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5/1/2015 3:25pmAH!
*Glass shattering*
*ahem* *muffled* Right, I Must handle this spectacular notion professionally...
I would like to appreciate all those who chose me as the student of the Month. My dear friends and companions, I am overjoyed of your choice. I am amazed and honored for this incredible award.
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Looking for Scilph - 4/30/2015 4:59pmHello.
Yes, I-I... *Sigh* I am... alright. I believe.
My past has just been brought up more and more recently. My heart hurts frequently. I feel as if I do not care whether I live or die.
I do not know what to do.
You card did lift my spirits. It is nice to know I have someone who considers me a friend.
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4/28/2015 3:36pmI chose my own name.
When I emerged from my test tube, I was alone. I was alone in a dead, dark place. I didn't know who I was, or if I was normal, or if I was safe to anyone around me. My white hair and tall body and long nails and sharp white eyes had made me horrifying. I didn't know what I was.
Everything was destroyed. There were bodies all around me and I didn't know what to do.
Somehow I talked to them and they talked back. They were pale and transparent and I didn't know they were dead. They couldn't tell me what had happened.
All they told me what that I was Subject 51L-9H, and I was a failure.
Years after, I wound up here, and I became Scilph. Another freak among freaks.
*crash* *shattering*
*muffled sobs*
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Thank you! - 4/28/2015 3:23pmabout your absence, It is all right. I am glad you have fully recovered.
Amazing? Beautiful? I? Oh, g-goodness gracious... th-that is extremely kind... *sound of all the lightbulbs on this floor shattering* AH! My pride seemed to have... *ahem* gotten out of hand. Yes, my past is quite the story. I do not mind having no parental units. I find no need for them.
My favorite things? Hm. Let me think... I enjoy being alone. I am not one for music, though. Silence is beautiful. Writing is also fun. Not making stories, just seeing random words flow on page... ah. Serenity cocoons me. And obsessions? I could say I obsess over those things, and also I obsess over being tidy. Blackie does sometimes make a mess of things, but I have found ways to make it work into my life. And I do not think he will not harass me for them anytime soon, sadly...
Speaking of which, no. His accidents do not annoy me as much as they used to. It does not stain, and strangely, I can almost brush it away like a solid material instead of it being seeped up in a washcloth. It is easy to clean up after him, and I know that he enjoys my presence.
About Morris, it is alright. I ma sure he will return... I-I am sure. *small sniffle* Anyways. Love is not dangerous in any way? Strange. From all that I have gathered, "Love" seems like the most dangerous infection to receive. *scribbling noises* *muffled* warm... feeling... of protection... possibly... not harmless?... clouds... of... happiness....
A-and "Love"? From me? F-for M-Morris?! N-no... you must be mistaken... I-I am sure "Love" will never, ever i-infect me. I am impervious.
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4/26/2015 10:46amWhilst living with this Black Bo- er, Blackie... I have discovered many things about it. It has created a spider-like web underneath my bed, and covered it with bright blue ink. With curiosity, I have tasted the peculiar substance. It actually tasted like copper and grass.
*thumping noises* *hissing*
It enjoys climbing on the ceiling. Like now.
And since it is, of course, a box, I have tried to store items in it. I have gotten them back, but they came back coated in ink. He likes to take things and "store" them. Blackie has also become acquainted to me as well, although it believes that it is dominant.
Oh yes, and I have put @
Jessica Moon's stickers on Blackie. It actually enjoys the stickers, and every morning it wakes me up by lying on my chest (which hurts very much) until I put a new sticker on its back. It promptly then goes under my bed and does who-knows-what.
This concludes my voice journal documentary of Blackie. *click*
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4/25/2015 1:55pm@
Jessica Moon Ah, you have decided to take in a cat? That is... *gulp* nice. I am sorry, I just have quite the fear of cats. Also with the bad memories of Morris leaving.... a-anyways.
Love, you say? Peculiar. I am interested in the subject of this love disease. *pen clicking* will you seek medical help? Is it painful? Oh, I have never met someone ever infected with "Love" before! *gasp* Is it contagious?! Please oh please, tell me as much as you can about how you feel! Ah, and get well soon. Best regards!
*muffled* Strange. She is infected by the disease- and from a cat- but she seems to show no signs of pain. More-so... joy, than anything I had thought of. This is unusual... *click*
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Thank you! - 4/24/2015 3:46pm Jessica, you are very caring! I am honored to be someone you pay attention to. And fascinated? By me? Oh, you make my face pink with embarrassment, but awe and joy as well! Thank you! *lights flickering* ah... I shall try to keep my emotions under control.
I am sure Blackie will enjoy them. He still resides under my bed, occasionally spitting ink at me. He has become tolerable. I may keep him as a "pet". *muffled snarling noises* Blackie says hello and thank you.
Come from...? Ah yes, the place I was born. I believe I was brought into creation 16 years, eleven months, 13 days, and 9 hours ago- (I keep close track.) -in the small proximity of a test tube. I do not know how I was created, but 2 years later, when I emerged from the tube, the place I was in was charred and destroyed. Ash was everywhere, and a few small flames were in the corners. I looked relatively human-ish, except for my pearly white hair. I looked like just like I do now- tall and thin. My looks do not change.
And about my thoughts. I have been told I have the intellectual superiority of at least a hundred scholars, and then some. I do not know how I communicate with ghosts, read minds, or interfere with electricity.
Well, that, I believe is all there is to tell. I enjoy the questions you ask me, and would love to answer more!
4/24/2015 6:51amI have many questions.
Why am I not as mad at Eralonia? And why do I refer to her by name and not gag? Why is it that Morris' absence has numbed me to almost everything? Why do I not care if I live or die? *flickering noises* Why won't Morris come back? *buzzing noises*
*glass shattering*
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This "Cat" Creature - 4/24/2015 6:45amNo no, you misunderstood. Morris has been dead since the Victorian Era. I communicate with ghosts. I have made him upset, and he has moved out and taken Eralo- *ahem* I mean, the "cat" with him.
I am joyous about the departure of the cat, but without Morris here...
Thank you! - 4/23/2015 4:41pmAH! I am honored! Thank you very, very much @
Jessica Moon, that is kind of you.
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