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Eralonia's Prophecy - 6/22/2015 7:50amI have not had any contact for ALMOST 24 hours. I'm so close. I'm nearly there. Just 4 or 3 more short, sweet hours, then I can be out. Then I can help, like I should. I feel a lot of distress around me, but I try to ignore it. The lightbulb is flickering ever so slightly. Out of excitement, of course. I have not read any Journal entries (because that counts as being social) so I cannot wait to leave. This will be wonderful. I am sure everything is doing GREAT~!
In here, I have actually been doing a lot of thinking. And also, to entertain myself, I have solved 9 quadratic formulas, 17 advanced algebra equations, 3 "unsolvable problems" (those were a breeze) and found the overall mass of light. It was fun. I've found that I really enjoy exercising my mind like this. I should do it more often. I've also meditated a bit, really putting my mind into focus. It is wonderful.
It just feels... empty.
Where's Blackie?
Sleeping in new nest. Comfy, nice. Calm. Then.. SMELLS FEAR. STRONG, HARD SADNESS, FEAR. Sneeze. Ink all over new nest. Footsteps, loud footsteps. Running past, looking for something. Blackie will follow. Blackie will help. Get up, run. It is Just Girl, not happy like usual. But, THIS sadness smells... right. It was needed. Just Girl sees me, but keeps going. Blackie going faster faster faster now.
STOP! WAIT! Smells familiar. Smells clear, clearer than air, clearer than light. Morris!!! Found Morris! He is sitting on bench outside. Run to Morris. Smells sadness, anger, hate hate hate. Hate smells awful. Hate smells like dead bodies and skunk spray. Coughing hard. Morris notices me. He talks a lot, saying words like "can't decide" and "forgive" and "disaster" but the one Blackie doesn't like is "fault". Fault is a bad, bad thing. Fault is like "decide", but bad. Bad smells, bad sounds, Blackie wants to leave.
But he can't Blackie needs to stay here, with Morris. Make Morris feel better. Blackie tries to lick Morris' hand, but tongue goes through it. Huh? Blackie tries again. Can't do it. Morris is laughing! But, still not happy. Then I remember Just Girl. She smelled much more sad. Blackie needs to go to her now.
Blackie runs, runs runs runs runs runs, to Just Girl. Blackie will help her do watever she's doing.
Because Blackie's a Good Boy.
Eralonia's Prophecy - 6/21/2015 1:07pmI'm locked in my own room.
When I came up here to be sad on my own ((Which I've gotten used to)) Morris locked me in. At least he fazed into the room to give me Journal. It makes me feel like I have someone to talk to. And it's good to be in my room and not be immobilized in bed. But no human contact is allowed for 24 hours. That's not good.
Why did it have to be after Jessica woke up? I need to see her again. I must have her back. I need her, and she needs me. We thrive off of one another. I would say that I would force myself into a coma again, but I know I can see her afterwards at least. And even then, I will never leave her side.
Miss Gretel, I am personally offended that you would say I "Love" Jessica. Don't you know that Love is a serious disease? It has broken many people's hearts. It is not something to speak lightly about. Oh, and I am also sorry about you being made to go to "Forever". That is a shame. Also, Pacifica I am truly worried for. And Atlantica. The two of them will definitely break down in their own ways.
Atlantica, it is alright to be sad. You always tell yourself you must be happy all the time, but then people will never care for you. They will always think you're perfectly okay and that you are never upset. Sadness is there for a reason. Have a good cry. Crying is alright. Crying cleanses your soul, it will put you at ease. Trust me, I am an expert on the topic of being depressed. *small chuckle*
I wish Blackie were here, at least.
Anyway, off the sadness of sadness, and onto more joyous things. Ever since I got up, my limbs have healed quickly. My left elbow will be immobile for a few days, but that is it. I have eaten, drank, and exercised properly, then went back to my normal self. Things are better now... but with Eralonia's prophecy, and the ending of us, that is surely putting a damper on everyone's mood. At least I won't have to talk to anyone who is sad.
