Too Big for Dodgeball

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makako jones
- 11/3/2014 12:22pm

Alrighty, team mates! Ralph got out of the hospital this morning. Well, ok, it wasn't the hospital, but that abandoned blimp hangar off the southern end of school grounds. But the school nurse was there and says that he's stabilized or at least isn't getting any bigger. She says that he can come out to practice tomorrow if he takes it easy.

So, let's keep meeting on the soccer field i the east woods. And we still need a name, guys!!! First game is next Friday, against the Greenville Gremlins. It's an away game, as all our games are going to have to be, because nobody can find there freaking way to this freakshow of a freakschool!! Well, we are definitely going to get our freak on, am I right??!

bill the axe
- 11/3/2014 2:23pm

Maybe we should be the Freaking Freaks?

ralph mouse
- 11/5/2014 10:28pm

ralph got too big. ralph is sore.

ralph ate too many of teddy's pills and ralph is not blaming teddy and does not think teddy should be punished! teddy is a scientist! and an entrepreneur!

and now ralph IS big! everyone is happy!

makako jones
- 11/18/2014 2:02pm

Now that @ralph mouse has been given a clean bill of health by the clinic - how's everybody feel about getting together again for practice? But this time, no artificial enhancements. As in, @teddy twenty_two's super pills.

Who's with me? The Freaking Freaks get Big again!

- 11/19/2014 3:40pm

Even Unicron can still learn something.

bill the axe
- 11/19/2014 4:00pm

Hey, did you notice the new big guy on campus? Unicron? I smell possible dodgeball god.

Makako Jones
- 11/19/2014 9:42pm

Hey, @Unicron! Ever play any dodgeball?

- 11/19/2014 9:47pm

The past shall consume the future, the dead shall consume the living, and chaos shall reign supreme!

And yes, @Makako Jones, I am familiar with your earth game. You do not think my tremendous size would be a disadvantage?

Makako Jones
- 11/19/2014 9:51pm

Not the way we play it! Meet us in the parking lot behind the gym after school on Friday, @Unicron. And welcome to the team!

halfal blagng
- 11/23/2014 2:20pm

Unicron is awsome! As long as he can get his rapid fire targeting cannon shots off in the first few seconds, we're gold. Can we line up a game this week?

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