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The Annual Science and Shapeshifters Dance - 10/15/2015 9:05pmI don't know why, but I'm inclinded to go to this "Shapeshifter Dance" tomorrow. Which is weird, because social events exhaust me and mirrors make me question the solidity of my existance in this timeline. My urge to attend is probably from either @
Matching by Mattie drumming up some excitement or the lingering effects from my (failed) attempt to interface with The New Machine. My mouth still tastes like iron and I've been disconnected for a whole day....
If I do go, it'll most likely be to keep an eye on my PsyBuddy, @
Consuelo. While the dance moves have improved greatly, I still want to be there as moral support for Connie's social interactions. A chaotic dance filled with shifty-eyed shape-shifters and psychics pumped up from Nutrient Solution is definitely not the time to abandon a shy freshmen. No matter how well they can whip and/or dougie. Though, to be honest, it's more likely I'd be the one to get hurt than Consuelo. *sigh* The struggles of being "fun-sized". Maybe I'll just hang out on the ceiling and watch the revelers from there. I'd get a lot of data points for my Foresight Interpretation class with such a vantage point. Though hopefully most of my visions of Friday night are wrong. But just in case, @
Pearline, please ensure that the third window on the west wall is securely shut. And it wouldn't hurt to sprinkle some anti-Stink Ape pheromones around there. Sorry for causing any hassle or worry, but this is really for the party's best interest... I think.
the new machine - 10/13/2015 5:59pm*/attempt access_journal
*/enter student_username: Gretel
*/enter student_password: ******
*/ERROR: Password Incorrect
*/Systems Check: Error Found. Caps lock = on
*/Caps lock manual_override
*/enter student_password: ******
*/virtual_student_forum accessed
*/preparing esthetically pleasing format
*/evaluating rhyme scheme
*/begin emitting wavelengths in rhythmic patterns
The New Machine:
/One Two Three
/Move With Me
/Four Five Six
/Clangs and Clicks
/Each Piece Fits
/Seven Eight Nine
/Now's The Time
/Join Our Minds
/It's Peace We Find
/Ten Ten Ten
/No Turning Back
/You're One Of Us
/We're All You
/Enjoy The View
/Of A Utopia
/Being Built On Trust
/And Binary Code
10/11/2015 8:23amSomething that I will never get sick of is watching students fly by my window. *Whoosh*... *whoosh*... *scream**whoosh*... You can always tell which of them are new members to the flying club. I took some pictures to send home. I send two pictures home every two weeks to my family, along with a message sent through soul crystal vibration synchronizations. My little brother likes to look at all the photos and make up stories to go along with them. He really wants to come to Psychic High School when he's old enough, but if he doesn't learn to better control his powers by next year there's no way they'll let him in. Psyhigh may be accepting of all sorts, but my little brother's a different breed of psychic. The Self-Aware Library would hate him.
I really shouldn't be journaling right now. To fulfill my extra-curricular requirements, I joined one of the school's 23 competing newspapers last week, and I have an article due this Tuesday. But the topic they gave me is rather boring. All the interesting events like the cafeteria menu changing to Arabic and Dean Hammer's secretary discovering a mummified pygmy hippo in the teachers lounge again got claimed by senior members. I know I have to work my way through the ranks before I can tackle the fun stories... and yet I feel dissatisfied with my position. Hmm. I believe this is what some experts call "ambition". Either society lied to me about teenagers' ability to have "ambition" or I inhaled too much anesthetic at my last Dream Interpretation class. Or as I call it now; Stupid Cloud Words Class. Yes, I'm still angry about all that.
*whoosh* *crash* It appears I'll have to cut my journal entry short-- a rather large student just crashed though our dorm window and my roommate is about to pass out in shock. Poor thing has a rather weak heart.
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10/4/2015 11:18amDay 3 of no sleep. I'd hoped by now that the event my dreams are trying to prophesize would have already occurred, but the burning rolling pain is still here. At least @
Scilph lent me some pain-killers. She was looking kind of sad. Probably because she was covered in what looked like brick fragments and cement dust. Something about breaking into a fourth wall? Oh well. Don't we all have those days where a separate personality becomes overly-dominate? ...No? Oh. Maybe I should have that looked at.
