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Sparkly Mayhem - 8/7/2015 7:26pmI've been drafted for the S.S.S. Trinket, the Fairy representative at Psyhigh, thought I'd be helpful because of Great-Great Uncle Funky. We called him that because he always acted kind of funky. You can only imagine our surprise when Great-Grunkle Funky died of old age and his corpse suddenly turned into a plank of wood. Apparently that's what changelings do. Fairies - oh, sorry, I mean Pixies! - are really weird. Our family never did find the original Great-Grunkle Funky, but I'm sure he's out there somewhere with his adoptive pixie parents having a good time. Unlike poor @
Scilph. I hope our plan to save her works.
You see, I asked that @
Matching by Mattie come with us. I told her it was because she's "the obvious superior to all females everywhere" and would distract the king. No harm in feeding her ego, right? Well in actuality, she's here because she's the best at causing a scene. She'll make a distraction (involving dramatic poses, the word "like", and pixie-suffocating perfume I'm sure) while the rest of us grab Scilph. And then we run. Preferably fast. Since myself and the others have Fae blood, we'll be almost invisible to Fae Forest's flora and fauna. But Mattie and Scilph- ("Ugh! Guys, like, another Imp is trying to, like, grab meeeeee!") Yeah. All sorts of Fae have been attacking. It's rather slow going. If I sing, I can get some of these creatures to leave Mattie alone. The others we have to get @
Trinket to pacify. I wish we had a means of cloaking ourselves. *sigh* What I wouldn't give to be back at Psyhigh, sitting on the ceiling and singing to the empty hallways.
For now though, I have to sing more Billie Holiday and One Direction songs. I don't mean to be rude, but non-pixie Fae have terrible taste in music.
Sparkly Mayhem - 8/7/2015 1:00pmI know that these fairies are bad. Really, I do. But... I can't help it... I kinda like them. Maybe because my Great-Great-Uncle on my cousin's side was a changeling. I don't know. These fairies have such ingenious minds. Have you looked at how intricate their traps and flying attacks are? It's almost like a new art form! The pixies kind of like me too. Not all of them of course; I've been tripped, pinched, and floated a fair amount. But a few of them like to listen to me sing. Two of them won't let go of my ears, they keep whispering song requests. They're like talkative, shiny earrings. @
Atlantica would be jealous I bet. ~sound of a whistle blowing~ What's wrong Whistler? You want to hear the pixie tribe anthem AGAIN? ^Snapping sound^ Alright, but only because Snaps agrees.
War Song of Scintillula's Pixies:
Flying in between the trees,
Glowing underneath the leaves,
What was that? What was that?
Setting traps that make a crash,
Punishing these human trash,
Who did this? Who did this?
Stealing remotes and car keys,
Snatching away their babies,
Where'd it go? Where'd it go?
Forever we will serve our King,
And his lovely captive Queen,
Steal her away! Steal her away!
We are mayhem and chaos,
We thrive where order has been lost,
Fear the Fae! Fear the Fae!
8/4/2015 7:19amMy (Rhyming) Schedule:
Foresight Interpretation,
(Why can't visions be obvious?)
Dream Manipulation,
(It makes it fun to be unconscious!)
Advanced Ghost Writing,
(I always wanted a pen pal.)
Choir of Unearthly Singing,
(I was recruited after all.)
Fifth Hour Lunch.
(See you there @
Pursuing a Hunch,
(Recommended by Tulka!)
Study Hall.
(Boring, but at least I'll be with S-AL!)
Those are my classes for the Fall,
(I hope they'll all be practical!)
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8/3/2015 8:37amLast night was the weirdest party I've ever been to. But it was a good weird. I met lots of nice people. A centaur asked me to dance. And the balloons were filled with maple syrup, so if somebody popped them they got covered in sticky goop. That was really funny. You gotta love poltergeists. Well, you don't have to. Most people don't. Becuase poltergeists are jerks. But sometimes if you step back, you can really appreciate their antics. Also, I was really happy when I returned to my dorm to see my closet is no longer smoldering and/or a mystical portal. Some of my clothes were even still in there! Unfortunately, my shirt that had a bunny and a puppy playing soccer was disintegrated. That was my favorite pajama top... fashion doesn't appreciate my pajamas. I don't blame you @
Matching by Mattie! I blame fashion magazines and cliche mean girls in cartoons. They're the ones who don't appreciate pajamas! The fools! If you can't look dorky while you sleep, when can you???
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The Horrific Makeover Crusade - 8/2/2015 4:04pmEw. I feel really sticky. I went to take a nice calm bath and instead I was attacked by a bunch of make up and hair stuff I never bought. Judging by the "Matching by Mattie, where all our ingredients are artificial!" label, Mattie is behind this. *sigh* I just wish the possessed hair products hadn't straightened my hair. I like my curly hair. It's all bouncy. Plus, to keep it my hair straight you need a lot of hair spray. So my entire body is encased in layers of hair spray. It's gross feeling. Almost as gross as all this eye shadow caked on my lids. Oh, wait, I wanted to tell you guys about a prophecy dream I had. My head still hurts from it. Here:
Lots of people in our world have facades,
Masks that they don to fit in with us all.
But behind these masks, what lies beyond?
Remove the false confidence, remove the weak wall.
They are constructed figuratively by most people,
But teen girls are notorious for making this literal.
And then a huge bottle of chemically stuff flooded the dreamscape. It felt like I was drowning... but it removed all the crazy make up I was wearing in the dream. So that was a plus. I hope to see you all at @
Scilph's party, but until then I'll be sitting on a ceiling. I need to recover from my "Make over Ambush".
