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To your return
4/15/2015 7:15am

Today is the day, Journal! I will be departing for Japan on a vacation trip! I sadly cannot bring you with me, Journal. Academy Policy. I will return in three days time. OH, how much excitement I feel! *click*

4/14/2015 4:19pm

H-hello again, Journ- AH! NO! GET DOWN FROM- *sounds of stuff falling down* *grunt* I have- augh -received a... gift..? N-no, stop climbing-! *glass shattering* ACK! It is a big black box with six small legs on the bottom... it won't stop runni- HEY! THAT STRUCTURE IS NOT FOR YOU TO- *sizzling noises* ... it has soiled my carpet... a hole has burned through. Alright, that is the final straw.... get in the *grunt* Come now... AH! *sound of chest shutting* *thumping noises* I have successfully trapped the creature. Anyway, it had shown up at my dorm this morning... I do not know who it was from, but it had made a mess... whoever's this is, please take it back as soon as you have the opportunity. I am begging y- *thumping noises* oh gracious. Hold on, Journal. *muffled* HUSH, YOU ABSOLUTE SON OF A TWO- PENCE PIG! *thumps* *silence*


I believe I have controlled it for now. *small clink of glass shattering* OH NO! JOURNAL! YOUR SCREEN HAS SHATTERED! I-I must seek a replacement... g-goodbye... *muffled* oh gracious. I do hope the recording survives.... *click*

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4/13/2015 6:31pm

You are a... human being? No psychic powers? No third arm or anything? Hmm. That is unfortunate. I believe you cannot transfer, so you must make the best of your predicament. My name is Scilpheraloniastrophaquestborono, or, you may address me as "Scilph". I am also relatively new here. I can communicate with the dead, read minds, but interfere with electrical currents. Come to me if you have any questions or concerns.

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Strange School
4/13/2015 3:33pm

Hello there, @Roxanne! It is a pleasure to be your acquaintance. I am Scilpheraloniastrophaquestborono, or "Scilph". I am also learning my way around the school and figuring out things. You are not the only one that makes things spontaneously combust. I interfere with the electromagnetism and electric radiation in the air, causing lightbulbs and such to explode. I also communicate with the dead. Morris Von Dukette is one of my close spirit friends. I would be happy to help you around the school, and become companions forthwith, if you please!

*muffled* wow, three friends in two days! Joy! Hmm...? Morris, don't worry, I will not forget about you. Are you envious...? Oops, the recorder is still on... let me just-

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4/13/2015 7:19am

I have found a very... strange creature.... roaming around campus.

I was outside for my daily stroll, when behind a bush I hear a sound. It was like a small motor. I peer over the bushes, and I spot a brown, furry creature. It had four short, stubby legs, and a long tail. It had pointy ears at the top of its head, and was curled up behind the bush. I was horrified. What was this sick, disgusting creature? It slowly opened its big, round, eyes and yawned, revealing rows and rows of sharp, pointy teeth. It let out a soft, delicate sound, trying to fool me into its awful, gaping maw...

Oh, hello Morris. Hm? Just telling Journal a story.... What did the creature say? Well, it's a strange noise... I guess it said... "meow"...? What's wrong now, Morris?

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Time, Ghosts, and Companions
4/13/2015 7:06am

Yes, Morris does exist. I will introduce him to you . Anyway, about the electrical waves, that is a very plausible theory. Thank you very much for that. I might get a tutor of sorts to help me control that. And yes, I believe we do share one learning room together.... I believe it was Electrical Engineering, which is unfortunate for me. I was the girl that touched a pack of lightbulbs and made them spontaneously combust.

And I would love to meet you! That is one of the many things friends do, correct? "Hang out"? I hope you do not mind if I bring Morris with me as well- he was my first ghost friend, but you are my first human one! I am sure you two will get along. Thank you, Nicola, for giving me this experience!

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Time, Ghosts, and Companions
4/12/2015 8:48am

You are very kind and welcoming! Thank you very much! I believe I have made my first.... friend! Success is MINE! *long static whine* *numerous lightbulbs shattering* -... ah. I have lost control of the electrical current... I-I apologize.... *ahem*

I will fix that later. Anyway... I thoroughly appreciate your gesture. Well, I'm sure you could tell by the lights. Ha ha. Your powers are very fascinating! Controlling insects and small creatures seems very enjoyable. Not many things can benefit me by lying (on accident), breaking lightbulbs (also accidentally), and communicating with the dead... no one else can hear them, and it seems like I am talking to myself- ah, hello Morris.... Hmm? Recording my journal...-AH! AND I HAVE ALSO MADE A FRIEND! Oh, I am sorry for yelling, Nicola.... Morris, Nicola is the name of my friend!.... Nicola, Morris says hello.

Anyway, I am sorry for rambling on... thank you for listening! I look forward to our next conversation!

Time, Ghosts, and Companions
4/11/2015 8:39pm

Hello there.... again? I do not know. I guess I do not have to introduce myself? Well, I still will... My name is Scilpheraloniastrophaquestborono (that is only my first name- ha ha.), but you many call me Scilph. As a sign of companionship, nicknames are used. Joy! I believe to "bond" we talk about our powers. Time travel seems a very complicated thing, is it not? Do you ever have to worry about paradoxes? Ah, my powers is not special... I can read minds, not on purpose, involuntarily. I can also communicate with the dead. I am sure you have met some of those that I speak with. But I also lie on accident as well, and I- *long static whine* -...interfere with electricity. I am sorry, I think I have burst the- *glass shattering* -...lightbulb. I am sorry, I have rambled on long enough. Pardon me for taking your time... I must leave anyway. I am required to pay for all the bulbs I break. Goodbye.

4/11/2015 7:58pm

I believe I have made progress in my endeavor to find companions. In Electrical Engineering, I touched a pack of lightbulbs and they burst, shattering shards of glass everywhere. I apologized and sat down at my table while Professor cleaned, but many others were laughing. Some even gave me a thumbs up and said, "Good job" before resuming laughing. I remembered to smile back at them. I even checked to make sure my hair looked nice. (It had turned a bright pearly white after the shock.) Before I know it, I will be surrounded by good "buddies"- and others as well! We will soon become the best of friends, and I will be included in the joyous occasions! Success is MI- *high pitched whine* -IIIIINE! I will return!

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Annoying Yellow Dance
4/11/2015 5:37pm

Hmm? I sense a negative vibe around me. Possibly someone near me. I am accidentally interfering with the *loud electrical shriek* *ahem* electricity. I will scan the minds around me and see who.... ah, found them. I will find them and apologize, and in the process, also make a new friend like in the stories! Sucess! I shall depart now. Farewell!

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