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11/8/2024 10:47am

i love the eye gates on the bus home so much!! when the bus drives past and they watch you go by its always so nice :)

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Back to School 2024
11/8/2024 10:11am

hi! i just got here at phyhigh(do you call it that?) from that hole in the fence near the skate park. The one closest to the no trespassing sign, not the other two. I used to get here from the hole in the fence that leads to the wash, with all the litter, but this is wayyy closer lol. anyways, im tree from az, going into the general education/extraterrestrial studies courses, but im taking some shape shifting and time travel electives so you might see some other past and future mes around in your classes. feel free to say hi if you see them! but i might more a bit shy, im still getting the hang of not horribly disrupting my past and causing major personality shifts. there is one that in my class from some disruption and oh my god its so annoyinggg. anyways see you(saw you?)!