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7/12/2015 8:30pm


{huh..? Sc-scilph, what is it? Is someone hurt?! Is Fortuna back?!}

I would just like to remind you that tomorrow will be the beginning of StevenBomb 3.0 . Are you not excited?

{...Go to bed, Scilph.} *covers shuffling*

Hmph, all right. Then only Eralonia and I will have the all-nighter.

~I don't think so, you should sleep. There's a disease going around, and we need to stay healthy. The Org-Horn-thing.~

Ah, that... oh well. But you cannot stop me from crying, screaming, or aggressively dancing tomorrow.

~I don't expect to. But I'm sorry to say, Atlantica will not be able to attend... everyone needs to stay in their dorms.~

{Get out of my room.}

*shuffling noises*

...Sorry, Journal. It looks like half the fun will be taken away from me, because of that idiotic disease... and the book that makes people bleed from all orifices. That does not sound good. I faint at the sight of blood. Mattie, I hope I look good in the pictures. I was smiling, and I had my ukulele. How did I look? Maybe you could link me some photos. That would be nice. But you know I would rather you ask before taking pictures... no, that is to much to ask from you. Never mind.

Anyway, I SO excited for the third StevenBomb tomorrow! I have ven started a timer for it: Have any of you even watched that show? Please tell me if so, because I feel lonely. The only other fans I know are Morris and Eralonia.

~Not really. I just sing the theme song. And I haven't had the time... recently I've been helping take care of Claudette. She apparently really likes Electric Swing, and we've been dancing to it all afternoon. Claude joined too, and got jealous when I did the running man, the moonwalk, and other two-legged dances *giggle* but he was good at the worm, though! I can't do that.~

Morris has been sleeping more. He will awaken, though, at 6:00 tomorrow, when the episode begins. We are equally excited and scared... Rebecca Sugar, the creator, has made us cry on more than on occasion with these episodes. If I do not make a Journal entry after 6:30, that means I have died of happiness or sadness.

~Or pure, unbridled fear.~

AHAHA! I'M *ukulele strum* SO *strum* SCAAAAAAARED! *wicked ukulele riff*

Wish me the best of luck~!

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7/11/2015 3:18pm

before I nap, here is a better rendition of the theme song:

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7/11/2015 2:56pm

Ahhh, So Fortuna is out of Pacifica's system? That's wonderful. I'm glad another uprising didn't start... I do not want Fortuna breaking my ukulele. That would be unfortunate. I just bought this. *strum*

Anyway, Eralonia has spent most of her time with Claude and Claudette, helping raise the dragon. She has been doing research about dragons (and other mythical creatures) with Morris-- well, reading books at S-AL while Morris slept, ate, and moped.

~He surely has. The poor boy... everything that has been going on haas put quite the toll on him.~

Apparently, now that Morris' emotions are amplified, he feels extreme sloth and sadness as well. *sigh* He has not moved from his bed for awhile. Adding on with the fact Pacifica has not talked to him for nearly a week, and, well--


Speaking of which, he has woken up. Good morning, sunshine.


{*grunt* Morning, Scilph... Eralonia...}

Where is my morning kiss?

{I'm tired...}

You've been sleeping for about 13 hours now, at least. Do you want to listen to the Steven Universe theme song? That usually cheers you up.


It's the extended version...~

~Come on, Morris!~

{No. I just want some coffee.} *grunt* *sound of coffeemaker grinding*

*sigh* *ukulele strum* If you're evil and you're on the rise--

{Stop, I'm not in the mood for this.}

You can count on Psy-High to take you down
'Cause we're good , Fortuna never beats us
Probably with a brand new friend to greet us
We... Are the Psyhigh kids
We'll always dominate
And if you think we can't
We'll~ Always save the day!
That's why, the students
Of, this, School,
And Scilph
Go Psyhigh!

{I hope you're fini-}

*strum* ~If Normals could only know
The lives that we have saved
If they could only see
We're strong, pow-er-ful, brave
We were amazed to find
That we are not alone!
There are others, just like us
in a place that we call home
A place that we call home!~

A place with a family~!

*ukulele solo*

{... I will fight for a place where I can be, who I really am, I'm finally free.}
~I will fight in the name of who I love, and stand against those we don't believe in--~
I will fight for the world I was made in, the Earth is everything I've ever known!

We will fight to be everything we want to be, until we've exhibited, everything all shown~!




~Oh, well... ERALONIA!~



Woo-hoo! That lifted our spirits, now didn't it, Morris?

