bill the axe
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Portal Ball Season - 9/12/2016 4:10pmHey so what is up with Portal Ball, @
Miranda Ashdove? Are you just playing psyhigh teams vs psyhigh teams, or have you started a league with other schools? Sorry I never came to practice but I really feel I'd be an asset on the squad!
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New Sport Request: Portal ball - 4/22/2016 2:49pmSatanic High, Gothic Lolita Girls’ Prep, 'Pataphysics High School and Dance Academy, and most of the others--they've all got open campuses, @
Miranda Ashdove. Just drop by and hang out around their gymnasiums and you might meet the right kind of people. Though the Satanic High kids can be a bit threatening sometimes. Maybe you should start with somebody like Empathic High School. They're pretty understanding.
New Sport Request: Portal ball - 4/22/2016 1:05pmI like sports.
Who are we gonna play Portal Ball against, @
Miranda Ashdove? If it's brand new then no other schools have it, right? Have you thought about reaching out to Mystic High or Satanic High or Corn Children Vocational School about starting a team?
I see on the home page that we got pretty whipped by Eternal Youth Academy at Memory Juggling last night. It would be great to have a new sport we were really good at.
Too Big for Dodgeball - 12/4/2014 10:13pmSo... I really do like winning. I do! But, with Unicron's targeting cannons, and his incredibly quick AI reaction time, we're not really getting any shots in. I mean, the rest of us, right?
It's been really great being such dodgeball heroes for the past week, and I appreciate the giant Semley's Cup, and the champagne showers, and the gatorade showers, and all the media in the showers with us, but, I dunno, I really just don't feel the spirit of it anymore. Unicron just takes out the other team BAM with a single barrage, and then we celebrate?
Guys, that's not what I started this dodgeball team for.
Too Big for Dodgeball - 11/19/2014 4:00pmHey, did you notice the new big guy on campus? Unicron? I smell possible dodgeball god.
Too Big for Dodgeball - 11/3/2014 2:23pmMaybe we should be the Freaking Freaks?
Too Big for Dodgeball - 10/27/2014 8:44pmYeah, better than the dodgeball team where we're all microscopic. We tried that last year and it didn't work.
Too Big for Dodgeball - 10/18/2014 8:35pmAnd Doritos.
Too Big for Dodgeball - 10/18/2014 8:35pmI like dodgeball.