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7/29/2015 8:07pm~Ah, great, @
Gretel! I'm really thankful for that information. I'll tell Scilph right awa-~
Zzz-- huh, wha..?
~Oh, you've woken up. That was a quick nap.~
I do not need to sleep long. Anyway, what has happened?
~Listen to this.~ *plays back song*
Wow. Much has happened! And-- SPACE ROCKS?! WHERE?
~Uhm, she means actual space rocks, not Steven Universe characters...~
I still get excited.
~Anyways... many things have happened. The illness, possessed Beanie Boos.... gracious. I truly hope it isn't-- her, again.~
...Don't be worried, Eralonia. She won't be back for awhile.
~We can't be sure. She's capable of many things. I would know.~
I know that you know... you're being paranoid. I know what paranoia feels like. But just--
UWAH! Morris, are you alright? That looks like it hurts...
~Then why are you smiling...?~
{This is really exciting. I need to go show Walls! Haven't seen him in FOREVER! And I've heard he's got a new roomie. Just gonna pop by and say hey.}
Yes, but--
{WALLS, HERE I COME!} *door slamming again*
...He should have taken a shower first...
~He has so much sand in his hair.~
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7/29/2015 4:59pmHello, everyone! I have returned from Psyhigh's camp. and I am exhausted.
*thump* *soft snoring*
~... Scilph is very tired. Hasn't slept for three days.... I am as well. Can anyone explain to me what has been happening recently? I've heard things about space rocks, beanie babies, and other things..... I don't have the time to read the Journals. I need to unpack. Does anyone mind filling me in on everything? Thanks.... gotta go. I'll tell you about camp later!~
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7/23/2015 6:03pmHello!
My days have been slow and... slightly dreary. Boredom is overwhelming.... most of my time has been on my NEW COMPUTER (from which i am typing right now) instead of my voice-recording Journal. I will most likely use this from now on. I have also been taking writing lessons, because... well...
(~Her spelling used to be atrocious.~)
(~It's true! You barely knew how to spell "in" correctly!~)
Hush... I'm going to alter what you're saying.
(~Scilph, you are a terribly smart individual, and I, just a simple, meaningless cat.~)
That is true, Computer Eralonia!
--This is the actual Eralo typing. Yes, I can type well with paws. I've adapted. I'll be taking over from here, thank you very much. I made Scilph go and buy some things-- we don't normally eat from the cafeterias. We travel to convenience stores and the like for food. Anyway, I have been teaching Scilph how to write. She is a very quick learner. In only three days, she has covered grammar, spelling, and other things. I'm proud. And sorry for the hiatus on posts, but when Morris was eating at dinner (he eats very sloppily, mind you) he spilled Porcupine Quill Fondue all over our Journals, so we had to get them repaired. We're very sorry, but there will be another hiatus for awhile again...On Saturday, we will be off to the annual Psyhigh Nature Camp for five days to escape technology for awhile- I feel like that would be good for us. I am excited, and well will have much fun.
Let's see, what else has occurred... oh yes. Blackie. Well, as you may have heard, he had sprouted a.. tail. A very inky one. It is entirely made of such, and it gets things incredibly messy. But it is not like normal ink. When it hits a surface, it hardens, then becomes sulfur that can be swept away. But it leaves a nasty stain on whatever it touched... so for the time being, we are keeping him outside. Beware of the friendly black-box-dog, and do not let him come in contact with any new clothes. That is all.
Hello Computer-Journal. It is I, Scilph again. I have returned from the convenience store with Squid ink Spaghetti (a favorite of mine, even though I don't need to eat) Violet Supreme Sprinkles from Sprinkle Co. (Nobody suggested them. The turn your hair silver, like mine, and makes you unable to smell anything putrid. It also gives you the ability to spit small marbles.) a box of green tea flavored "Pocky" (another favorite of all of us, even Eralonia-- I like green tea flavor, Morris loves strawberry, but Eralo prefers Salmon) a chocolate bar (for me only) a flashlight keychain (I could not resist) green tea smoothie packs (enough to last me about a week-- 26.) and some more extra-buttered popcorn (for Morris). And even though she says she hates them, some kitty treats for Eralonia.
