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5/8/2015 3:15pm

*shuffling noises* *soft meowing*

*heavy breathing*

*muffled*{She's sleeping. It's okay, she's just asleep.}

It is not okay.


I SAID, IT IS NOT OKAY! *shaky breaths*

{Scilph, calm down.}


*long pause*


This is why I did not make friends. This is why I stayed away from humans. This is why... *shaky breathing* I hurt anything I touch... *soft sobbing*

{Scilph, you didn't- hey, Eralonia, why did you turn on Scilph's journal? let me-}


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5/8/2015 7:12am


She wakes up, panting from a nightmare. Her silvery hair is mussed up, and her eyes are red, as if she was crying. She pauses and swallows. She sees a faint light, and a white cat hopping down the stairs to her bedroom. Morris and Eralonia enter her room.

{Scilph what's wrong? I heard you screaming in your sleep... a-are you alright..?}

"No, Morris, I am not alright. Something is wrong. Something is very, very wrong."

A shriek a scream, only she can hear.

Another strong gasp from this weak, pale girl.



She bolts out of bed without answer. She doesn't bother to change out of her light blue nightgown. She raids the cupboards and shelves for a flashlight. "Morris, come with me. NOW. NO QUESTIONS."

{Y-yes ma'am!}

She opens the door with a flourish, and bolts off to the railroad.

5/5/2015 4:56pm

Ah! A Dark Arts, Relics, and Concepts Clubs is most fascinating! And it is illegal? That is thrilling. No no, I promise I will not tell a soul. Well... no living souls, anyway.


DARCC sounds like a most FUN group!Quite the wonderful way to meet friends! I do not mean to bother, but would you mind if I joined you?


Oh, I am sooooo excited! My blood is rushing and the voice in my head is saying this is an awful idea, but I am ignoring it!


Fare-thee-well, Morris! I am off to DARCC! *footsteps*

{*sigh* and now I've gotta follow this idiot.}


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5/4/2015 7:34pm

@Atlantica or Pacific

It is nice to chat with you, Atlantica! You seem like a very cheery girl indeed. Ah, me in the spotlight is a wonderful thing, is it not?

Yes, you may call me "Scilphy". It is easier to say that than Scilpheraloniastrophaquestborono, my full, proper name. Ha ha, it is a quite the mouthful. As for your nickname, may I call you... uhm...

{She's not good at this.}

Hello, Morris. I have made yet ANOTHER friend! Quite amazing, yes? *lights flicker*

{Sure. Hi there, Atlantica. I'm Morris. The ghost with the white cat from the Dance.}

Yes, the one who became drunk as a lord. *giggle*

{Hush. Oh, and I'm sure Pacific is nice as well. I guess. I met her at the Dance. She seemed grumpy... like you in the morning, "Scilphy".}


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5/3/2015 7:02pm

*sigh* Blackie, You have knocked Journal over... Come now, don't be- *thump*-ACK!

{what's going- AH.}

Help me, please. I am in need of assistance.

{*chuckle* what's he upset about this time?}

I think it believes I spend more time with Eralonia than I do with it. Now please get this heavy box off of my chest.

{It can't hurt that much. You're flat, anyway}

Oh, hush, you son-of-a two pence pig... just move it.

{Fine, I'll turn solid and push him off... *grunt*} *thump*

Alright, you're going in the closet. *shuffling* *muffled* GET- IN- THERE! *door slamming*

{Oh? Scilph's Journal's on. Hm.}


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5/3/2015 10:11am

@Jessica Moon

Oh, you flatter me! And the flower? Oh, that is amazing! I am quite thrilled. I shall visit it every day!

My favorite thing about myself..? Hmm. I believe that would be... my hair and height. My silvery locks are almost like plasma. Although, something I am not happy about is, *ahem* *whisper* My lack of a chest. *cough cough* Any-the-way...

I am feeling quite fine, thank you. Although Morris isn't... he has been sleeping like a log since yesterday. Well, technically today. He had fallen to sleep at about two thirty. He can be a handful... wait until he hears about what happened!

{*grunt* Hears about what?}

He awakens! I shall tell him the story. *giggle*




...he has teleported away. His embarrassment entertains me! I will call him down to talk to you, Jessica.