{I'll say! Wow, I feel so... energized! And happy!}

"Yay! That was the bestest! And improv, too! Let's do it AGAIN!" "yes, it was fun."

~Actually, you should both probably go. Atlantica, you have a broken arm, and Mattie... you should just go.~

"Aww! You're such a party pooper. Oh, well!"

~One of you is paying for what you both did to our furniture.~

Ahh... I am going to take a nap. That truly took it out of me. Before I go, though... here is the link to the real version of the song:

*yawn* Goodbye, Psyhigh!


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7/10/2015 8:47pm

OH, OH MY GOODNESS, EVERYONE! SPOILER ALERT, THOUGH! If you do not wish for Steven Universe to be spoiled, DO NOT READ!

SARDONYX! IT'S SARDONYX IS CANON~ IF YOU ARE WATCHING STEVEN UNIVERSE, THEN YOU MAY HAVE SEEN THE SPOILERS! Ooh, it's confirmed! I knew it! Sardonyx is a Pearl and Garnet fusion~! Here is a video of the fusion at ComiCon! Watch it! (I wish I could have gone, but I did not buy tickets....) It is slightly suggestive, though, for a kid's cartoon... eheheheh...


What? Nothing. anyway, I am so excited for the thirteenth! I will not even post that day.

Ah... Fortuna has returned. That is unfortunate... I will help out however I can, but I think it will be mainly Eralonia this time. She wants to settle things with her mother, once and for all. *strums ukulele*

I think I may play this regularly now.... it sounds beautiful.

We~ Are the Psychic Kids
We'll always save the day
And if you think we can't, we'll,
always find a way
That's why the students
Of, this, school!
Believe in:
*giggle* Morris
and Scilph~

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7/8/2015 1:13pm

Please excuse my absence if I am not here for awhile. I have recently been exploring the channels on our Dorm TV (Cooking With Artifacts, Reality TV Cyclopses, Boo Bear and The Extreme Adventure to Death Metal Island 3) and stumbled across a Normal's TV program called "Steven Universe". I have been binge watching the episodes all night long. They are beautiful. The series is amazing~! It is touching, funny, and has a simple yet complicated storyline. I have already memorized all the songs. Once Morris gets back, we will watch the episodes together. He has already become addicted to the show. I would highly recommend it, and want everyone to at least watch the first episode. Soon I will make Eralonia watch it! This is my favorite song, listen to it:

Speaking of Morris, I have heard about the "Apology Incident", how he wanted to apologize. Apparently Eralonia knows what happened, but she is refusing to tell anyone. I am worried about him. Now that his emotions are amplified, I feel like he will keep going until she tells him. Pacifica, please give him mercy and tell him. You know how persistent he is; you're one of his closest friends. He always tells me how much he loves spending time with you in the library. I do as well! You are a wonderful person to be around, giving us a well-needed dose of reality when deserved. He cares about you, and he has told me about how much he's upset with himself because you are with him.

I believe I might have a small understanding of what is happening.

Anyway... just tell him if you wish. Or not, if you wish to remain silent. There is that right. If you wish to keep it a secret, then at least do not give him the "Cold Shoulder". I do not know exactly what that is, but I think you should give him a warm shoulder. He likes heat. Thank you.


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7/7/2015 1:32pm

@Glyph Frost

I would like to meet you! You seem like a very interesting person, with the possibility of unraveling the universe and whatnot. I believe that we could get along quite well. Being your friend would never leave me with a dull moment. Then again, I never do have many dull moments here. I could also help find you a place to stay, if you wish, and help you out with your list! I'm looking forward to meeting you at the MnG!

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7/6/2015 3:14pm

Good afternoon to you all, Psyhigh! I have also had a wonderful day, like Morris. We had much fun~! I hope to do it again soon. I am so excited for our next adventure! Actually being able to feel Morris is amazing. My hands always went straight through him, but now--! Ooh, joyous feelings fill me! Of course, I can not enjoy it more than him himself. He is astounded by the product of changing clothes-- he has been wearing the same shirt, tie, and dress pants for 17 years now. Imagine his excitement when he could wear something other than those! He also had a lollipop stuck to the back of his shirt, but he laughed, and gave the children piggyback rides. Morris is really enjoying life, and so am I!

...I feel like now that he can enjoy the sensations of life... I am justified. My actions are forgiven... and everything is okay. Right. We are in a relationship... so of course! Things are okay. We are alright.




