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Fortuna Strikes Back
6/29/2015 8:37pm


Within a few minutes, the weather has been reduced from extreme, sweltering heat, into a massive heap of snow. I am scared as well, Pacifica. I am now wearing three coats, it is so cold. Below negative ten degrees... something is truly wrong here.

~Gff-mff hmff mph hff hmph mmpff.~

Eralonia? I can barely see you under all those coats... what was that?

~*GASP* I said, Gretel's prophecy was right. This snow will keep for about one more day, then we will be back to the flaming fun in the sun.~

Things are REALLY going wrong. Mattie is being nice, and snow in Summer... Something is causing this.

~I think I know what-- or WHO.~



6/29/2015 5:14pm

...My goodness gracious.

Mattie has seemed to go through what has just been a personality-altering situation, she has now become... the opposite of Mattie. After we ripped off the layers of makeup from her face, she was so pleased with us. She almost acquired a British accent when she spoke so softly and kindly. Ms. Mattie Darling has taken the place of Mattie. It's very disturbing to see... but is quite refreshing from the old Mattie we had. But I can't help but feel... uncomfortable around her. She is sweet, of course, but something just seems out of place.

~Something IS out of place. I've never seen her look me in the eye before. This is unnatural... we should stay on our toes, just in case. That aside, we should prepare for another of Gretel's prophecies. I can catch glimpses of a frozen-cold wasteland around our school.~

Really...? I had just barely become accustomed to the heat, now we must live as ice cubes? I am going to go get my gloves...


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6/29/2015 4:13pm

Sigh. I must go assist Mattie in her "time of need"... hopefully I will be able to find some make-up remover around. I will make this quick, and try not to die of heatstroke out there. Oh, my. How does she survive in a stuffy closet like that...? Anyway, Mattie. I am on my way. Eralonia will assist me.

~I know how to clean up makeup easily.~

We will be there in a few minutes. You had better repay her in some way.


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6/29/2015 1:18pm

Hello, Calei-leb! It is nice to meet you. I am Scilph. I would be happy to show you around campus- actually, no. You should stay in your new dorms. With the air conditioning on. As you can tell, it is quite hot out. I will show you around when the heat dies down a bit... otherwise, I would love to visit you! What Dorm are you both in? Mine is 667, and I share it with my companion, Morris! He is a ghost, and I am a failed science experiment. While I LOOK like a female human, I am actually lacking of gender and such. I am the tall, pale, blonde person with shorts and a white tank top on. I will most likely be seen with a cat standing on its hind legs and wearing a dress. That is one of my housepets, Eralonia.

~I am not a housepet. I am an omniscient being who can see the day you die, Scilph. Anyway, it is nice to meet you both, Cayleigh and Caleb. You both seem quite nice.~

Don't they? You two bear such a resemblance to the school's resident twins, Atlantica and Pacifica. They USED to be Siamese twins such as yourselves, but they now share separate bodies. Pacifica has a robot body, and Atlantica still possesses the one that they shared. Currently, they are off to see their parents, but they will return soon. oh, I am sure they will both be excited to meet you. This is amazing!

{Hi, Scilphy. What're you talking about?}

Oh, hello Morris. Just making a Journal entry. New students arrived!

{Cayleigh and Caleb. Yep, I know. They seem pretty cool.}

Do they not? I cannot wait to meet the two of them! I MUST introduce them to Mattie, Walls, Nobody, Gretel, Jessica, Blackie... it is always wonderful when you meet more people like yourself.

{Mhm. Well, Welcome, you two. I hope you have fun here. Looking forward to meet ya. By the way, Don't be spooked when you see a ghost floating through the hallways. It's probably me.}

See you later!


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6/28/2015 11:02am

*panting* Oh, my.. *more wheezing*

It is SO HOT out... I am sweating so much... my clothes have reduced to shorts, a tank top, and sunglasses. I have my now blonde-silver hair up in a ponytail. It hurts to walk on the concrete, someone has actually LITERALLY fried an egg on the sidewalk. Everyone is advised to stay inside until the heat wave passes. Whew. I will become a puddle before then. The A/C is on full blast, I have eaten three Popsicles, drank 8 glasses of lemonade, and I currently have a melting ice cube in my mouth. This is agony is its hottest form.