Ah, and Eralonia says hello as well. I think Blackie has become a bit jealous of her, and will not come out from under my bed.

Best luck to you, Morris, for you will soon face the wrath of Jessica!

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The Bees and Beekeepers Spring Formal
5/3/2015 7:53am

I apologize about not making a journal entry yesterday... I fell asleep. I will put all of the entries I had in mind into one large entry.

*sigh* Greetings, Journal! Last night was wondrous! Everyone proposed toasts to ME, everyone congratulated ME...! AH, but of course, it wasn't about me. Right. Alright. Or course...

I actually tried to dance. In the middle of the wiggle, ERALONIA came up behind me, and I fell. I did not injure anyone, or myself, only my dignity... *ahem*

@Jessica Moon looked wonderful out there! So majestic and graceful. And I believe everyone in the court also looked gorgeous! Good job to all of you.

Oh, Jessica, I see what you are talking about. The love disease has taken over you again. *sigh* well, you were alright with Nova... so I Am sure you will be fine with this mystery Man. I think I saw him, he was quite polite. He proposed the first toast for me! And you can't fine him now? Hm. Quite mysterious.... maybe I may help you in your search?

@Atlantica or Pacific, I believe I am the pale celebrity. I believe I saw you. You didn't look like you were enjoying yourself. Oh, and the ghost with the cat was Morris. He is still drunk as a lord from all the alcohol. HE was quite popular at the party.... the man tried to start a "mosh pit"... *mumbling* how does he know what that is, he died in the Victorian Era....

Any-the-ways, the dance was amazing. I truly look forward to the next.

The Bees and Beekeepers Spring Formal
5/2/2015 5:12pm

I am very excited for the Bees and Beekeepers Dance. Although I have never been to a "dance"... I shall still attend. Congratulations, @Jessica Moon , my close friend! I am very proud of you! I cannot wait to go. You must teach me the proper "dance moves".

{Hello, Scilph. What are you up to?}

Ah. greetings, Morris. I was congratulating Jessica and asking about "dance moves". I will be attending the Bees and Beekeepers' dance.

{Wonderful. One problem, Scilph.}

Hmm? What is it? Inform me.

{You cannot dance to save your life. Trust me. I have seen You try.}

*hissing* I have said many-a time to not speak of that.


5/2/2015 12:01pm

@Jessica Moon

Oooh, you are too kind, my friend! I am very excited for those who will meet me because of my award. And yes, I am indeed feeling much better. Blackie has even congratulated me by not spitting on anything. And I am socially crippled as well, so staying in my dorm is just fine.

Ice cream? I have never tried it. I do not often actually eat, just even holding food gives me all the proper nutrients. I can eat, I just choose not to. Do not be shy to ask me questions! I really do please for questions about me. My favorite books are foreign ones.

I cannot read minds when I want to... only at the worst times can I peer into the minds eye. And very rarely, as well.

Oh, and I hope you may respond soon. I am sorry about what had happened with Nova and the water.

Ah, Morris!


Morris, I am making an entry to one of my close companions, Jessica Moon.

{Lovely. Hello again, Jessica.}

Mhm. Oh, yes, Jessica, you can hear him, correct? I used a speech potion...Morris has returned! He came back yesterday. *meow*

AUGH! A-and he seems to h-have brought E-Eralonia... *ahem* I-it's... it's not a problem. I am fine. *whisper* wish me luck, Jessica.

{I heard that.}


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Huge warm welcome!
5/2/2015 11:38am

Hello there, lower-classmen! I am Scilph, the *ahem* STUDENT of the MONTH! *giggles* ah, that truly rolls off the tongue, does it not? I am sorry if I seem arrogant, I am just quite excited still.

Atlantica, Pacific, It is wonderful to be of you acquaintance. I thoroughly enjoy making new friends. It is fascinating how you two can share a body easily.

Oh, Pacific, must you leave so soon? I had just greeted you! *sigh* it would be a shame. I am sure you would enjoy it here if you had just gave it a try. Positively there must be some classes you will like. You have not even met Morris or Blackie, my companions.

If you have any questions or concerns, come to me. I have not met Atlantica, and I truly would enjoy her presence, from what I have heard. I would like it if you would stay just a bit longer!


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