(~Yecch, I HATE those! Why do you always buy me them?~)
Because you always eat them. The only reason you insist you don't like them is because it makes you feel like a "pet".
(~I am NOT a pet, and I will NOT eat those!~)
Alright. I will throw them away.
(~Wait... what flavor are they?~)
Salmon. I know how much you love it.
(~I'll take them... but only because I will try new things.~)
Good job.
Well, that is all for today. Goodbye!
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7/19/2015 7:33amGood Morning!
The StevenBomb has ended along with "The Showdown", and we got wonderful closure in both. Garnet is talking to Pearl again, and Fortuna's home base is destroyed all is well. Except for the glass everywhere... we are advised to stay in our dorms again. *sigh* I wish Atlantica were here to cheer me up. I truly need that right now. Eralonia has recovered well, it seems. Yes, she was disturbed when glass felines came plummeting out of the sky.... but otherwise, she is fine. Let's see... what else...
AH! BLACKIE! I have not talked about Blackie for awhile, it seems. He is doing well, being his normal, carefree self. But something has happened recently... a large tail, made out of (slightly) solidified ink has sprouted from his behind. It drips ink everywhere, and we've been needing to keep him outside. Of course he still comes in... we just put the merchandise Mattie gave us-- er, newspapers, on the floor because of the drips.
I believe that about covers everything. Goodbye!
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7/16/2015 7:58am~Good morning... I am ready to tell about "The Showdown".~
~Once we had freed Nobody, we thought we were in the clear. We were so close-- SO CLOSE-- to the door, but a milkshake glass shattered beside Mattie's head. She yelped, and on instinct, pulled out the herbs triumphantly. With a loud "HA-HA!" she turned around and threw them at Fortuna. Unfortunately, coming in direct contact with SLUMBER HERBS causes one to promptly faint. Nobody quickly gathered up Mattie and put her in a booth. Everyone was looking at Fortuna, but I didn't dare turn around. I didn't want to look at her again.~
~"My darling dearest." She said. It disgusted me. Her voice was dripping with sweetness, but I knew she only wanted to hurt someone, anyone. "Come now, you're so silly! Why don't we end this little charade now, hmm? Just surrender to me, and all will be well."~
~That was a lie. I knew that was I lie and I wasn't going to subject Mattie and Nobody and Claude and the newly-born Claudette to an eternity here, or worse. I knew what she was going to do. "Just turn around, my beautiful Snow White child."~
~I put my paws over my ears, trying to block out the venom in her voice. I didn't want this again. I just wanted to go home and be with Morris and Scilph and Gretel and Walls and Atlantica And Pacifica. (well, they''re both gone... so I couldn't have that.) I kept my eyes glued to the shiny glass door in front of me.~
~"No? Well, that's a shame... Mattie, darling, would you like to be my puppet for toda-- oh, no. That HORRENDOUS makeup is back. Sweetie, you look like a clown that just dribbled on themselves. Oh ho ho ho! Well, Nobody, how about YOU instead?"~
~I turned my head slightly and looked up to see Nobody, shaking with fear. Her eyes were wide, and her lips were moving ever so slightly. I think she was praying. I didn't dare look again, to see her eyes roll back in that sick, sick way when someone is possessed. I knew she was when Nobody kicked me, making me slide across the floor on my side. I got up, refusing to give in again. I just kept my back to Fortuna.~
~The rest of that part is a blur-- a blur of fur, actually. Claude panicked and woke up Mattie somehow (that involved a lot of hissing and scratching) and before Nobody could react, she had 3 pounds of makeup on her face. I turned around to look at Nobody-- but made direct eye contact with Fortuna.~
~I screamed at her. "HOW COULD YOU?!"~
"Do what, darling dearest?"