~*huff huff* How do you think I feel? I have this fur coat I cannot take off. I'm actually not wearing anything! H-how embarrassing...~

You are a cat, Eralonia. Humans cannot take off their clothes in public. I am going to check the temperature... AH! 116 DEGREES?! This will be the end of me, I swear... It is a good thing the Twins are gone. Pacifica might ACTUALLY be melting. I do not know if the metal that makes up her body is meltable... but it's still good that she isn't here. I hope she has a good time greeting her parents. And I hope they mentioned me.

*long, slow exhale*

Morris and Walls, you are both lucky. You both can't feel. Whew... This heat wave is truly exhilarating... I have never felt heat like this in all my years. Anyway. Walls, since you are technically the school itself, maybe you do feel. I don't know. But you have various projections. Can THOSE feel? I know Morris can't, and I can't touch him. He can turn solid, of course, and he can touch... but he doesn't... feel. Do you understand?

{Scilph, I'm going to go get some-- WHOA!}


{Wh-wha-what are you wearing?!}

Shorts. And a tank top.

~What's with you, Morris?~

{N-nothing... but don't you think it's a little.. revealing?}

~Morris, I can firmly say that she's not revealing anything, also she has nothing to reveal.~


{I-I'm just going out to get some more things... d-do you need anything?}

No, I am alright. Thank you, Morris.


Why is he acting strangely lately?

~He's both afraid of complementing you, and afraid of you wearing anything other than your normal sweater and jeans.~


Ah... why are you staring at me?

~You really ARE flat.~


~You WOUND me... but seriously, so flat.~

*throws book at Eralonia*

~Okay, okay, I'll leave...!~

Augh, that damn cat...


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6/27/2015 9:48am

Pacifica, it was alright that you left early! There were many people coming to celebrate. Most were Normals. I had to keep Eralonia on all fours, and Morris had to stay solid the entire time.

~That was demeaning. I couldn't show off my dress as well.~

But I did pop a few lightbulbs with the excitement... heheh.

Those croissants were delicious. And the crepes were wonderful as well~! I love food. And I am sure Blackie had a wonderful time dancing with Atlantica. He jumps around at lot when he gets excited, and he truly enjoyed the party. And I do speak a bit of Boxx-Talk, and I didn't hear any "swear" words.... uhm, Pacifca? What are "swear" words?And what does [CENSORED] mean? It's an awfully funny word.

{?! SCILPH! H-HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT WORD?!} *covers Eralonia's ears*

~*snickering* What a colorful vocabulary you have, Scilphy.~

Huh? Oh, you mean--

{HUSH! Y-you could get expelled for saying that!!}

That is strange... ah, well. Anyway...

{She's so innocent.}

Many queer couples arrived! It was fun meeting so many people, talking, and making new friends! Now I know why Atlantica is the way she is. I met Justin as well. He is very kind, and when he saw Morris, he got quite attached. That I did not like. Otherwise, I liked him. He and I will stay in touch. Mostly so whenever he talks about Morris I can tell him to step off.

{To be honest, he's pretty cool.}

Hush. Pacifica, your dancing was wonderful! Many people were impressed, and told me your dance moves were amazing. They also liked my rainbow-hair! It's still colored that way. Many girls had short hair... I liked that. Maybe I will cut my hair short.

{But I like your long hair... it's... *ahem*pretty*ahem*}

What was that, Morris?


Back to the party, it was a lot of fun! We should have parties more often. Oh! That reminds me, I'm hungry. Do we have any more crepes left? *footsteps fading*

~Mr. MACHO here...~

{Shut up. It's just embarrassing.}

~Complement your girlfriend once in awhile.~

{That's embarrassing too.}

Mmm! These crepes really are [CENSORED] delicious!



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6/26/2015 4:59pm


{The only color is Rainbow. Scilph even temporarily dyed her hair rainbow.}

I know! A wonderful way to celebrate, is it not?! Today is indeed, "Glootious!" Anyway, bring as many croissants as you can muster! Ooh, those are one of my favorite foods!

{Scilph has a thing for European Cuisine. Pasta, wurst, baguettes, crumpets, you name it. Especially French and Italian food.}

They are just so delicious~! This is a wonderful way to celebrate Marriage equality for the Normals! oh, they must all be so excited!