WAH! Oh... Eralonia... y-you startled me.. quite a bit.

~You're very tense. Are you alright?~

Hm? yes, I am fine.

~... Okay. I'm going to be at Nobody's dorm, playing chess with Claude... maybe meeting the new cat, Charlie. See you later.~


*door creaking shut*

*silence* *sigh*


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Fortuna Strikes Back
7/2/2015 7:16pm

Upon hearing the message from Morris, Eralonia and I have started compulsively screaming, freaking out, and sobbing. When I screamed "MORRIS HAS MADE AN ENTRY!" Most everyone gathered 'round as we played it back. The entire room was silent, except the sound of Morris' metallic voice coming from my Journal. I have been worried beyond belief-- I have no idea what is going one with him. *sniff* The pain he was talking about... I feel it. But in a different way.

After Eralonia heard Fortuna's message, she had a mixture of pure happiness and pure disgust. Happiness at seeing the one she spent thousands of years with-- disgust at seeing her turn into such a horrible beast of a woman. She has been pacing around, scared and confused. And now, Pacifica is being used as jailbait. We have been instructed not to go near her for "safety reasons". I tried to get by the professors (there was shoving involved) but I couldn't get by. I know she's plotting something. Whenever she thinks, she stops moving. Her trying to jerk away from the magnetic force was the only source of movement coming from her person. Otherwise, she is stock-still, robotic eyes focused straight ahead.

I am terrified to see Fortuna's power in battle. Do the teachers think they are capable of capturing her? Bah! "Oh, when she tries to attack you, we will catch her in a net, like a fish! Simple! IT is not like she has the ability to create dimensions or anything!!!"

*sigh* Adults are pure idiocy. They believe just because they are older, they think they know everything. *scoff* Well, I do know an older being who knows about everything. Eralonia...?


Are you worried?

~No, I'm doing just dandy. Wonderful. I'm having BOODLES of fun. I'm absolutely fin-DAB-yoo-luss! ~



..I am worried for him too, you know.

~I know.~


Why can you not look into the future? See what will happen?

~I don't see THE future. I see A future. A possible future that CAN happen. It is like the TVs at the diner... when I left, she replaced me, replaced me with a dumb screen--! *GASP*~

~The screen.~



~FORTUNA'S MOTIVES! She is trying to create and army of-- well, ME!~

...How does that make any sense?

~Think about it!-- She replaced me with the screens-- the TVs! Behind the screen-- she wants to take everyone into a reality where she CAN take over their minds... *muttering* maybe the screens were not good enough.. maybe they didn't see the correct futures that she wanted to see... Mommy-- Fortuna, wants to take everyone into a Realm where she can get past the mind locks and with THEIR minds-- well, I do not know what comes after that, but... Scilph, Scilph, hand me my Ringo doll.~


~He helps me think. Bring him here.~

Okay... *hands her the doll*

~Thank you. Okay... I believe she has tried this before... she told me her powers of trying to create humans out of glass... maybe then she was trying to make the army like she is trying now--! Of course, all of this could be wrong... but it is the most likely possibility...~

We have much thinking to do.


Fortuna Strikes Back
6/30/2015 9:54am

This is turning out to be a very unlikely morning. Nobody? I think you should leave the catacombs. I don't trust whatever force is getting you the food. For all we know, it could be trying to poison you. And I'm not sure if the Ms. Mattie Darling thing is because of the makeup, or maybe Fortuna's doing something.

~Scilph... I hate to admit it, but you seem slightly... paranoid.~

Paranoid? Me? No no no. Just looking out for everyone. I'm not paranoid.

~It's just as likely that it's someone else as Fort-- oh.~

What? What is it?

~Scilph. The napkin.~

...OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS! She wrote us another wretched message.

"I will reveal you for who you really are... behind the screen."

...What? What does that mean...? I am confused... Eralonia, do you know what this means?



~No. No, I do not know what this means. I think we should... should just let this blow over. We'll... we'll just forget about it.~

Are you sure? "Behind the screen.." what could the signify--




"Behind the screen."

6/30/2015 7:31am

Related... to one of us? That does not sound good. At all. I feel like we should find out who she is related to, and how... This is making me feel off. Morris is already doing his job with S-AL to cover the cost of all the dresses Eralonia bought. Since he's a ghost, he can power through any weather. I'll ask him if he can do some research for us.

I just have... a deep, hard feeling in my stomach. Like dread. But... more intense. It almost hurts.

I hope Morris gets back soon.

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