"Oh, it's easy, really. I could teach you possession, you know."
"Well, I could teach you other things. Hmm? How about it? Maybe creating life from glass, and we could make our own uprising! How does that sound, my precious Snow White child?"
~"NO! YOU-"~
"Well, what do you want? I'm running out of ideas, you know."
~Then, she just completely got a shell-shocked look on her face. Her eyes widened, and everything was silent. Even the whirring on the generators and such stopped. Mattie put her hands over her mouth, Nobody covered her eyes, and Claude put his paws on his ears.~
"M-my darling, I-I'm not--"
~"NO!" Now tears were running down my face. I sniffed, teeth gritted. "I DON'T WANT TO HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH YOU! EVER! I HATE YOU, AND I WISH... YOU MAKE ME WISH I WAS NEVER BORN!"~
~She gasped, covering her mouth with one hand. She looked away, trying to hide the her tears. "I-I.. I didn't--... everything I did, I did for you.." She said weakly. She moaned in pain a bit. "I don't want to hurt you, Eralonia..."~
~That was the first time she called me by my real name. I thought things would change, I KNEW things would change... well, I was dead wrong.~
"..but it looks like I'll have to." ~She removed her hand to show a sickening grin. Her teeth were... pointed. "It's a shame, really. Oh, well. When you make 7,942 'Glass Cat Creations', one of them is bound to rebel."~
"That's right, Eralonia. There were more before you. 7,941 before you. You think you were the first? The ONLY one! Ha! DO you know how difficult it is to create the PERFECT Future-seeing cat? Of course you don't. Well, it seems I've given you a TAD too much personality, because now you've run off, started walking on two legs, and wearing clothes. Imitating the superior species. Pathetic. All the others were failure-- I thought we could have something together-- that something would be the planet, no, the entire COSMOS AND ALL DIMENSIONS IN BETWEEN!"
~I didn't want more of this. I just wanted to go home. But for some reason, I was crying even more. I slunk to the ground, sobbing. I was so tired, hurt, and cold. I was giving up.~
~Fortuna smiled. "Good girl..." She raised her staff, about to bring it down on my head... but Claude clawed her leg. She shrieked and tried to hit him, but missed. Cats are much more agile on four legs. She couldn't get him with the staff... so she stepped on his tail. A loud yelp consumed the diner. That distraction was enough to get us out the door. Nobody came dangerously close to death as she grabbed Claude and ran. Everyone was here... except Claudette. We looked back at the diner JUST as it burst into flames... and Claudette flew out. Literally. She was flying! After several small explosions and several large explosions, we made it out.~
~Afterwards, we all went back to our respective routines. Claude is healing up with the help of Flora, Nobody, and Claudette. Thank you for saving my life, Claude, by risking yours. You as well, Nobody, are truly brave. Mattie is probably in her dorm, applying makeup and taking a long bubblebath and listening to a cheesy love song. Thank you for... uhm... TRYING to save my life. Good job, Cousin.~
~And I? I have spent a LOT of time thinking, crying, cuddling with Scilph and Morris while crying, (I think Scilph is getting used to me) and watching Steven Universe (Not Steve Galaxy, people. STEVEN UNIVERSE. By the way, Ruby and Sapphire are so cute! Lapphy Sapphy was the best part!)~
~I think that about covers everything... I hope to return back to my normal-- well, not-so-normal school life. Minus Atlantica and Pacifica, of course. It's a shame they won't be back until fall. I miss them.~
~I am tired again... I did not sleep much last night. Goodbye, Psyhigh.~
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7/15/2015 8:42pm~*sigh* Hello, Psyhigh. This is yet again Eralonia, back home. Sorry that morris and Scilp cannot post... they have been inconherently screaming about Onions, small red and blue moms, and overall some very queer things, really. *yawn*~
~A lot has happened... but I will tell it tommorow…… I am very tired. At dawn, I will expain "The Showdown" at the diner. I need rest, much rest… Goodnight, everyone.~
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7/14/2015 8:14am~Eralonia to Psyhigh, I repeat, Eralonia to Psyhigh. I am currently on expedition Fortuna. Status report: How am I doing? Here's how I'm doing right now. Fan-FLIPPING-tastic! This is all just a BOODLE OF FUN, being tied to a barstool in an 80's diner. We didn't even SEE Fortuna or Nobody! We just walked in and BOOM! Tied up! How does this even happen? Great job team, we were captured before we even saw her! Now who KNOWS what's going to go down? I should have known, I should have come prepared... AUGH! This is ridiculous...~
*meowing in the background*
~Huh? Claude, they can't underst-- oh. That's... that's a good idea.~
"What? What's the dumb cats saying?"