Surprisingly, I haven't been suffering too much from lack of sleep. Usually I get really cranky, and illogical, and sluggish. And sometimes a few ancient Hermogriac Curses slip out. As long as there's a large body of fresh water nearby though no one gets hurt. What's really helped me combat the slimy pull of sleep though is @
Matching by Mattie's Love Sick Soda. That stuff is like guzzling down twenty coffees. It's awesome. I bought her entire supply. Which in hind-sight, was pretty foolish. I'm 99% sure she subliminally forced me into that. It was worth it though, to see her happy. It was weird to see her and @
Nobody interacting though, because they both kept flickering in and out of view. At times I thought I was completely alone in the room, and then they'd reappear on the couch or something. Hmm... that would make a great poem. Drinking this Love Sick Soda may stop the symptoms, but it doesn't cure the virus. I've already had a few hallucinations, which I'm not sure whether they're from my repressed visions or my brain's flailing about being tired. I keep seeing this girl smiling sadly and saying good-bye to somebody named "Alex". I get the feeling the sad girl is Kayla. Or Kalahmari. Or Calamari. I don't know. It kind of freaks me out, like I'm seeing a puppet-master or something.
My posts have been too people oriented lately. I need some time to detatch from my social ties for a little bit. Maybe I'll camp out on the Astrology Lecture Hall ceiling. It's always so pretty up there, and futures are so much clearer.
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10/2/2015 3:47pmMy head is vibrating with the intensity of a cell phone in a silent classroom. It's hurting more than a finger scorched by a traitorous toaster. It's pounding as loud as a teenager's car sound system blasting the bass. In short, I've got a prophetic dream that's reaching its expiration date. And yet, I am refusing to allow it to manifest in the dream realm between realities. Why? Because I hate learning new languages. I've hated it since I was little. The only person who's ever managed to coax me into a forgein word is Disa the Exploder, who taught me "Detonation" in Norwegian. And even then, I'm pretty sure Disa was making those Norwegian words up. At least her show was exciting. Too bad it was taken down for Copyright Infringement and Excessive Violence.
Anyway, my Dream Interpretation teacher started us on a "Cloud Guidance" unit. She literally wants us, in the middle of an action-packed future vision, to look up at the sky and watch the illusion of clouds. And even worse, the clouds aren't even in my native tongue. So we have to learn the cloud's language (sorta a cross between sandscipt and Mesopotamian, with Ferouldan roots) and be able to translate what they're saying about the prophetic dream. Even the thought of it makes my blood boil. So what if my interpretations are a bit vauge and rhyme too much? It's MY vision, I get to proclaim it! Not some nonexistent water molecules! Nobody questioned Tiresias's methods of listening to bird chatter and then burning animal thighs! Who gives a hoot if I sing out what is to come? Grr... even if I wasn't hanging upside down my face would be flushed with blood.
Plus, at the same time I have to learn @
Consuelo's language. But I don't mind that as much, because at least there's actual purpose and emotion behind my need to learn this. Not to mention, Consuelo's a really nice kid when you manage to make eye-contact and enter the proper inputs. My brother had a pet dog who functioned a bit like my "Psy Buddy", only Consuelo is a lot more complex and capable. They're still defining the "nblocks and struct group_info" of kids in the cafeteria, but once that's over I'm sure everything in the transition to our unique interdimensional boarding school will be smooth. It'd be a lot easier without screeching statues slowly rolling in the halls and the goopey icky lagoon exploding randomly, but my first week was rough too. Psyhigh isn't easy on Freshmen.
Oooooooooowwwwww... oh no, I must've said something related to my currently suppressed prophetic dream. My unconsciousness is practically clawing at my frontal lobes! OUCH! Ugh... need... pain killers... maybe... @
Scilph... has... some? Haven't seen... her... in... forever..... *stumbles into the hallway clutching head*
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9/28/2015 5:51pmOctober Is The Cruelest Month (For Psyhigh):
The mist is forming, growing, rolling,
From some unknown magic place,
And it's obvious what is coming,
For fog is tightly tied with fate.
