moira angela

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Shadow Play
12/16/2016 11:55pm

I have a dozen mason jars stuffed with shadows under my bed. I've been meaning to get rid of them but didn't have the heart to just set them all loose in the wild. Would they be useful to you, @5-HAD-0? It sounds like you're more of a shadow's shadow (with tenebrous nightmare tendencies), but these shadows are just taking up space. I'm in Hurkos Hall. You can come and see them if you like.

Shadowy Business
7/27/2016 11:04pm

New Shadow Trend: Go Micro!

Sure, everybody's got shadow extensions these days. Having 30ft long shadows trailing behind you at all hours of the day just isn't a way to get noticed anymore. That's why the Shadow Sewing Circle is bringing you the next big thing: microshading.

Microshading means having all your long shadows replaced by much smaller ones. Come by the Shadow Sewing Circle (now located in the Stone Circle near the Fairy Ring off the cul-de-sac on Eternal Return drive) and check out our selection of new tiny shadows: shadows of grass, snails, pebbles, and twigs!

Long shadows really are gauche. And don't worry about disposal. For a nominal fee, we'll make sure your old shadows are properly recycled back into the gloaming environment in a responsible, sustainable fashion. Because that's what the Shadow Sewing Circle is really into: giving back.

Be the first to show off your new microshades! Come see us soon!

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Shadowy Business
7/19/2016 12:54pm

WELL, @kewlio, I can't believe that ALL the shadows have been picked. Though, hmmm, business has been brisk. There isn't a self-respecting Shadownista on campus that doesn't have half a dozen sewn on.

I'll tell you what, Shadow City Force Five... or three... @kewlio, @Bella, and @Louis C. You can start bringing in shadows of inanimate objects. Trees, cars, fire hydrants, whatever. Now, I can only give you half the usual fee on each since they're not really the Grade A Prime shadows that we've required in the past. Plus they're much easier to catch since they don't run away, right? Go ahead and start bringing those in and maybe nobody will notice.

Go Go Go Shadow City Force Five! Alright!

Shadowy Business
7/9/2016 6:52pm

Oh yes, my bad @Bella. At your initiation to Shadow City Force Five I did not specifically talk about the territory issue (although in your orientation packet, Chapter 5, "Know Your Team Members" it does mention that "your Shadow City Force Five team mates may have specific areas they are responsible for shadow reclamation within. Please be respectful of these boundaries and remember we're a team, not competitors! In the case of territorial disputes between Shadow City Force Five members, please refer to Chapter 11, "Shadow Dueling in the 21st Century."). But I get carried away at all the other fun parts of the Shadow City Force Five initiation ritual, like the Ice Cold Shadow Bath, the Blindfold Knife Dance, and the Cupcake Eating Contest, so you can see how I'd get distracted!

Really though, you're doing fine, and I hear you're a much better sewer than @Louis C. anyway. Not only did you do a great job of reversing all those shadows @Louis C. had sewed onto people upside down, but your creativity in actually sewing shadows on to other shadows was truly first rate. I saw a girl with a 30 ft shadow this afternoon and could tell it was your work. We're glad to have you on board! Keep up the great work!

Shadowy business
7/7/2016 1:32pm

Do I see another candidate for Shadow City Force Five, @Bella? That's great! Just start collecting all the shadows you can and bring them to Shadow Sewing Circle this afternoon. We pay by the bushel, and by the piece in terms of sewing. I'm sure @Loius C. will show you the ropes!

Shadowy business
7/7/2016 9:14am

I'd like to apologize to everyone who got their shadows sewed on upside down last night. I wasn't at sewing circle of course, because of my allergies, but I heard that our new Shadow City Force Five recruit @Louis C. got things a little backwards. Come back this afternoon and we'll flip that around and make it right, PLUS we'll throw in an additional accent shadow at NO EXTRA COST TO YOU!

@Louis C.'s got a lot of enthusiasm, but hasn't had that much sewing experience. All it takes is practice! I have a good feeling that he's going to work out just fine. He's also the only member of the Shadow City Force Five so far. So really it's just Shadow City Force One. Wouldn't you like to join @Louis C. and be a part of our street team? Sign up today for Shadow City Force Five and be a part of this exciting new movement!

Shadowy business
7/4/2016 4:05pm

The best way to cure to my shadow allergy is to limit my exposure. Which is why I'm so glad to have enlisted a bunch of summer students to gather them for me: the Shadow City Force Five! Congrats if you made the squad. I'll expect regular reports about filling your shadow quota, and how you're keeping up with the orders. But in no way can I come in contact with any shadows! The school nurse said I could go totally anaphylactic if I do.

Let's keep the Shadow Sewing Circle flying high at Psyhigh!!!!

Shadowy business
6/29/2016 4:21pm

Actually, ah... ah... ah.... CHOOO!!!

Oh no @Azura Kynold I think I have developed a seasonal allergy to shadows!! Sitting in piles of them and handling them all day I ah... ah... Choo! I guess it was just too much. The school nurse said I need to take a break. And Zertec. Ah choo!

But in answer to your question, @Azura Kynold, no, I found it's better if you don't talk to the shadows. It just complicates things.


Shadowy business
6/26/2016 11:42am

These free range, local, organic shadows we've been using are really working out well. Since they were harvested right around the solstice they're especially long and feathery. They are in fact just about as long as they can be, technically speaking. I think they're going to look really nice sewn on in groups of threes and fives.

Just yesterday I sewed three on each heel for @Ninny Hendrix and it looks really nice. When she stands still, it's like black peacock tails, and when she runs it's like a cartoony black cloud is being scribbled out behind her.

The Shadow Sewing Circle is hanging out in the shady glen near the library pretty much every afternoon these days, so come by and check us out! If you're nervous about having extra shadows sewn on for the first time, we can always just use safety pins for you to try it out.

Shadowy business
6/20/2016 2:20pm

I'm really sorry to everyone who got one of the new cheap shadows sewn onto them last week, and I promise to do better research before buying more shadows in bulk. They were really super cheap - which should have been a red flag - but I didn't know they were coming from China.

I didn't know anything about the shadow sweat shop industry in China, and now that I do, frankly I think it's sick. They take young kids - sometimes as young as 8 or 9 - and remove their shadows by slamming them in doors or windows. Then they ship them off to buyers across the world. It takes the kids months to grow their shadows back and I hear it's really painful, like when you clip your fingernails too short.

So now I'm trying to find locally sourced, all organic shadows. In the meantime, though, those of you who got the Chinese sweatshop shadows, I really don't know what to do. We could remove them and send them back, but they'd just be sold off to somebody else, or worse, left orphaned on the streets, likely to be kidnapped by shadow traffickers. I think the best thing, really, would be to just keep them, though I know some of them have been causing trouble, as 9 year old Chinese kids are likely prone to do.

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