so so ummmm horrifying...i went over to the dogwood dormitory earlier this morning, and made sure to wear a tamzah tius so they wouldnt be able to uh get to me as easily, and i was able to net a few and umm take them to the closest small space i could find. which was a closet. not the best idea, but i threw some boiled dolphin hide at them and they were content with that, and then gave them their uh cakes. they went back to their husk form as chance glance uhhh mentioned earlier, and i hope that this means that the process is being reversed....

only problem is, we dont know if uh when youre bitten something happens
cuz i got um bitten

I'm going to be eating a lot of cake I guess.

Ninny Hendrix
- 5/4/2016 2:21pm

What I want to know is how the Alteration Society got started on campus at all. Doesn't the school screen school groups, or otherwise prevent eldritch horrors from beyond from preying on students? I mean, they weren't even that cheap! We PAID for those new uniforms. Sure, a large portion of the student body was irrevocably transformed into disgusting hybrid demon aliens, but how can I get my money back? Has anyone alerted the Psychic Better Business Bureau?

And there's nothing left at Dogwood, @xiirth. I saw the janitors sweeping out all the empty husk material and putting it into the incinerators today. Those ex-kids are probably to Saturn by now, and they're not coming back. At least I hope not, for all our sakes.

- 5/5/2016 10:21am

oh gosh.... @Ninny Hendrix , thats simply horrible... hopefully, we can somehow put a stop to this uhhh terrible alteration society. i cant believe that the school couldnt block a society that hurts people like this from getting into our school. plus, i umm kinda want my money back. maybe the breakfast club can somehow beat up the alteration society? i do remember where they took me to uhh see my uniform

Kanji West
- 5/5/2016 12:17pm

@xiirth Thank you very much! If possible, could you leave it outside my dorm room and DO NOT KNOCK.
post to alert me of it's arrival when you've left.
Thank you, Mr.puppet is brimming with excitement.

- 5/6/2016 7:10am

well, i just uh dropped off mr puppet's uniform uhhh @Kanji West hopefully he enjoys ittt

- 5/6/2016 4:24pm

HeY, I'm bAcK. @xiirth, wHaTeVeR YoU PuT In tHaT CaKe dId tHe tRiCk. i HaVe cOnTrOl oVeR AlL My bOdY PaRtS NoW ExCePt mY LeFt hAnD, WhIcH WoN't sToP ThRaShInG ArOuNd. It'S TaPeD To mY BeD. My sPeEcH Is sTiLl aFfEcTeD, BuT It wIlL HoPeFulLy gEt bEtTeR SoOn. aLsO, YoU PrObAbLy sHoUlDn'T HaVe LeFt oNe iN EvErY BaSeMeNt, bUt i'M NoT CoMpLaInInG.

- 5/6/2016 4:25pm

HeY, I'm bAcK. @xiirth, wHaTeVeR YoU PuT In tHaT CaKe dId tHe tRiCk. i HaVe cOnTrOl oVeR AlL My bOdY PaRtS NoW ExCePt mY LeFt hAnD, WhIcH WoN't sToP ThRaShInG ArOuNd. It'S TaPeD To mY BeD. My sPeEcH Is sTiLl aFfEcTeD, BuT It wIlL HoPeFulLy gEt bEtTeR SoOn. aLsO, YoU PrObAbLy sHoUlDn'T HaVe LeFt oNe iN EvErY BaSeMeNt, bUt i'M NoT CoMpLaInInG.

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