Summer Session

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- 7/3/2024 9:46pm

Hi I'm Anselsioua and my aunts have an invisible dog that follows them everywhere even inside the grocery store but they get away with it because he is invisible.

Ashlyn Trait
- 7/6/2024 10:05pm

I am good at making Airport Friends. You should go to somewhere like an Airport where you can be healed.

Uzboy Chan
- 7/9/2024 10:11pm

Alright! Varsity Psychic Tetherball is coming your way!

We've got a home match against the Grease Punks from Rudolf Diesel Vocational High this Thursday starting at 6pm. There are no bleachers at the tetherball court so bring your own camping chairs or a blanket to sit on.

Those Diesel VocTech kids have mighty strong arms from building giant robots in shop class all day, so prepare for some epic matches Thursday night! Representing the Psyhigh Psychos along with me will be Abigail Vanderberg and newcomer @lu bionica, who has been packing quite a wallop herself on our away games this season.

See you Thursday at 6!

lu bionica
- 7/11/2024 11:30pm

I'd just like to say I couldn't have done it alone. Everyone on the Psyhigh Psycho's tetherball team gave it a huge effort -- Abigail, and @Uzboy Chan, who's been a great mentor to me this season. And really I'm just standing on the shoulders of the greats that came before, like @Scarlette Sarris.

Anway I'm just so proud to be part of a team like this, and I know we can keep it up and take state this year. And we're all proud to have a great student body like this who turns out and supports us at all our matches. That's a big part of what keeps us going.

V the poet
- 7/12/2024 4:21pm

Hello all incoming summer session students.

I really don't want to introduce myself again, so I'm V. A poet, a writer, a watcher. You can write to me if you want. Don't send it yourself, but wait for the Postman to come to you.

Oh, you don't know how to know if it's the Postman? You'll know. He has that effect on people. You'll forget later, though.

Have a good summer term, everybody!

Vertonica Monstrum
- 7/18/2024 10:52pm


- 7/21/2024 8:47pm

Hello Psychic Comrades!

Greetings from your fellow freshman, Starlight! When I heard about the mysterious disappearances of Psyhigh graduates, I knew this was the place for me. How could I resist the seductive pull of the unknown, the chance to leave this mundane world behind? My arrival here is part of a grand plan, one that goes far beyond mere learning.

You see, I come from a lineage of powerful psychics, each more enigmatic than the last, from a place shrouded in secrets. I assure you, though, I'm just like you—eager to blend in and be a part of our extraordinary community.

My true purpose here? Ah, that’s where it gets interesting. I've always been fascinated by the idea of escaping the hell we call living and dissolving into the void. But my vision doesn’t stop with me. Imagine a world where pain and suffering are but distant memories. I believe we can make this happen, starting with us. We could guide the rest of the world to the same peaceful oblivion that awaits us upon graduation. Isn’t that the ultimate act of kindness?

As we embark on this journey together, I hope to unravel the secrets of Psyhigh and perhaps, upon graduation, use my abilities to help everyone find that blissful nothingness. Every end is but a new beginning, after all.

I look forward to meeting all of you and working together to unlock the full potential of our psychic powers. Until then, keep an eye on the shadows—they often hide the most intriguing secrets.

Yours enigmatically,

Bliss Toadswell
- 7/24/2024 11:58pm

If you can just get away from the sidewalks and the streets them witches are LOUD.

- 7/25/2024 5:45am

hellO fellOw psyhigh students.

Gavin Hermlish
- 7/28/2024 9:55pm

As an active member of the mentalist community, I was drawn to Psyhigh's proven ability to help students memorize long sequences of numbers, which is helpful for graduates who work as "human computers" to safely store data offline.

But what really convinced me to sign up were the exceedingly large Grompfs protecting the psychic causeways leading to the school. You don't see Grompfs like that everyday!

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