{I'm sure they are. If you excuse me, I'm going to--}


{ Nice rainbow dress.}

~Why, thank you. I got it for the occasion.~


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6/26/2015 1:58pm

Ooh, today is a very good day, I have heard!

The Normals' government has declared that gay and straight Normals are allowed to wed! I am happy for those people. It is wonderful to think about how many people are proposing, crying with joy, and knowing they can be with their loved ones. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy. I-I *sniff* I think I may weep--!

~You are so sentimental.~

*sniffle* but I am overjoyed for the Normals! With people like the ones in Psyhigh, we have had those privileges for a long time... but the Normals, the puny, weak little being now have another victory! The queer people of "America" can now marry! Does that not make your heart soar?

~It does make me happy, yes. That is a very good thing. But in the animal kingdom there are many gay animals... so forgive me if I do not get as excited.~

{Hello, what now about gay animals?}

Morris, joyous things have happened! the Normals now have equal marriage rights! Does that not thrill you beyond measure?!

{Really? Wow, it's about time. It's nice to know that it finally happened. Congrats, Normals of America!}

Yes! I might just throw a celebration for this! I am so happy for all the queer Normals out there. Come, Morris! We must plan our party!

{Is that really necessary...?}


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6/24/2015 1:03pm

{Oh, merciful God above. Mattie is in Turbo-Irritate Mode. I put three locks on my door, hopefully she doesn't break it down in a hyperactive drunken stupor. Eralonia's kinda excited, though. She wants to see the carnage, so she went out to watch with some popcorn. Scilph is still asleep. Sugar makes her tired, even if she just has a bit of it. She looks absolutely adorable when she's sleepi-- UHM, N-NOTHING! I-I HAVEN'T BEEN WATCHING HER SLEEP OR ANYTHING!! I-it's not like I think it's adorable, the way her hair falls onto her face and the dazed smiles she has on when she wakes up... and the way she says "Good Morning" in that small, cute voice... U-uhm...}

{An-anyway... Pacifica? You have a crush! Gasp! I thought the day would never come. Pacifica, yearning love and affection! Oh, such a scandal! Ahaha, I'm just kidding, Paci. Don't be ashamed. So, who's the lucky guy/girl/other? I don't really know your sexuality, so I'm just gonna make a stab in the dark and guess. I have a number of theories, none of which I will share. Heheheh.}

{In other news, I will be joining you and Nobody with S-AL. Although I freak out little kids, I know how to deal with them and stuff. Also, I'm good at cleaning up, so that'll be useful. I'll be looking forward to it!}


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6/24/2015 7:09am

*yawn*! Good Morning, Psyhigh...

Huh...? Why is there a-- oh. it's just Eralonia. Good Morning...

~Good morning.~

Ahh... I am not on top of things in the mornings... at least at night I am not so dazed. I was able to change into my sleeping hoodie and some shorts before I slept... *yawn* its is what I am wearing now... I do not change my clothes in the morning, unnless I have to g out and there is nothing to keep me from--*yaaaaawwn* staying in my pajamas all day. Ahaha... I am so tired, I can barely keep my.. my, my eyes... o... o-pen...


*soft snoring*

*sigh* ~She's done it again. MOOO-RRIS!~

*muffled* {What?}


*muffled*{Ah, man. She needs to go to sleep sooner. Hold on, I'm comin'...} *clearer* {Wow. Fell right on her face. I hope her nose isn't broken.}

~No, believe she is alright. She is asleep. Bring her back to bed.~

{Okay, I'll turn solid an' pick her up...}



~Why are you carrying her bride and groom style?~

{Shut your mouth...}

~If you could blush, you'd be doing it furiously. HOLD ON HOLD ON! Allow me to get my camera! *pawsteps*~

{Wha--?! No, don't get your-- AH! I won't even show up on there. I'm a ghost, remember?}

~That is nothing a little editing can't fix. Trust me, I will have a spitting image of you all over BookFace, Tweeter, Rollr, Instapic, Snapcat... Smile!~

{Wait, no--} *click*

~Ahaha! It is too late! Now the world will see how cute you two are!~



*soft snoring*

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