I am going to sit quietly and do nothing. That may push down my raging fury of this idiotic task.
Eralonia's Prophecy - 6/21/2015 7:29amAlone?
No. No, I am not going back. I DO need others to fully function. Jessica going into a coma was one of the worst things that happened to me. And she just woke up! I was alone for 2 years, 2 long years until I emerged from my test tube in that cold, dark place. They were dead. They were all dead and I didn't know how it happened. I was so sca-
{They know.}
{They know about the murder.}
...I... I didn't mean to, I didn't want to--! I--I never knew I could... *small sobs*
{..ugh... hey, look, no, it's fine, you're ok. You're alright.}
Th-they know that I'm a monster.. they know that I--I don't deserve to live--!
{No, no, no one likes you less! Oh, Scilph...}
*footsteps fading*
{...She ran off. This.. can be a good opportunity. I'm going to lock her in her room. This is for your own good, Scilph.}
Eralonia's Prophecy - 6/20/2015 9:04pm~Hello hello, students. My name is Eralonia Q. VonDuke, and I will be telling you all what you need to do to prepare yourself for Gretel's Prophecy.~
~I know what you're thinking. "Well, Eralonia! You beautiful cat, you, why can you not just tell us how to stop the Prophe-pocalypse?" It pains me to tell you that my powers cannot exceed those of mass proportion. I cannot see to the end of the world or anything as such, or any major disasters (like this one). BUT, I know what to do to help. So, here is my list of things people must do to survive.~
~Six students must preform their most difficult task.~
~NUMBER ONE: Atlantica and Pacifica's Personalities.~
~Atlantica is a bubbly, happy young woman who can see the best in everything. Always starting the day with a smile on her face, this clueless and carefree girl is a delight to be around. Pacifica, a slightly grumpy android, but with a good head on her shoulders. She is intellectual, clever, and can give Atlantica a well-deserved dose of reality. The thing these twins need to do... is spend a day as the other person. Now, I don't mean a body swap. I mean a slight personality swap. BUT, no potions or spells of any sort can be used. Pacifica must become smiling and gleeful ON HER OWN. Atlantica must become slightly dreary but well-rounded ON HER OWN. No exceptions, and the task must be done for a full 24 hours. Deadline is Tuesday, or a horrible fate will be faced.~
~NUMBER TWO: Mattie's Honesty and Self-dependence.~
~As I have mentioned in the previous Journal entry, Miss Mattie needs to learn how to not seek attention, and be dependent on herself. She also needs to not tell a single lie, or provoke anyone as she usually does. (I'm sorry Mattie, but you know what I mean.) She must be kind to others. Not only will it save her life, it will teach her something as well, I believe. (But I'm alright if she stays the same. Mattie is a wonderful character.) Trust me, Mattie. You will truly see how kindness, honesty, and pride effect your life. You must admit that you are WRONG, and that you can sometimes be WRONG. Same thing as before. No potions, spells, enchantments, etc. She must do these things ON HER OWN. Task must be done for a full 24 hours. Deadline is Tuesday, or a horrible fate will be faced.~
~NUMBER THREE: Nobody's Addiction.~
~I know it sounds strange, but Nobody must refrain from eating sprinkles for an entire day. A single sprinkle can tip the scales, and send ultimate doom to its peak. I'm sorry, but it is for your own good. Plus, it cannot be healthy. Claude has told me that he is worried about you. I will ask him to hide your sweets. Do not despair; you can have them all back by Tuesday. No potions, spells, enchantments, you know the drill. Nobody must do this ON HER OWN. Task must be done is 24 hours. Deadline is Tuesday, or a horrible fate will be faced.~
~NUMBER FOUR: Scilph's Dependence.~
~Scilph must stay by herself for a full day. I am sorry, Scilph, but my paws are tied. Unless you want to be wiped off the face of the Earth, I suggest you do what I say. Being alone for 24 will teach her a sense of self-dependence, letting her know that she doesn't need others to fully function. All she needs is pride and confidence in herself to survive. (And of course companionship, but that is not at the top of the list.) Those are things the Scilph lacks. She doesn't need to be helpless. She can be a strong warrior, ready to defend herself and the ones she loves. No potions, blah blah blah, ON HER OWN, blah blah, Done is 24 hours, Deadline is Tuesday, or a horrible fate will be faced.
