multiple morgans

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Morgan the Horse Boy
- 4/16/2015 11:10pm

Well HOWDY y'all here at ol' Psyhigh. Me and my horse bros are fixin' to pack a lunch and ride on down to the riverbank this weekend and have us a little "Welcome to Spring Hoedown" at the park. There'll be music and horseshoes and a big BBQ provided, all courtesy of the Embassy of the Unified Horse Empire, which is of course our old stompin' grounds.

So make your way on down to the riverbank this Saturday, starting at 1pm, and join me and my horse bros Morgie, Morganstern, Morgal, Morfit, Mort, Murray, and Allison for a real barn burner of a time! Come on down and kick off your shoes, kick up your heels, and we'll take on any of y'all in a game of beach volleyball!

See you then, partners!

Yee haw!!

Concrete Morgan
- 4/17/2015 2:39pm

Real sorry about the cafeteria entrance everybody. I got a lot of mass and when I get going I'm hard to stop. Got kicked out of 3 schools before this for it.

Life is tough for a girl made out of cement. Brick House is what I am! Fell into a cement truck when I was little. Woulda died if it hadn't been for the Chugach shaman who was also the flagger at the construction site hadn't been there to resurrect me. But there were side effects.

So if I bump you in the lunch line, or break your toe when I step on it, I'm real sorry. Luckily @Nova Toaster has been real good to me, and lets me sit with her at lunch.

morgan hempshire
- 4/18/2015 8:32pm

how did you know my name is morgan?

Morgan le Roq
- 4/19/2015 12:23am

You've probably seen the pictures of the ultra-wind turbines we use in the Wind Belt. Super-grainy shots (through the dust) of those big corkscrew turbines, maybe the fat red sun in the background. Most the maintenance is done remotely, through repair drones, but did you know they still send humans up there sometimes? That was my dad's job. Turbine repair guy.

It's pretty nasty up there - the wind never stops blowing, and "calm" means only 200 mph. But they're big on safety, and the super-heavy transports are so heavy and so low to the ground that they don't get blown around. Plus, they're designed to aerodynamically hug the ground tighter when the wind gets higher.

They are so safe, in fact, he'd let me go on service calls with him. It's like being inside a vault on tank treads - the walls are so solid you hardly the wind tearing past. And through the windshield (that word!) you can vaguely make out a horizon and the silhouettes of the turbines through the sand-blasting dust.

Once you get to the turbine that needs fixing, a docking tube is extended and sealed and you can walk right inside. So you never end up going outside.

Unless you're the repair guy.

Naturally the drones can do most the outside stuff - it's just a matter of operating their extendo-arms and moving stuff around. But if you're old school, sometimes you just have to go out there and check something out yourself. That was my dad.

The hurricane suit is kind of ridiculous. Anything that's got to be guaranteed not to blow over at 350 mph (their top-rated speed) is going to be the heaviest, squattest thing you've ever seen that's still mobile.

He'd done it a hundred times. It wasn't a mechanical failure.

It was an F10 twister. And not only did it pick up my dad, but it somehow picked up the super-heavy transport too. We were up inside the cyclone. I strapped myself in and watched the world spin through the windshield. I even saw my dad go by in the hurricane suit. I could have sworn he was waving.

And that's how I ended up here. The super-heavy landed on a little maintenance shed near lower campus. I bumped my head a little on the trip - otherwise I'm fine.

But dad never turned up.

Nova Toaster
- 4/24/2015 11:08pm

the morgans have not stopped popping up! the school is deploying those mobile smart-dorm yurts all over campus so they have a place to stay. have you been in one? they are sooooo cool and i totally want to get transferred into one. i heard that if you tell the campus that you changed your name to morgan and you need a new school ID then you can start getting all the morgan benefits - like yurts! - so i'm totally looking into that next week.

i'd really like to thank all the morgans that have told their story - @Morgan, @Morgan Fairchild, @Morgan le Roq, @morgan hempshire, @Concrete Morgan, @Morgan the Horse Boy, and @Violet Morgan, who communicates through flashes of color from her eyes. The more that we hear about the lives of morgans, the better we can understand this multiversal nexus anomaly.

is it possible this kind of thing happens more often and we just don't realize it? are we coming together and meeting ourselves from different timelines all the time, but maybe in smaller numbers? I want to ask the jessicas - @Jessica Moon and @Jessica Brooklyn, and the hannahs - @Hannah Lalonde, @Hannah Shulman, and @Hannah Vantas, and the steves - @Steve Johnson and @Steve Vortex II, and see if they feel that this is part of their lives too. because it all seems just too much for coincidence.

jessica moon
- 4/28/2015 11:31am

Hello @ Nova Toaster , I must say you do have a point here. I love your name though....yes Morgans do have some advantages but perhaps you should keep your own identity? too many people are losing them these days, you should try to be cautious with yours. Once someone almost snatched my ID away from me on the bus! The nerve...

But again I love your name...Especially since I named my cat from the cabinet in my closet Nova....Hey! If you feel alone since your name is so unique...remember there is a galaxy colored cat named Nova too! Maybe you would enjoy naming your toaster Nova also...

But if you do become a Morgan, I hope it is all the best...


Jessica Moon

Nova Toaster
- 7/5/2015 6:59pm

call me a time nerd but i soooo love researching temporal anomalies! the time team quantum cluster computers say the multiple morgans multiversal nexus anomaly is beginning to normalize. i have a special private summer study with @Lydia Raivata teaching me how to work the cluster, and i'm totally getting summer credit!!!

one sign the MVN is normalizing is we're starting to see variation. For instance there's @Morgon, who you can see is not quite a morgan, but the cluster says is evidence of decoherence. also, the outward dissipation of the morgan phenomenon, as morgans begin to travel outward from the source of the anomaly. lots of summer trips, psychic trackers camp, internships with the office of naval intelligence, @Morgan le Roq moving to the moon base. stuff like that.

at first though i was a little bummed that evil cheerleader morgan and amy, the neanderthal cave-girl morgan, were also staying on campus, but they have turned out to be not so bad. amy, the neanderthal cave-girl morgan, even let me have the last chocolate milk in the cafeteria the other day. evil cheerleader morgan is busy at evil cheerleader camp and she just ignores me. but i am totally glad that human-sized crab morgan went back to venus for the summer. wasn't hot enough here for her.

ok that wasn't very nice. ;) remember, time team protocol says we're all just time-spiders of love, weaving the future together!!!

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