Ms. Hazeltine
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All Gates Open - 9/30/2021 11:33pmI'm delighted to announce that all this month the school will be celebrating our annual Autumnal Extravaganza, culminating in the opening of a new portal in Extradimensional Concourse C.
This new portal could not have been achieved without the aid of the Aos sí Investment Group, dedicated to opening cultural and economic communion with the Other Worlds. Aos sí will be sponsoring various events throughout the month, and we encourage you to read their brochures, but maybe don't touch any of the hors d'oeuvres and refreshments.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Back to Psychic School - 9/7/2021 7:54pmThank you students for your deep interest in the Active Psychic Student Alliance (APSA)!
As Psyhigh's Student Activities Coordinator, the APSA is like my right hand! Or, at least a really important tentacle.
APSA members are specifically recruited for their unique skills and abilities, discovered by our legendary scouts. Always looking for special talents, those scouts!
The APSA motto explains it well: Don't call us. We'll call you.
You'll be hearing from us in the morning.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Back to Psychic School - 9/1/2021 12:11amWelcome new students! And returning students with memory issues!
By now I know you're milling around helplessly, looking for your dorm, new friends, your luggage, and perhaps some water without all those pesky mind control chemicals in it.
Students from the Active Psychic Student Alliance (APSA) are here to help. You can identify them by their bright green jackets, and can find them throughout campus waiting on your every need. If an Active Psychic Student Alliance student is not immediately available, merely concentrate on the ⊷ ⊱ ⊙ ⊍ series as described in your orientation brochure.
And of course know that you're always welcome to visit me in my office! It's located on the third-and-a-half floor of the administration building, through the mirrored hallway of the Future Nurse and around the corner from the Belated Boiler. If I'm not in my office just leave a note on my bulletin board with the little crayon on the string.
Looking forward to a wonderful new preternatural school year!
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Psychic Fair and Rodeo 2021 - 8/22/2021 10:21pmOh yes Hannah, that sounds like a wonderful idea. Even if you have no experience whatsoever, I'm sure it would be perfectly safe for you to take part in the Psychic Rodeo. You don't mind being roped, do you?
In fact, you should attend the Ghost Hoedown this Thursday, which is a little soiree the ghosts put on the night before the rodeo starts. It would be a great way for you to get to know the other ghosts and wailers. If you bring @
Sweetie2 by the Intensity Learning Lab in the Psychic Resource Center earlier that evening, we can hook her up to some of the school's old mandatory education tapes and I'm sure she'll sleep deeply the whole night through.
Meanwhile, the Psychic Fair and Rodeo is open for business! The carnival midway opens each night this week and through the weekend at dusk. All rides free for students and associated others. If you observe any residents of the town slipping in, please practice Level 5 Outsider Isolation Protocols, and let your RA know.
During the day, be sure to visit the exhibition halls to see the Psyhigh 4-H club's entries in the mythic animal husbandry competition, as well as memory quilting, poisonous jam and pie contest, and mental hay and fencing division I. We'll be competing against paranormal schools district-wide, so be sure to come and show your Psyhigh Spirit!
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Psychic Fair and Rodeo 2021 - 8/11/2021 9:51pmI am thrilled to report that the Psyhigh Psychic Fair and Rodeo will begin setting up in the fairgrounds this weekend. The fairgrounds have just completed their year of exorcisms and deep psychic detoxification (after being declared a Psychic Superfund Site) following last year's event, so they're spiffier than ever!
The fair starts later next week. It takes this particular traveling troupe of carnies, clowns, flimflammers, and hustlers a long time to set up on account of their incorporeal nature, as they are largely spectral. The set-up work will mostly be done at night, so ear-plugs will be available at the welcome desk within each dormitory. Also, please beware of flying objects in the vicinity of the fairgrounds after dark.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Psychic Fair and Rodeo 2021 - 7/31/2021 2:57pmIt's time once again for the annual Psyhigh Psychic Fair and Rodeo!
As Psyhigh's resident cryptid wrangler, @
Lasso Larry, is still unaccounted for in Worm Gardens, we're looking for volunteers to help organize the event for later this month. Prior experience in were-beast training, competitive ghost herding, and giant spider pleasure class a plus.
Members of Psyhigh's Psychic 4-H club will be organizing the mythic craft and livestock portions of the fair, and we are currently taking bids from the usual disreputable carny cults to run the midway.
If you're interested in helping out, you can find the signup sheet on the bulletin board outside of my office.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Children’s Circle Summer Session - 6/3/2021 8:45pmOh yes you sound like a wonderful candidate, @
Annie Sweet.
The tryouts invocation is tomorrow, followed by a "battle royale" all weekend at Psyhigh. Non-participating students are asked to follow directive 9 protective measures during this time to avoid injury or disfiguration.
Good luck making it to the winner's circle, everyone!
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Children’s Circle Summer Session - 5/31/2021 11:21pmThat is an excellent question, @
Elizabeth Magnolia.
All students are invited to apply, as I'm sure every one of you has the compassion and empathy and caring that it takes to help these young people get the most out of their summers, and learn a little bit about life along the way.
Along with that, you'll need to be fully versed in CPR and First Aid, Anaphylaxis Training, Recovered Memory Training, training in the Five Kinds of Combat (Lvl 6), and Defensive Driving. You'll also need a background check, and a Psychic Criminal Background Check, and a Working With Psychic Children Check (WWPCC). There's also a full stress physical, a double retina and ectoplasmic DNA scan, references, and the ability to perform a short firewalk. Oh, and singing! Really helpful to know some songs.
You can find brochures with the complete list of required optional requirements at the bulletin board outside of my office.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Children’s Circle Summer Session - 5/29/2021 11:26pmChildren's Circle Summer Session is coming up! Students interested in early childhood psychic development are encouraged to apply as childminders for these precocious tots. Receive school credit and earn some extra cash for the summer! More info and signup sheet on the bulletin board just outside my office door.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Reality Abroad - 5/15/2021 1:48pmOh dear. Apparently the tech people didn't have a thingy turned up high enough, and students have been being placed into generated realities with their memories intact.
We deeply apologize for this error. Memory retrieval teams will be visiting the students already placed, and all future participants in the Reality Abroad program will be transferred free of any such baggage.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
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