~NUMBER FIVE: Morris' True Forgiveness.~
~You all know about the.. uhm.. incident, 17 years ago, correct? Morris never really forgave Scilph. Deep inside, he was always fuming, furious, and (if not already) dying. The only reason he stays with her is because she is helpless. She needs him to survive, and vice versa. To save Morris from being banished to Heaven or Hell, he must truly forgive her. He must say "I forgive you" and mean it with all his heart, without a shadow of doubt or regret in his soul. All the same requirements occur.~
{Count me gone, then.}
~!!! Morris! You shocked me. My fur is standing on end.~
{I can never really forgive her. I hate her. I hate her so much.}
~You don-~
{NO! I DO MEAN THAT! She acts all sad when Jessica falls asleep. Oh, boo hoo, Jessie decided to take a long nap. HOW DO YOU THINK I FELT WHEN MY PARENTS DIED, HUH? A SLEEP THEY COULD NEVER WAKE UP FROM. I WAS THE ONLY ONE TO BE LIKE THIS, AND I HATE HER FOR IT!}
~Jessica has already completed her task.~
~Jessica. Has. Already. Completed. Her. Task. You know what her hardest task was? Abandonment. Accepting that sometimes friends leave, sometimes friends are ignorant, and that there will always be mistakes. But that coma? oh, no. That was no mistake. She knew she was asleep. Tormented by the darkest of demons, gorging on her poor soul, until she almost came nothing but an empty shell. You know where she would be right now without her greatest companion Scilph? At the cemetery, next to your lifeless body. Do you want that for her? Do you want her to die, thinking she died with no one caring for her?~
~I thought not.
6/20/2015 12:05pmBLACKIE'S POINT OF VIEW:
Found new room. New home. New smells. Excited, very very excited. Cannot save Scilph, so make new home. Like before. Before Scilph were others, many others. More than Blackie can count. Scilph was best, but now that Scilph cannot be saved, Blackie would start over.
Door wouldn't open. Heard screaming, so Blackie thought Scilph was hurt. Then screaming stopped, and then crying. But not sadness. Happiness. Blackie thinks that sniffer is gone wonky. Oh well.
Walked through corridor, heard door open, walked in. Blackie likes. Smells good. More excitement. Jumped onto bed, tore curtains, ran around, destroyed room to make nest. Human walked in. Smelled like another girl. Screams. Smelled like fear ((Fear smells like ink and toothpaste. Yucky.)) and running. New friend! Ran to new friend and jumped on her.
New friend also seemed confuzzled. She tried to open Blackie's mouth. "No no," I said in Boxx-Talk. More fear. Tried to open me again; didn't let her. New friend was mean. I hissed, spat ink, and got under bed-nest.
Hmph. Blackie doesn't like new friend.
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6/19/2015 4:40pmBLACKIE'S POINT OF VIEW
Cannot see. Can never see. No eyes. Blackie is always blind. Depend on smell.
Couldn't tell where I was. Strange. Lots of noises, voices. Scilph was sick. Needed help. Blackie would get help. Make Morris happy. Make Scilph better. Everything would be better. Had left home-room days ago. Couldn't get help. No one knows Boxx-Talk.
Long, narrow corridor. Doors. Numbers on the doors. Smelled like home-room. People looked at Blackie funny. Felt their eyes on Blackie. Find someone who knows Boxx-Talk. Bumped into wall. Not wall. Metal. Big metal thing. Smelled also like Girl. Big Metal Girl smell like... Scilph? I jump up. MetalGirl smells scared and confuzzled. I say "help help". MetalGirl doesn't understand.
"Ah! Blackie!"
