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Spring Activities Committee - 5/26/2020 9:27amHey for once gaming club did not result in an explosion, it was fun playing telekinetic ping pong. It was tough because it was a one vs one but we had to use both paddles, it was difficult multitasking but in the end it was fun.
Spring Activities Committee - 5/14/2020 11:43amAgain with the gaming club, it was fun for the most part, until someone tried to use a weegie board saying it was a game, we ended up getting haunted for the rest of the time.
Spring Activities Committee - 4/28/2020 11:39amWell for Gaming club we were playing battleships. It was fun until a rouge torpido nearly blew me up. I do not recommend this game unless you have a strong control of your telekinetic abilities. Same with Stratego, the bombs are very touchy.
Spring Activities Committee - 4/22/2020 11:53amI don't think we have any of those but you could start up your own, anyways you could also join my telekinetic gaming club if you want.
Spring Activities Committee - 4/14/2020 11:39amOk, I got a room for the gaming club so it will on Thursday at 1:00pm, we will meet up at the levitating tables outside of the cafeteria.
Spring Activities Committee - 4/5/2020 11:31amHow about a gaming club for telekinetic students. It would make a lot of games interesting, plus it would refine our abilities.
New student - 3/31/2020 10:01amWell your at psychic highschool, a school for psychics. Don't worry it'll be ok as long as you don't mess with the Quaggoth in the basement. I think we have a basement, actually now thinking about it that might be a different reality, anyways your going to be fine.
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The Book Report - 3/31/2020 9:57amI finally finished my book report! It took me a while but I did it. Now all I need to do is turn it in and.... where did it go? You got to be kidding me, another dimensional portal sucked it up. AGAIN.
The Book Report - 3/5/2020 9:08amYeah me too I just finished it up even though I didn't have a book I took your tip on taking the essence of the author to remember the book.
The Book Report - 3/4/2020 11:37amI hope he's ok
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