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6/23/2015 7:15pm

Whew. I am tired.

We all walked to the ice cream place, laughed, and just had a wonderful time in general. *sigh* It was extraordinary. I'd never think I'd be here like this. Hell, I'd never think I'd be here. Today was what other people would consider ordinary, but to me, it was the best day of my life. I feel like I have... redemption.

I have made so many new friends, had so many adventures. I am just... so happy. *huge grin*

I am going to go to bed now. I am exhausted.

Goodnight, Psyhigh.

*a gentle song drifts through the entire school..*

If I could, begin to be
half of what, you think of me
I could do about an-y-thing
I could even learn, how to love~

When I see, the way you went
wondering when I'm, com-ing back
I could do about an-y-thing
I could even learn, how to love~
Like you~

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6/23/2015 3:13pm


Ohh, I know how it feels. Young children are very afraid of me. probably because it looks like I am a female Slenderman with pearly blonde hair. Ha ha... I am very scary looking, and it does not help that my relaxed face is an angry one. Do not even get me started on trying to make friends. Well, you are my friend, so I cannot say that. Also, S-AL is a wonder to be around! He is also a friend of mine. Well, it, I suppose. But that makes him sound so... inhumane! He isn't a human, but you get what I mean. Any-the-ways...

You bought that book for ATLANTICA, huh? Heheheh... suuuure you did, Paci... Look, from an experienced liar, if you want to cover something up, You do not stutter and fiddle with your hair. I can see right through you. If you have someone that you fancy, do not be ashamed! It turned out that my feelings for Morris were returned back to me, so that worked out quite nicely. If you would like to talk to me, let me know.

Also... does anyone know why there are Five more little cat dolls by Eralonia's cat bed? I thought she only had three, now she has eight... The tags say the new ones are Leo, Dango, Ringo, Deborah, and Charlotte... I swear, this kitty has a figurine addiction.


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The Anti-EBIB Party
6/22/2015 9:00pm

SO much has happened. Goodness. I do not know what compelled me to kiss Morris, but I did. And he didn't seem to have a problem with it... although his reaction was a bit of screaming in his room. Hm.

I am glad that the new students are getting along nicely. That is wonderful. Walls and Slug Master are a wonderful addition to our little circle of friends. Gretel as well, of course. We would be completely unprepared without her. Walls, helping us know when to take shelter and open locked door, also with Slug Master to lead Quinn right to us. My biggest thanks to the three of you.

Pacifica, it has felt like years and years and years since the waggle dance. *chuckle* I remember how afterwards, Morris became drunk as a lord, and Jessica wanted to talk to him... ha. I never knew what she wanted to say.

She seems to have been absent during this whole ordeal, which is good. I don't want one of my greatest companions to get drawn into this again. Also, Eralonia said we had all completed our tasks... which I guess helped save us.

By the way, Mattie. Acquaintance? You wound me. Well, to be truthful, Maybe I should spend more time with you. I do not know you too well, and you seem like someone worthy to be deemed my friend. And Morris and I? An.. "item"? oh, you make it sound so... vulgar. I-I was just excited, th-that's all. *small blush*

~Suuuure you were.~ *chuckle*

Eralonia? Wh-whatever do you m-

~Why don't you ask yourself that, future "Ms. VonDuke"?~

!!! I-I--

~Ahaha! I am just pulling your leg. Now, may I have a word with Miss Mattie...? Thank you. *voice turns deep and gravelly* Listen here and listen good, punk. Without me yer sorry ass would be scrapin' the edges of infinity, and sent to a destiny worse than death. You should be thanking me. This "totally annoying cat" could tell you stories of what COULD HAVE happened to you so bad, you'd want to wish you'd never been born.~

~By the way, my name is Eralonia.~ *normal voice* ~Alright, I think that covers everything. If you excuse me, I will go to bed. I have just been out at the party, and I am...~ *chuckle* ~Dog tired..~

..Well... that was quite the... interesting development.

Uhm, lets see what else... Thank you, Nobody! That is kind of you, but I do not think we will be a... "couple". It is difficult to explain.

I did not decide to go to the party. I just went home, ate some leftover lasagna, and slept for a few hours. I just woke up, that is why I am responding so lately. Sorry. Most of my energy has been completely sapped from me. Everything in my memory is one big blur of bugs and salt and smoke and fire and the kiss and Blackie--

OH! YES! I did not mention, but Blackie is alright!! This has never happened before, but Blackie has demonstrated something new. He can replace the metal on his lining with Bronze, so now the front-right corner is a shiny new Bronze, which is thrilling.

