Ms. Hazeltine
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Children’s Circle Summer Session - 5/29/2021 11:26pmChildren's Circle Summer Session is coming up! Students interested in early childhood psychic development are encouraged to apply as childminders for these precocious tots. Receive school credit and earn some extra cash for the summer! More info and signup sheet on the bulletin board just outside my office door.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Reality Abroad - 5/15/2021 1:48pmOh dear. Apparently the tech people didn't have a thingy turned up high enough, and students have been being placed into generated realities with their memories intact.
We deeply apologize for this error. Memory retrieval teams will be visiting the students already placed, and all future participants in the Reality Abroad program will be transferred free of any such baggage.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Reality Abroad - 4/30/2021 11:30pmTo be clear, @
Yvette L, no belongings whatsoever are allowed on Reality Abroad trips. The Reality Generators just can't process them. Frankly, the Reality Generators can't even reliably process... what? Oh, yes, you're right. Enough said about that.
Students with their Reality Abroad paperwork, including properly completed permission slips and teacher approvals: Meet at the Reality Generator Studios starting tomorrow at 11am.
Looking forward to seeing each of you transmuted!
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Reality Abroad - 4/27/2021 11:16pmA reminder to all students that Reality Abroad programs will be starting in May. If you haven't yet applied for a program, the signup sheet is on the bulletin board outside of my office.
Reality Abroad programs are funded and awarded through generous grants from the @
GROTTO G.S.M. INC. foundation, as well as bribes from wealthy parents and those in a position to extort certain members of the administration.
Reality Abroad programs are conducted under the auspices of the Reality Generation Department of Psychic High School. All personal belongings, rights, rites, memories, obligations, and expectations will be relinquished by participants and tagged and logged by reality generator operating staff before entering the reality generators.
Sign up today! Before it's too late!
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Psychic Emotional Focus Group - 3/20/2021 8:11pmYes a Psychic Emotional Focus Group to help hyper-sensitive kids control their emotions and their powers is an excellent idea, @
Which room would you like to use for your meetings? Currently the Room Full of Screaming Clocks is available, as well as the Haunted Slaughterhouse, the Piercing White Noise Room, Lava Pit #4, and The Very Tiny Room Filled with Spiders. There may be some other options -- you can see the list of rooms available on the bulletin board outside my door and use the clipboard to reserve the room you like.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
P.S. And you are welcome to have Clyde as your official familiar! You have my blessing. Just make sure Clyde has had all the shots and passed the familiar safety tests.
Rumormongering - 3/8/2021 10:19pmAh yes @
Demetrius demarcuse you must be here for the Meat Surprise?
The cafeteria is past the administration building but not as far as the gym. Enter via the loading dock area in the back and knock three times -- two short, one long -- between the hours of midnight and 4am on weeknights.
A. Hazeltine
Vegetable Baby Activity Coordinator
School Song Competition - 2/28/2021 2:35pmCongratulations to Psyhigh muse @
Daydria Mounts for being selected as the winner of the Psychic High School Song Competition!
Daydria will be performing the song (for the very first time publicly) at the all-school assembly this evening in Mesmer Hall, backed by Tulka's Throat Singing Club.
Festivities begin at 7pm.
And thanks to everyone who entered, because you're ALL winners in Psyhigh's book!
Looking forward to seeing everyone tonight.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
Add a journal entry to School Song Competition
Rumormongering - 1/13/2021 8:28pmI would like to dispel the rumormongering concerning the Meat Surprise in the cafeteria. It happens to be my favorite dish.
The Meat Surprise is not the rendered flesh of Psychic High School students. It is humanely harvested from the bodies of vegetable babies grown into the shape of Psychic High School students. The PHS Bus has been the delivery service from their pens to the cafeteria, and they are of the 5'3 with blue hair variety.
If you are a vegetable baby and have not yet presented yourself for harvest, please knock on the back door of the cafeteria three times -- two short, one long -- between the hours of midnight and 4am on weeknights.
A. Hazeltine
Vegetable Baby Activity Coordinator
The Horrible Indoors. - 12/16/2020 8:31amOh dear, @
Annie Sweet, it seems you were not fully integrated upon your arrival. Through my interface with the Spongiform Unimind I can see you've ended up in a tiny little Hilbert bubble just adjacent to Psyhigh Prime... yes I can see you there through the membrane right now!
Let me see if @
Janitor Pete can puncture you a little hole. In the meantime, keep an eye out for strings of Christmas lights or candy canes leading through any doors, and if you see one, follow it! We've got a number of students lost in the warrens of passageways between worlds and I'm sure they would love to find themselves outside our local reality with you.
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
PHS Bus - 11/4/2020 2:53pmOh my yes @
Daydria Mounts that sounds delightful. We could even post them inside the PHS Bus, as navigational aids for students.
The last time we tried that we used the Rime of the Ancient Mariner and everyone on the bus fell asleep and came back with long beards. Even the girls. But this time let's do it right!
A. Hazeltine
Student Activities Coordinator
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