moira angela

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Shadowy business
6/16/2016 2:23pm

Shadow Sewing Circle!!!

Our first meeting was SUCH a success we're having another Shadow Sewing Circle -- tomorrow, same time, same place.

Everyone was soooo stoked about getting shadows sewed on, we used up all the extras I had in the mason jars but DON'T WORRY there will be enough for all because I found a cheap place to order them online and a big envelope of them is supposed to arrive today.

All of you with multiple shadows are looking totally cool, and if you want more we can sew more! Can you have TOO MANY SHADOWS? Let's find out!

And if it's your first time for shadow modification, that's fine too. ALL R WELCOME!!! See u tomorrow!!

Shadowy business
6/13/2016 8:45pm

Shadow Sewing Circle!!!

Got a shadow? Need a shadow? Join the Shadow Sewing Circle! We're meeting outside the library at noon this Tuesday. @Rubellite and I will demonstrate techniques.

All it takes is faith and trust - and a needle and some sturdy thread from Michaels. Bring your own if you have it - we'll provide some too. We'll also have a number of extra shadows on hand to practice on, and a report from @Azura Kynold on what it's like to have multiple shadows attached to you at once - something I personally think is going to be a big fashion hit this summer. Bigger than The Alteration Society - even bigger than @Matching by Mattie!

See you tomorrow!!!

Shadowy business
6/7/2016 1:45pm

Despite her assurances, @Azura Kynold was not able to decide which of the shadows we caught were hers. She narrowed it down to five, so I sewed them all on. Hopefully the right one will stick! But they might end up giving her a bunch more confusing memories - ones that aren't even hers. Each shadow has its own map of the mind it comes from, and I suppose each one will try and overlay its layer on the other and it could be a bit messy for awhile, till the right one matches up. Then the other shadows should fall off like husks, or scabs, or tail transplants that don't take. But that's a sewing lesson I already learned.

Shadowy business
6/6/2016 9:05am

I went ahead and made some flyers and put them up in the commons and outside the library and at the Spoonbender coffee shop and they did really well. Who knew there were so many orphaned shadows around campus?

Do you think you could pick your shadow out from a line up, @Azura Kynold? I have them all in mason jars, but if I let them out in a dark room and use a flashlight I think you could get a good look at them. But we should probably keep them isolated from stubborn ones like @Rubellite's.

Shadowy business
6/5/2016 1:18pm

Oh dear yes I do believe your memory issues may be related to your errant shadow, @Azura Kynold. Without it you're really not a whole person and your mind will slowly begin to disintegrate. I believe you're already experiencing some symptoms of this with your macro/micro going all wacky (smaller in the morning, bigger at nite, etc).

I've got some experience with a needle and thread (and my goodness was I lucky to stay out of that Alteration Society trouble), and would be happy to help get your shadow reattached. But it is a matter of catching it first, isn't it? Flyers sound like a wonderful place to start. Does your shadow have any distinguishing features?

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