I jump at name. My name. Big MetalGirl knows me. Do I know MetalGirl? Has familiar smell. But cannot remember. Moved on. Walked to smell of Scilph... and bumped into wall. Looked up. Was not wall. Legs. Felt legs. Smelled another familiar. Smelled like MetalGirl again, but... no Metal. Just Girl smelled happy... but deep deep down, sad. I say in Boxx-Talk "Dont be sad" . She giggles and picks me up. Good. Less sad. More laughs. Just Girl puts me down and Blackie run. Hear her laugh more. Make me happy.
Run by door, and smell another familiar. Cat. Person. Scilph.
Blackie runs into door. Loud BANG BANG. Get Scilph out. Help her.
Scilph always smells like sadness. Sadness smells like ash and salt. Bad smell. With Blackie, Scilph smells like happiness. Happiness smells like Vanilla and a Bakery at noon. Blackie help. Blackie always help.
Blackie is good.
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Scilph.. - 6/18/2015 5:41pmMy eyes opened wildly. They darted around, seeking the one who called out to me. Seeking the familiar voice that I had yearned for, for days and weeks and months.
Jessica. She has come back.
I moved my arm. For the first time in weeks, I moved my arm and lifted the covers as fast as I could. Pain shot through my fingers to my elbow to my shoulder as I threw it over my bed, and I moved my legs to stand. Lights danced in front of my eyes, and I felt more searing and burning in my joints, but I didn't care. She was back. She was back.
She had come back. She had come back for me.
I was standing. It felt like my legs couldn't support my body. I immediately took a step, then fell, hitting my head on the hard wood floor. I let out a pained screech as I felt the impact, but got up again. Morris rushed into the room with his Journal in hand. I could see the [RECORD] light on. He almost shrieked, but them covered his mouth.
I sauntered to the door slowly. My pale, fragile fingers couldn't grip the handle. I said in a raspy voice, "Morris... help..."
{Sc-SCILPH! What is going on?! Wh-what happened?!}
I wheezed and coughed. I didn't have time to explain. Like a madwoman, I banged and yanked and pushed on the door. It suddenly flung open, and I was out in the hall. Eralonia was just walking back, when she saw me and her cat eyes widened.
~Oh.. oh my goodness.~
I wasn't surprised or shocked. I just needed to get to Jessica. I went down the hallway as fast as I could go. Many students saw me, and gasped or screamed. Either they knew I was forcing myself into a coma and is now up, or it was my appearance. I am sure I looked awful. I felt awful as well, my limbs still screaming in pain.
I was close. I was so close to her dorm. Again with the door handle, I hit and yelled until it swung open.
I saw the beautiful figure clothed in a pink nightgown, with a galaxy-cat at her feet. The sight of her made joyous tears slip down my cheeks, and smile widely.
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Scilph.. - 6/17/2015 8:53amMy eyes spy my Journal on the floor. Before I decided to sleep, I had destroyed it. It is a mess of wires, sparks, and metal.
I am still lying in bed (as I have been for almost half a month). I have not moved an inch for at least a week now, only my eyes occasionally fluttering open. The last time I opened my eyes, Atlantica was smiling there, half bald, and holding a tuba. I was sure this was a hallucination. I have grown used to them now. I then heard her playing said tuba. I just kept my eyes shut. I had learned if I just ignore the hallucinations, they will go away on their own. But, strangely, I also heard Pacifica say "Quiet down, Atlantica! you're being extremely rude!" And I heard her just giggle and say "Okie-TokiDoki! I'll just give Scilphy a cupcake!" She set it down beside my bed, and I heard her say "Why're you pouting over there, Morris-The-Worris? C'mon! Quit being a sad sack like Pacifica!" Then I think I heard Pacifica say something, and then heard Atlantica giggle, and drag the tuba out the door.
My stomach growled.
My eyes shifted to the cupcake... I could have a piece, just one tiny bite-
I need to stay still. Jessica can't get up, now can she? She wouldn't do that. If Jessica could wake up, she'd STAY awake.
