Yardley Dreams
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7/14/2016 12:56pmMy first day at Psy High! Yikes, was I nervous! My pack pushed me out the den last evening and murmured directions into my ears, "follow the deer path Northwest, keep the sun in the corner of your eye, swim in blue hole, the lupines have their eye on you". Mom had tears in her eyes... Brother gave me a nip on the tail out the door! "Keep an eye out for red squirrels, they want to mess your day up. Love your journey, bro".
Blue hole was a crystal, brighter than the mountain larkspurs out by Dead Moose Creek in the flush of August. The air was placid, not even a whisper of wind. The forest was quiet, as though they were waiting to see what was about to incur. Dipping my paw into the water all the air swept out of my maw. Immersing myself the water gripped my hind legs in it's icy grasp and drew me down. My home melted to the surface as I felt my body sinking. Fear wasn't present, anticipation? An indescribable warmth seemed to fill my body. It was comforting, but within it lay a mischievous sinister, it's been following me every since. Like chasing your tail, it's never quite there but you can always feel it doing things beyond control and every time you try to catch a hold it is already gone. A shadow.
When my eyes washed clear I was on the campus green, surrounded by grass softer than the fur behind Dad's ears and sweeter than the first sip of honeysuckle in July. I feel at home already, although my roommate isn't a fan of raw venison and after I soaked the carpet of our dorm in the blood of a fresh hunt for dinner he was put off. I'm sure we'll turn it around.
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