The Book Report
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Duncan - 3/31/2020 9:57amI finally finished my book report! It took me a while but I did it. Now all I need to do is turn it in and.... where did it go? You got to be kidding me, another dimensional portal sucked it up. AGAIN.
Zebo the Mag - 4/1/2020 10:21pmThe publisher spent some time outside, berating me, calling for the police, tearing up the tulips and daffodils in great big handfuls before finally wandering off.
Somehow I don't feel safe here. But come on, it's just a book, right? You can't go to jail for just owning books anymore. And I do own it, I paid for it. It's not like its stolen. What can the publisher do to me? Bring some of his publisher goons and muscle to rough me up?
What did he call it? An Illegal Reader Edition?
It must be worth a fortune.
But why? Is it merely a collectible? Or is there some kind of information in it that makes it so valuable. Frankly it's still hard to make heads or tails of: A Suggestive Inquiry into the Songs, Behaviors, and Idiosyncratic Characteristics of the Dreaming King of the Northern Presence, Sector B Subcluster, Being an Attempt Towards the Recovery of the Ancient Experiment of Nature. The weird old fashioned nature of the writing makes it tough going. I guess I could start by actually listing what's different between this text and the online edition.
Which means... I guess I've got a lot of reading ahead of me.
Zebo the Mag - 4/9/2020 10:42pmNotes on the differences between the print and the electronic versions of A Suggestive Inquiry into the Songs, Behaviors, and Idiosyncratic Characteristics of the Dreaming King of the Northern Presence, Sector B Subcluster, Being an Attempt Towards the Recovery of the Ancient Experiment of Nature.
As the pagination between the versions varies a great deal, I've only noted the page and paragraph of the text of the electronic version, then listed what appears in the print version in the same relative portion of the book. The electronic version is more of a middle-reader children's book consisting of relatively few pages, whereas the print version is near 200 pages, including diagrams and multiple appendices.
These are only a very small selection of the differences, with the print version text heavily edited for brevity.
Electronic version, page 13, paragraph 4:
The Dreaming King is a nice fluffy old man.
Print version:
The Dreaming King of the Northern Presence is an endomorphic consciousness inhabiting a particular geographic coordinate array within the Sector B Subcluster, prone to lash out with defensive etheric discharge when surprised, confused, or intimidated.
Electronic version, page 17, paragraph 2:
You might see the Dreaming King when you are on a walk in your local park!
Print version:
The Dreaming King rests within a recognizable landmark in the mountains of Sector B Subcluster, specifically the Triplet Sisters as they are known by the common mountain folk. The valley between these three scraggy mountain tops is actually an ancient caldera, and passage into the valley is treacherous. Local mountain guides refuse to accompany the traveller into the region, and will often mislead or trick visitors away from the area, fearing to awaken the wrath of the Dreaming King.
Electronic version, page 21, paragraph 3:
If you'd like to talk to the Dreaming King, it's as easy as taking a nap!
Print version:
Under no circumstances attempt to speak to the Dreaming King, as direct contact is a sure road to madness and a drooling, gibbering much shortened life. Only through carefully following the procedures described in Appendix F, and building the requisite equipment described in the Blueprints section, as well as following all the strictures listed in the Prayer of the Never-sleeping Ones (see enclosed laminated sheet), should the adept consider contact. Even then, such contact is not advised.
Zebo the Mag - 4/17/2020 7:11pmI've booked myself time at the teleportation gates for a trip to the Triplet Sisters of Sector B Subcluster. I need to complete my work on the devices from the blueprints, but luckily I had Psychic Shop Class just last term, and I have a knack for it, so Doc Spanner lets me use any of the tools I want, including the cryogenic cold saw, mental complex deburring grinder, the vibratory tuners, and the obelisk.
And let me tell you--doing that shopwork while following all the strictures listed in the Prayer of the Never-sleeping Ones does NOT make it easy. Between the bouts of dizziness, hysteric laughing, and general lack of sleep, I nearly lopped off an etheric protuberance! Good thing Doc Spanner didn't catch that or he'd kick me out for sure.
Zebo the Mag - 4/26/2020 7:35pm"You need help? We can carry! Where are you going?"
"The Triplet Sisters. Do you know them?"
The kids look at me in disgust.
"You don't want to go there. It's a very bad place."
Word gets around fast in this little mountain village. They won't even serve me in the little food shack on the dusty main street.
"You are not welcome here. Go away."
I knew from the book--A Suggestive Inquiry into the Songs, Behaviors, and Idiosyncratic Characteristics of the Dreaming King of the Northern Presence, Sector B Subcluster, Being an Attempt Towards the Recovery of the Ancient Experiment of Nature (illegal reader print edition)--that the local mountain folk wouldn't be any help. But I didn't expect them to be aggressive. If I had taken the time to learn their language, I might understand more.
However, I planned for this, and made sure that all the various devices and equipment I'll need can be carried on my back. Still, it's 40 lbs--a bit heavier than I'd like it to be. Some of that is food and water though, so it will get lighter as I go.
According to my maps, it's only a two day hike.
"You go home! You go to the Triple Sisters and you won't come back!" an old lady spits at me.
Zebo the Mag - 6/9/2020 9:54pmIt was like a dream.
Starving, dizzy as the spiral path grew smaller and smaller. Text on the screen of the ebook version of A Suggestive Inquiry into the Songs, Behaviors, and Idiosyncratic Characteristics of the Dreaming King of the Northern Presence, Sector B Subcluster, Being an Attempt Towards the Recovery of the Ancient Experiment of Nature getting smaller and smaller and harder to read in my mind. No! Not that version! What did the illegal reader's edition say? It was printed. On paper.
Weak. Food and water ran out long ago. How long? The bottom of the Valley of the Dreaming King of the Northern Presence is in perpetual twilight. Morning? Noon? Dusk? Or lit by the cool blue glow of whatever's at the valley floor?
Parched. A stream, bubbling up from the valley floor. One sip. One gulp.
I have entered the dream.
Wait. Wasn't I supposed to do something? I brought all this equipment. What did the book say? Ah,
Yeah ok wut?
Ok, got that in my pocket.
Oh, whoops.
I can see myself doing it, again and again, but each time when it almost seems real, it fades away, just like in a dream.
Instead, I'm still there. Looking.
Looking at the Dreaming King of the Northern Presence, on his bed-throne.
I walk closer. It's just a kid, not some old man. My age.
With my hair.
And my pajamas. And face.
Is that really what I sound like?
Wake up! dontwakehimup Wake up!
I want to shake him but I can't move.
I can't wake up.
I can't scream.
The Dreaming King of the Northern Presence, Sector B Subcluster, in his bed-throne, sleeps on.
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