Jessica is strong. You are weak.
I squeezed my eyes shut, forcing back the tears. No. She isn't gone, I thought. Jessica isn't gone. She still here, and she still likes me. She still wants to be with me, but she just can't. If Jessica were awake, she would come straight to me and want to stay my friend forever. Because Jessica still likes me.
I chant that in my head, more and more, until it has no meaning. It's just a slur of sounds that used to represent something, but is now just a pointless noise.
She still likes me.
She still likes me.
She still likes me...
6/14/2015 4:03pmI open my eyes slightly. I have been sleeping for over 200 hours straight... and I can feel what I want working. I can tell that I will soon fall into a coma, and I will be with Jessica. I will no longer have any pain, or misery, as long as I am in her state.
Morris floats by wearily. I'd get up and comfort him, but that is not part of my plan. My plan is to sleep until I die or Jessica wakes up, whichever comes first. Eralonia saunters over, and hops onto my bed, making herself comfortable. The silver bell on her collar jingles. I do not retaliate like always. Stock-still. Unmoving. Almost a corpse.
I must be hallucination, because I smell pancakes... and can almost hear Atlantica happily humming. Strange. My eyes close gently, the only motion I am capable of making. I then hear another pit-pat of paws; Nova has come to visit. She meows loudly and irritably. I open my eyes yet again.
She is holding something in her mouth. A small, green soda bottle. It is nothing of interest. I close my eyes yet again, as Nova makes strange tongue-noises. Blowing raspberries, spitting on accident, slobbering. Eralonia gets up and... whistles. Somehow. But that is not big enough to awaken me.
I drift slowly back into a deep, dreamless slumber.
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Darkness - 6/2/2015 8:48amMy eyes slowly open. I can breathe. The pain in my lungs and hands and throat and head is gone. I am no longer in the hut. What had happened? All I remember was hallucinating, passing out... and then Morris. Morris took me back to our Dorm. I sit up on the bed slowly, searching the room for Jessica. I see a white ball of fur on the floor... now with a galaxy colored tail. Eralonia gets up, and stretches, her mouth opening in a yawn. She looks at me and tilts her head. I gaze back at her. Although I am no longer as weak, I am still slightly dazed.
Morris floats in carrying a tray of medicine and water. He sees me awake, and drops the tray. He is off like a shot over to me, turning solid, and embraces me again. I am... stunned. I don't know why I wasn't before, but I am now. I find my arms creeping up to return the embrace. I don't resist. Morris has been so worried about me, he deserves this. I hear him sobbing again. He lets go after a few minutes, sniffing. But he is smiling.
Eralonia jumps up onto the bed, followed closely by Nova. I noticed Blackie by my bed. I look around more. "Wh-where... where is Jessica?"
Morris' face falls. "She's... in her dorm. Scilph, I..." He sighs.
"She hasn't woken up yet."
I blink a few times, hoping what I heard is wrong, wrong, wrong. The gem was supposed to fix Jessica. She would wake up, and I would care for her and be with her every waking moment because I cannot let this happen ever again.
She had gotten up once. She had spoken once. She had gotten up to tell me it isn't my fault this had happened.
My breath catches in my throat. My eyes widen.
Morris stutters and stumbles over his words. "But, uh, she's looking a lot better now. She's breathing more, she's occasionally moving... bloody hell, she's even talking a bit in her sleep!"
He's trying to reassure me. I am sure that those are all lies. I know a lie when I hear one. He looks up to the lightbulb wearily, expecting it to flicker then burst... but it doesn't. I am not angry, just extremely upset... and scared. I release a slow breath and lay down.
"I wish to sleep. Leave me be."
Morris abruptly stops talking. he nods solemnly and leaves. I look at the cats on the bed. I wish to scream every obscenity I know at them... but I can't. I have stopped fighting. I would rather give up now than fight for something I cannot win. Both the felines saunter away. I sigh and pull the covers up to my chin, laying on my side.
I have given up.
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