I believe that about wraps everything up. Well, I am tired, full, and yet giddy somehow. Hm.

Goodnight, Psyhigh.


Eralonia's Prophecy
6/22/2015 2:38pm

@Walls saved us.

But he couldn't completely save Blackie.

After all the sludge fell, I rushed out as soon as I could to Blackie's side. The metal on his rim was melting slightly. It hurt to hear him whimper and sob so much. I took him in my arms... and cried. I looked up at everyone.

Attie, Walls, Nobody, Slug Master, Eralonia, Claude-- they all kind of had their heads down, looking at me. I squinted, and tears fell down my face. I heard Blackie howl a bit. Some of the melting metal fell onto my hand. It wasn't hot. In fact, it was cold. So cold.

~We can save him.~ Eralonia said. ~Don't worry, Scilph. He isn't in that much pain.~

I wanted to scream at her, but I didn't have the energy to fight back. I just nodded a bit. Blackie could stand, but his legs were shaky. I opened to door... and saw thousands of EBIBs on fire, slowly burning out.

Then... I heard someone. A voice from behind me.


I didn't need to look to know who it was. I ran straight to him, trying my best to embrace Morris. He turned solid to return the hug. Happy tears were streaming down my cheeks. Blackie limped over, his energy returning.

"WE WON! WE WON!" I heard Attie yell. She jumped on top of Paci, who didn't fall over as I expected. Paci started off with a small giggle... and then laughed. She pulled the others into the hug, but Mattie stopped her when she tried to pull me in.

"No no," She said. "Let them have their moment."

I could hear Attie whispering under her breath, "Kiss him already," when Paci elbowed her with a steel arm. "ow!" I just grinned widely...

And in a room fill with smoke and with seven other people, two cats, and a sentient black box watching us, I kissed Morris.

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Eralonia's Prophecy
6/22/2015 2:00pm

Walls gasps.

"She's here."

The giant bug bursts from the floor, screeching and screaming and making all sorts of noise. Horror and fear envelops me. I don't think I will escape this with my life. Nobody and the two cats run in, just in time for the insect to come forth from the earth below us.

The plan is for me to set off one final bout of anger so the pest is set aflame, falls into the salt, and dies an excruciating death.

But I can't. I am too scared.

The bug stares me straight in the eyes with its' many. It screeches, black sludge flying. Some narrowly hits Blackie, and I hear him cry out in pain. A corner of the box is melted off. He falls to the ground, writing in pain.


She can't do this. Quinn can't hurt the last one I have left.

My fear is punctuated by a flush of anger, and I feel the fury enveloping me. Something bubbles up in my throat, a final push of pure, unbridled rage.

I scream.

The generator, the boilers, and all the pipes burst open.

The bug lights on fire, screeching and shrieking and finally...

It falls to the ground.

Eralonia's Prophecy
6/22/2015 12:56pm

"Nice to meet you, Walls." I try and avoid eye contact with him. Not out of rudeness... I just miss Morris so much. It doesn't help that his projections look painstakingly similar, with their tousled hair and crooked grin and slightly wispy tail instead of legs.

I cough. The smoke is filling up the room, more and more. My eyes are watering. I truly hope that the cats get back soon... Blackie is beginning to panic.


We've done it. We've found her.

She is surrounded by a veil, and her eyes are squeezed shut. I wish I had some salt with me... these bugs are disgusting. Nobody is trying to get them away and save herself. Claude, upon seeing her, rips and tears through the silk like it was paper. He jumps in, and Nobody opens her eyes, gasping. He takes the jar of sprinkles off his back. She is ecstatic.

I take her hand in my mouth, her other one shoving sprinkles down her throat, and lead her out. Claude follows, relief spreading across his face. ~W' ned ter dep'rt qu'ckly!~ I say, my voice muffled by her hand. The EBIBs follow after us, enveloping the bones and ground in the parasites.

Suddenly, there is a tremor. I don't dare to look back, for fear of seeing Queen Quin.

