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4/23/2015 7:10am

This small Black Box has made me insane. I will soon toss this thing out my window if it does not depart soon... anyone who would like to claim this creature, please, just take it away!

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4/21/2015 7:07pm

*sigh* I regret making poor Morris leave... I mean, I know he is a ghost, but I do not want him to live in some haunted house or as such... *sigh* he was a good roommate. HE took Eralonia with him. At least the foul creature is out of my house.


I am lonely.

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4/21/2015 3:22pm

@Jerry Sterr Ah, good input! Thank you for the information. I will record this in my findings. *scribbling noises* And, that would be wonderful! I thank you grandly for wishing to assist me in my quest to destroy the "Love" disease. I wish you the best of luck in your battle.

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4/21/2015 7:38am

*click* Day 2. The foul cat-beast -which my roommate Morris has named "Eralonia"- still resides in my living area. It has made itself comfortable underneath my bed, but I know, I KNOW it's just waiting for its prey.... I shall just not leave my bed, and it will be alright... the black box is still underneath my bed as well.... with high hopes, I pray that Blackie will eat Eralonia... Hm? oh, he-LLO, Morris... oh, since you got to name YOUR disgusting creature, I get to name MINE. His name is BLACKIE. Humph. I don't see what YOU'RE grumbling about... I'm the one who has to deal with this obnoxious creature.... what?



Alright, go ahead, I-I could not care less! G-Get out then, if you are so set on moving out!.... FINE!

*door slamming*

...Fine. *sniff* *choke* *small sobs*

Journal.... I do not know what to do...

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This "Cat" Creature
4/20/2015 7:39pm

@Sam AHA! I KNEW THE CREATURE WAS DANGEROUS! It was in my room, Dorm 667 1/3. It did not harm me, but I was close, oh so close to the brink of DEATH! I do not believe it was poison, but it was completely white except for a black spot on its muzzle. The color of its eyes was an evil, sinister green.

YES! I SHALL MEET WITH YOU SOON! Thank you, Mr. S, my new "friend"! I shall see you at lunch.

*muffled* Ah, another believer that this small mammal is a demon...! No offense, Morris... I do not mean to be rude... *click*

This "Cat" Creature
4/20/2015 4:26pm

AH! AAAAAAAHHHHHH! OH NONONONONO! IT'S IN MY ROOM! *lights flickering* IT IS SHEDDING ITS DANGEROUS SPORES ALL OVER MY BELONGINGS! *shuffling noises* I am hiding under my covers from the beast.... *breathing noises* I-It has come in through my o-open window... I-I am so scared... *breathing* *shifting* AH! MORRIS! DO NOT GET NEAR THE CREA- ah. yes. You cannot touch it. But why do you approach it so fearlessly...? Hm? It seems to be vibrating again. *gasp* HOW LONG UNTIL IF EXPLODES?! MORRIS, STAY AWAY FROM THE FOUL THING! IT WILL DESTROY ME! *glass shattering* SEE WHAT IT MADE ME DO! *shuffling* Morris refuses to listen to me. I believe this strange mammal has mind control.


Morris, what was the name of this? A... "cat"...? I hate it already... WHAT?! NO! NO YOU WILL NOT KEEP IT! THE BLACK BOX IS STILL RESIDING UNDER MY BUNK SO I WILL NOT ALLOW THIS....*glass clinking* THIS /THING/ HERE! *Shuffling* Excuse me journal.

*muffled conversation*

*sigh* I return. He will not give up this ... "cat". He is naming it... after me. My second part of name... Eralonia. *mumbling* I am honored... but such a waste of a graceful name on such a disgusting creature. Wish me luck, journal.

4/20/2015 3:21pm

@Jerry Sterr I can also read minds. Not when I want to, only the times when I least wish. It is very unfortunate, I know. And by the way, what is a "Crush"? Does this have a connection to the "Love" disease? I must write this down quickly... *scribbling noises* I have made another entry in my endeavor to cure "Love". As for you, is reading minds something you may control? You do not realize your luck. I have stumbled upon many a-scandal with my ability... *sigh* there are many, many things I wish to forget.

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4/19/2015 7:04pm

I have heard many people speak of a strange disease.

It makes you sweaty and paranoid of almost everything about you. You must look beautiful when around them. I do not know who "them" is... possibly an evil force, driven by beauty, and must be surrounded by it. At least, that's what those affected by the disease believe. Your brain seems to shut down as you speak to them, and though you want to be with them forever, you wish you could stay away from them, just so you would make no mistakes or hurt them. You wish to provide to their every need.

Sometimes, they treat you with the respect and care that you give them.

But only sometimes.

Other times, they play with your emotions, and enjoy the misery and pain it causes. They toy with feelings and tease you again and again, luring you back into the same trap you fell for before.

This disease is called love.

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To your return
4/17/2015 2:20pm

I do not hear anything of the sort, Jessica. And it is alright. I returned from Japan safely, and I had actually informed our headmaster I had left, although thank you for your concerns. On the topic of the crying, maybe you are spending too much time in the dark.

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4/17/2015 1:12pm

Greetings, Journal! I return form Japan! It was wonderful. I had met a lovely Kitsune named Fuuka, and became her friend... of sorts, I believe. Oh, and I also- WHAT THE-?! THE BLACK BOX IS STILL HERE! IT HAS MADE SOME SORT OF BURROW FROM UNDERNEATH MY BED! Alright... I must retrieve it from my quarters... *sigh* Will the owner of this box please come to room 667 1/3 of the the umpteenth floor and take back this obnoxious creature? Thank you.... *click*

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