The trees are burning,
Slowly changing into shades of flame,
In the wind they are crying,
Raspy voices no kindness can tame.
The clouds are brooding,
Fluffy towers suddenly flat,
See, they've turned rather moody,
I fear I know what they're seething at.
The moon is crooning,
Bright against a dead black sky,
In lakes reflections he has been pruning,
Knowing soon he'll need to shine.
The mist is forming, growing, rolling,
From some unknown magic place,
And it's obvious what is coming,
For fog is tightly tied with fate.
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9/26/2015 5:49pmIt's nice to have friends. For instance, @
Nobody joined me on the ceiling today. We had a nice chat and worked on homework together. Her hair is a lovely neon pink, though I can't say that I would wish that upon myself. I've been spending a lot of time with friends lately, which is weird seeing as I come from a long line of hermits. Do you remember that one story where the heroes have to go visit a crazy hermit in the wilderness who can tell the future and sees what they must do/where they must go?
Yeah, that was my great-great-great cousin Marty. He's nice when you get to know him, and seeing as he haunts my aunt's songbird identification book every Thursday we've seen a lot of him. He really likes the pages about mocking birds. And his beard smells like apple strudels.
I know it's hard for some people to make friends. It took me a 78.4 day period to make my first acquaintance at Psyhigh! It's just hard not to be intimidated by people wielding psychic arm cannons and burping clouds. So I think I'm going to join that new group @
Big Jim made. I'm alright in school, and I'm relatively normal. Maybe I can really help some poor lost student who's stuck wandering the halls right now. That would be fun I guess. Big Jim assigned me to this new kid named @
Consuelo. Weird name, but I'm sure they're a nice and normal kid like the minority of us. I'll look for them at lunch on Monday, maybe they'll enjoy the table I sit at with @
Scilph and the others.
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9/17/2015 7:53pmI can't believe this rain. It rained out today's outdoors project. The clouds maliciously hung in the air all day until we stepped outside, and then pelted us with rain. The nerve. I'll be having a stern talking to the sky later, and it is definitely going into time-out. Totally unrelated topic, does anybody know where the biggest corner in Psyhigh is?
At least the rain is a nice lullaby. The pit pit pat rat a tat tatt just sort of soothes people into a dream state. Just thinking about it... is making my eyelids... droop... BUT I don't want to go to sleep. I can feel another psychic vision stirring in my head. It feels like a doozy. It's crack rattle and popping along with the rain storm. Waking up from this prophecy is going to hurt... so I'm going to drink a lot of caffeine tonight. I don't listen to the "experts". Procrastination is my friend.
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See the future - 9/15/2015 7:38pmFlashes dashes sprints away.
Oh I wish the vision would stay.
Peek peer catch a glance.
Wonder if it will come to pass.
Smile a while, frown for miles.
Two futures with frowns or smiles.
Visions hitting with a thud,
Cole, welcome to the Seer Club
normalz - 9/11/2015 8:55pmNormal. Now that's a goal to strive for. No eccentricities, no obvious flaws, no off-putting opinions, no weirdness. Just to blend in with morden man (and woman) and not worry about self-consciousness. But is there such a thing as normal? Aren't we all odd in some way, shape or form? Don't we all posess an abnormality? And even if we could identify what normal is, how could one maintain that fake personality?
Actually, my roommate said she has a brother who's AP Mentality Facades group perfected a technique to make a person 100% normal. So that's always an option. She says it's permanent, but she tends to exaggerate to make her brother sound cooler. It probably lasts a day. I don't know if it works on @
Pineapple Heads either. It might be worth a shot if it means being an average human for a while though. Haven't we all yearned for that? ...Really? Nobody has ever felt that way? Yeesh, tough crowd.
I wouldn't mind being normal for a little bit.
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