Eralonia's Prophecy
6/22/2015 12:34pm

Attie seems to be a few slices short of a loaf. But her antics do make me feel better, really. She refers to me as, "Scilph Zip Zap Power Girl". It is embarrassing, but honestly kind of cute. It makes me blush. But I did become infuriated when she tried to EAT THE SALT. That truly did help with my anger. I need to become as angry as possible to make the generator explode. I do hope Eralonia gets back soon... I am getting worried. *sparks fly, landing close to Blackie.* *Loud yips and whimpering* Oh, Blackie... he is so scared of the smoke and fire. Poor thing.




I miss Morris. I heard him forgive me before he disappeared. That made me cry with joy.

I forgive him too. And we need to do our best so he can survive.

Wish us luck.


Eralonia's Prophecy
6/22/2015 11:35am

Eralonia told me everything.

I am broken.

About Fortuna, about the disappearances, everything. This is awful. Atlantica is lingering in the hallway, where Blackie and I are sitting. Someone-- I don't know who-- is standing off to the side and listening intently. I slowly bring my knees up to my face. No, no, not again. I wish to push the entire thought about this stupid prophecy out of my mind. But there it stays, stuck.

I hate this. Blackie coughs, hard.

Atlantica looks to me. "We need to get to the Generator, and find Nobody. Now."

I get up quietly. "Alright" if it will end this, I will do anything. "Blackie, lead."

Blackie jumps up, excited, and runs down the hall until we all get to a steel door. I try to open it. Locked.

"I've got it. The unknown person says." The door unlocks, swinging open. I look to him, impressed.

We run down the steel stairs, and see a large machine, it is cluttering and puffing out thick smoke like no ones business. I look at Atlantica. Her face turns bright and happy yet again. She has completed her task.

"So, Attie," I say. "What do we do?"

Eralonia's Prophecy
6/22/2015 11:03am

Times up.

I can LEAVE!

I run out of my room the moment the minute hand on my clock moves. I run around the dorm, screaming with joy. I jump on the cough and open the fridge just to slam it shut and run out of our Dorm and take off down the hallway. I laughing and yelling and having a wonderful time. It has never felt so good to be free.

I remember Morris. I need to go to him and tell him I did it! I'm so proud of myself, what I did was so hard. But now I'm out! I'm sure everyone else has complete their tasks, easy squeezy Japanesey! I giggle to myself, also remembering Blackie and Eralonia and all my other friends-- and some new ones as well! I've heard about that kid, the slug person, and one other who I haven't heard much about. Oh, I am so thrilled!

I run into Atlantica. I am about to hug her... When I see the tears on her cheeks.
"Huh? Atlantica, what is wrong?" I grin. "Are those tears of JOY at seeing me? I am happy as well! That aside, have you seen Morris?"

She frowns. "Uh-Uhm, Scilphy--"

"Oh, and where are Mattie and Pacifica? Gretel as well. I have not formally met her yet."

"They're.. Uhm..."

I spot Blackie behind her before I finish. "BLACKIE!" I shriek, and run to him. I embrace my eight-legged box friend happily. He jumps and squirms and wriggles in excitement. "Oh, how glorious this is!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot Eralonia swaggering up to us. I pull her into my joyous embrace. She clears her throat as I squeeze her more.

When she is finally released, she takes a deep breath.

~Let me tell you something.~

Eralonia's Prophecy
6/22/2015 8:42am


Blackie found Sad Just Girl! Yay! Smells something. Metal. Bugs. Felt them around my legs (Blackie has black dogs legs, with fur and everything!) MetalBugs are running away. Blackie smells salt. Strong, pungent sadness. But... it's a good sadness. A needed sadness. Goes up to Sad Just Girl. She talks a lot. Hears words, "salt" "electricity", "Nobody-Nicky", and "mentally stable". There's lots and lots and lots of salt in the 94 Dining halls (i ate some and got yelled at) and there's lots and lots and lots of Zippy-Zappy-Electrickery in the School Genn-ee-ray-tur in the Basement! It smells like fire, which Blackie doesn't like, but now we need it. I know "Nobody-Nicky", kinda-sorta. Her smell (sprinkles and cat fur) lingers, kinda-sorta. And I've heard out Kitty cat Irrieloneeah say Morris was "mentally stable"!

Sad Just Girl calls me Boxie. That's weird, because my name is Blackie. I say in Boxx-Talk, "My name is Blackie" but she just grins and says "GOOD BOY!"



Excited excited excited excited! Smells like Happiness, but also a bit of Fear! Run run run to Dining hall for salt come on Sad-Happy Just Girl! Hurry Hurrry Hurry HURRY LETS GO!

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