Yeah what gives, @
Randy Bernstein? How long do I have to live with this family of bears in their bear house? They have nice furniture but how can a whole economy based on honey exchange be stable? Will the bees rise up?
They gave me a little room in the upstairs of the tree, which I share with their young son, Aamir. I've been helping out with dishes and washing their car with a hose and a soapy rag. They've been very accepting, but I'd like to get back to Psyhigh I have a paper due on Tuesday.
Hey, I just enrolled in the psychic high school.
Welcome, @
Joeykirkle ! Have fun, avoid the basement, and don't trust the Alteration Society! Also avoid the vending machines and feel free to join my new sport, Portal Ball! Oh, and would you like to be my roommate? I'll make sure Rex, my new carnivourus watermelon/banana plant hybrid stays out of your way. And I'll keep the demons limited to my side of the room. It's your choice though.
Room 13656 if you're interested. Don't mind the demon outside, he's been fed.