8/1/2015 3:36pmI'm pretty excited, apparently I won student of the month. Yeah! I guess my silly posts are thought-provoking enough to win a feature. Who would have thought?
Inspired by this accomplishment, I went back and read the journals of past Students of the Months. To do this, I had to travel to the Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame is beautiful, I don't know why it isn't better advertised during campus visits. The walls are pretty plain, but if you look at them from out of the corner of your eye in just the right way, you can see moments of celebration and triumph from Psyhigh past. I saw a grand feast in 1693 held because some witch trials had ended or something. Another wall showed the first successful flight of the egg ship by Carmella Baker in 1929, remember reading about that in Psychic History? I'm pretty sure I also caught a glance of the Forever Diner exploding into a million little glass shards. That last one gave me the shivers. The only things cooler than the walls (or am I supposed to say @
Walls?) were the plaques. There were all sorts of them extending back to when Psychic High School was called Psychic High School Girls of Japan. There are plaques for heroic deeds, scientific discovery, unique harnessing of psychic abilities, and large monetary donations to the school. The last one was kind of boring. But the others were made of a reflective metal, like a mirror. Looking into the plaque, you saw the student who received the recognition instead of your reflection. I had a nice long chat with a boy who could shrink objects by wiggling his eyebrows. @
Matching by Mattie's plaque was really talkative and kind of scared me. Seriously, people should wander down the Hall of Fame more often. It's one endless hall that probably won't send you to the infirmary.
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7/31/2015 12:44pmStay here summer,
Right here with me,
Just a little longer,
Stay here please.
When autumn comes,
With death and chills,
All life succumbs,
To its natural sleeping pills.
So stay here summer,
Don't let the birds fly away,
Don't be a bummer,
Goodbye is too hard to say.
School approaches faster,
And though new classes are enticing,
I know that soon after,
Waking up early won't be so inviting.
I know this is futile,
I should enjoy you while you're here,
But it's so hard to smile,
When cold months are growing near.
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7/29/2015 6:55pm@
Scilph, you need a summary? I can try. A quick song should work.
[insert drums and electric guitar here]
Nobody's dragon gets increasingly out of control,
Regarding Mattie's soda, she's just added more.
Kristopher has become roomies with Walls,
His ego and wardrobe aren't small at all.
Rainbow Tracie has a mysterious illness,
And tries to cope with Elsa; a friendly giantess.
Trinket is a fairy who's been giving us insight,
She knows about magical things that go bump in the night.
Meggatha is a new student who is pretty concise,
But her blood-thirsty toys are on the hunt (they're not very nice).
Randy Bernstein's flying club took to the skies again,
until a random ley line sent them to the Canadians.
Sparkly Sparkles posted a rant about clichés,
Nova Toaster quickly talked her back into "reality".
I believe that is all you missed my friend while you were gone,
Welcome back to Psyhigh Scilph, Morris, and Eralonia!
Not my best work, but I'm really proud of those rhymes. I'm sure other students will be happy to fill you in with more details if you ask. Oh, and I heard a rumor that our official Fall Semester Schedules are being sent out soon. But that's just a rumor.
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7/28/2015 1:17pmThere are a lot of cool things about Psyhigh. The classes... the freedom to wander the campus... the acceptance of oddity... the food.... However, I have my own favorite. I like watching the hallways here. I have my lab partner Jorgey reverse my gravity so I can sit on the ceiling. Most the ceilings here are so high that no one even notices me. If I bring some snacks and a pillow, I can stay up there for hours. You see all sorts of things from the ceiling. Guys get into fights, which can get really interesting depending on their powers. Mattie ambushes people and gives them "surprise makeovers". Walls's projections pop in and out of view constantly, and if you squint your eyes you can pretend that they're fireworks. Once I saw a girl use spontaneous generation to flood her ex-boyfriend's locker with mice. And also all sorts of life forms pass by on visit from various dimensions and solar systems. My favorite is the group of Balidkeel from the Andromeda Galaxy. Their hair is so pretty.
You also see some not-so-cool things in the hall. Like teachers holding hands. Ew. Or a student picking their nose and wiping it on a library book. Double ew. Or sentient stuffed animals hunting down unsuspecting prey. Triple ew. I'm willing to close my eyes and shudder through ghastly ghosts, beady-eyed Beanie Babies, and other freaky things though. Because I know sooner or later there will be something awesome in the halls to distract me from it. People always say they want to be a "fly on the wall", but honestly it's a lot more fun (and hygienic) to be a girl on the ceiling. Trust me, I've got personal experience with both situations.
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Calling All Ghosts - 7/24/2015 7:33pmGhosty, ghosty,
Pearly white.
Ghosty, ghosty,
Gave me a fright.
Ghosty, ghosty,
It's good to see you,
But ghosty, ghosty,
This isn't your room!
Ghosty, ghosty,
Not to be rude,
Please ghosty, ghosty,
Get outta here dude!
Lots of new students are flooding in (both living, undead, and extradimensional)! Not all of them are nice. One of them sat at the back of the cafeteria and melted everyone's jello with laser vision. Watery jello is a crime against humanity. I really hope those mean students don't pass the acceptance trials. Do you guys remember your acceptance trial? My friend Leviathanne claims that everybody gets a different one. She said her step-brother's girlfriend had to jump through hoops with various types of flames burning around them. And everyone has heard the school legend of Peyton Paddington's entangleing cursive handwriting catastrophe. I can't even recall my acceptance trial, I was asleep for most of it. I'll ask again, does anybody remember their trial? I'm really curious about this now. My roommate just hisses at me when I ask her, and even Leciathanne won't tell me anything besides her step-brother's girlfriend's adventure. This isn't something taboo, is it?
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