~I'd keep it shut if I were you. You're making fun of Claudette's father. You wouldn't want her to BURN you, hmm?~
~Relax. Do you want to get out or not?~
~That's what I thought. Claudette, GO!~
*sound of flames popping and cracking*
~...alright, Claudette! I knew burning the ropes would work! Fortuna didn't even bother to use MAGICAL ropes! Ha! EAT IT, MOTHER!! We'll be back, everyone. We just need to find Fortuna-- no, just get Nobody and get out of here. Wish us luck.~
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7/13/2015 2:20pm~Forty-five minutes until the StevenBomb starts, and forty-five minutes until we reach the Diner. I feel that we are getting close. We'll make it there in no ti-~
~Oh, God. Mattie, you are the last person we need to see right now-- wait. Are you actually coming to HELP Nobody?~
"No, she's TOTES wearing my fave shirt. I've gotta get it back."
=Feh, you're so selfish.=
~I'm related to her, Claude.~
~Hush, Claudette. We're almost there. Just ignore mean ol' Mattie.~
"Hmph. I WAS going to complement your beauts pink dress with stars on it, but I think I won't."
~I didn't need your approval... look, let's just make this quick before someone claws off someone's face.~
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7/13/2015 10:45am~*sigh* I am sorry about the damage, screaming, and possible trauma and heart attacks that may ensue today. I am even more sorry to poor @
Walls, who needs to listen to all of it. Scilph is currently speculating about what will happen during the StevenBomb... in doing so, she has caused a blackout in four parts of the school, terrified everyone in a 100 meter radius, and shattered windows. She is currently rocking back and forth in the corner, with Morris trying to calm her down.... I guess I have to go save Nobody.~
~Claude, Claudette, I'm going to need your help. It's up to us to get her back from Forever Diner... let's just try our best to come and leave peacefully, and not have chaos happen today-- or for the rest of the week, at least. We'll leave in half an hour, and follow the fuzzy purple yarn to our destination.~
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7/13/2015 7:29amTODAY IS THE BIG DAY! OOH, I AM SO EXCITED--! I DO NOT KNOW HOW I CAN WAIT 7 HOURS, 31 MINUTES, AND 11 SECONDS MORE! Sardonyx, I will soon see your Fusion Dance- and in HIGH DEF, as well! Oh, my heart leaps with joy at the thought of seeing the beauteous episode~! But I am sure I will sob uncontrollably by the end of this week.
~That's for sure. To commemorate the occasion, I'm wearing my pink dress with stars on it.~
That is adorable! I am wearing my Steven cosplay (his signature star t-shirt and jeans) and @
Gretel, your song was very good as well. I liked it.
Nobody could be in Forever Diner? Oh, no. If this interferes with my show in any way, I will most likely harm someone. Watch your step, Fortuna. You too, Nobody. Be careful... Eralonia also doesn't need this stress. This is supposed to be a time for relaxation and-
{Who're you kidding? We're going to be so emotional during this.}
~If Ruby and Sapphire show up on screen, I will yowl.~
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