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Annoying Yellow Dance - 4/2/2015 7:35amI have not made any acquaintances at this school. *long static shriek* no one will ever approach me in the halls. I wonder- *lightbulb bursts* -.... why that is. I must repair my light source. I will return.
Wonder - 3/27/2015 5:18pmI too question reality. Am I real, and will I ever exist in any way in the future? I believe our existence is fragile and pointless. Sometimes not worth having. I wonder If anyone else knows that resistance to the future is futile. Why bother to love or care about anyone when we aren't even sure if we currently live?
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3/27/2015 4:45pmAh ,yes. I believe I shall tell you my "talents", why I am enrolled here. I communicate with the dead. They are not that scary.I thoroughly enjoy their company more than people's. I also have a tendency to read minds without permission. And I also lie. Not on purpose. It just happens. I apologize. And I accidentally- *Loud static and microphone whine* -... interfere with technology on occasion. Is this no longer functioning? *tap tap* oh, yes, it survives. *glass shattering* The light bulb has burst. It is dark. I require assistance, please.
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3/27/2015 4:40pmIt is my first day a Psychic High School, or "Psy High". That was a joke. I shortened the words to make it funny. Ha ha. My humor has improved. I believe this will be an interesting endeavor, and I hope to make companions.
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